Chapter 422 Assist from Aunt Wang!

Reba blushed and whispered to Lin Yueyue: "Yueyue, it's impolite to peek at others! Besides, you can't talk about other people's figures!"

"what happened?"

"Because it will offend others. These are private matters and cannot be discussed publicly!"

"Ah? But the old ladies in our community often get together to talk about this kind of topic!" Lin Yueyue scratched her hair and looked at Reba innocently.

Reba: "???"

Are the chats among grandmas so open now?
But women, no matter how old they are, always like this kind of topic when they get together.

When actresses get together, they sometimes talk about this kind of issue.

"Those grandmas say that those with big butts will have children!"

Lin Yueyue continued: "And women with big breasts will not let their children go hungry!

Reba: "..."

She felt that this topic should not be discussed with children, so she did not speak.

"Sister Reba, your butt seems to be quite big. Are you good at giving birth? I heard that it is easy to give birth to a son!"

Hearing this, Reba's face instantly turned red, and then she glanced at Lin Feng who was standing next to her.

She exhaled and whispered: "Yueyue, these topics are not something you should think about at your age!"


"Because this topic is not something for children to discuss!"

"Sir, this is so troublesome. Why can't we discuss any topic? You always have some secret things that cannot be discussed!"

Lin Yueyue said helplessly.

Reba: "..."


Time passed quickly, and Lin Yueyue became more and more beautiful thanks to Reba's superb makeup skills.

The eyelashes were curled and curved, making her look like a doll.

Lin Feng quickly brought Reba a glass of smoothie: "Thank you for your hard work, thank you for your hard work!"

Reba took a sip and waved her hand: "It's not hard, it's all what you should do!"

Lin Feng took the snacks to the kindergarten and left home with Lin Yueyue and Reba.

Reba is a big star after all, so she put on sunglasses and a mask after going out.

But just like this, when sending Lin Yueyue to kindergarten, it also attracted the attention of many people.

After sending Lin Yueyue to kindergarten, Reba and Lin Feng could go have breakfast.

An hour later, the kindergarten performed a program.

So the two of them went to have breakfast and also went to a small supermarket.

Because Lin Yueyue's Sixty-one Kindergarten has a performance today, the small supermarket is not open this morning.

Lin Feng also posted a notice on the door.

After all, it just opened yesterday. If it doesn't open today, others will think it's closed down!

When Lin Feng and Reba arrived at the small supermarket, Reba was very surprised.

This small supermarket looks pretty good.

Just like those global chain convenience stores, except that they don't sell some hot food, they are basically just convenience stores.

The stuff is very comprehensive and the environment is very good.

Reba originally thought it was the kind of canteen at the entrance of an old community, but she didn't expect it to be such a supermarket.

In fact, there are very few such kiosks now. After all, people's conditions are getting better and better now. They even like to go to supermarkets to buy groceries. The living space of kiosks has been almost squeezed by national chain convenience stores and newly opened supermarkets in various places. .

And the small supermarket opened by Lin Feng is exactly what people need.In fact, he did not do it to make money, he just happened to decorate the store into what it is now!

"You just take a look first, I'll write a notice and post it at the door." Lin Feng said with a smile: "Just take what you want to eat, no need to save money for me!"

"It's okay, it's okay, I was full just now."

Lin Feng smiled and nodded, handed Reba a bottle of yogurt, then went to the counter, took out a piece of white paper and wrote a few big words: "Happy Children's Day, the shop will be closed for half a day in the morning!"

Seeing this notice, Reba couldn't help laughing.

Children are celebrating Children’s Day, but I didn’t expect that small supermarkets will also be celebrating Children’s Day!

This notice is also excellent.

But she now also understands that Lin Feng opened this supermarket just to kill time. After all, the money earned by independent investors is something that could not be earned by opening a hundred such small supermarkets.

Just as Lin Feng posted the notice on the door, Aunt Wang came.

It was the aunt who wanted to introduce her niece to Lin Feng at the breakfast restaurant last time.

Before he even entered the door, he said to Lin Feng: "Xiao Feng, are you selling sesame oil? Get me a bottle of sesame oil!"

"Yes, Aunt Wang. There are several brands on the shelf over there. Take a look at which one you want!"

"Good Le!"

Aunt Wang walked in and said with a smile: "Xiao Feng is pretty good. He opened a small supermarket in a blink of an eye. He is indeed someone who has made a lot of money!"

Lin Feng smiled: "I still need aunt to visit me more often!"

Aunt Wang walked into the small supermarket and the first thing she saw was Reba sitting next to the cashier.

Aunt Wang subconsciously glanced at this beautiful face and tall figure.

Reba smiled at her.

Aunt Wang immediately understood that this must be Xiaofeng's girlfriend!

No wonder he didn't agree to introduce his niece to him last time. It turns out he has known such a beautiful girl for a long time!

"Xiao Feng, your vision is quite good, not bad!"

Hearing this, Lin Feng didn't react, and scratched his hair in confusion.

Aunt Wang gestured to Reba next to her with her eyes.

"You kid, how did you deceive such a beautiful girl?" Aunt Wang said with a smile.

Lin Feng understood instantly that Aunt Wang was having a different idea.

So he said: "Aunt Wang, no, you come here first!"

"Oh, aunt was young too, you know!" Aunt Wang smiled and patted Lin Feng on the shoulder: "It's pretty good. When the time comes to get married, we will have to shout out to all our old neighbors!"

After saying that, he went directly to the shelf to get the sesame oil.

Lin Feng: "..."

After a while, Aunt Wang came to the cashier with sesame oil.

When paying the bill, she couldn't help but look at Reba, who turned red at the sight of her.

"Xiao Feng, I'm going back first, you have to treat me well!"

Lin Feng scratched his hair: "Aunt Wang, you are wrong. We are not in this kind of relationship!"

With Aunt Wang's character, if Lin Feng didn't explain clearly, rumors might spread throughout the community the next day that he was about to get married.

Aunt Wang smiled: "Auntie understands, and auntie was young too!"

After saying that, she looked at Reba: "Hello, girl, I am from the community and Xiaofeng's neighbor. Auntie, I want to ask you, do you have a boyfriend?"

Reba blushed: "Not yet!"

(End of this chapter)

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