Hearing Lin Feng's words, Reba couldn't help but smile.

"I'm very happy too!"

Reba said excitedly: "I think you have taught Lin Yueyue very well and you are a very qualified father!"

Lin Feng smiled and nodded: "Haha, praise me more, I quite like hearing others praise me!"

Reba looked at Lin Feng's proud look and said with a smile: "Brother Lin Feng, if I had such a powerful child, my nose would have turned up a long time ago. I would buy a lot of hot searches and praise my child every day. !”

"Hahaha, this method is pretty good!"

Lin Feng looked at Reba and said with a smile.


Time passed quickly.

After a while, all the children finished the show.

At this time, a teacher stood on the stage and said: "Dear parents and classmates, hello everyone!"

"Today is Children's Day. In order to allow both children and parents to have fun, our kindergarten has prepared a parent-child activity! Parents are invited to participate in this activity under the leadership of the teachers!"

"Let's start with the younger classes!"

Lin Feng: "???"

Family activities? !
He looked around with some confusion, but the other parents were very excited, and he was the only one who looked like a fool.

"When our children told me yesterday, I was looking forward to it! This is my first time to participate in such an event!"

"Yes! For the sake of our children, her mother and I both took leave today!"

Lin Feng: "..."

How come everyone knows about parent-child activities, but he has never heard of it?

Perhaps sensing something strange about Lin Feng, a parent next to him asked, "What's wrong, Lin Yueyue's dad, didn't you read the news in the group yesterday?"

Lin Feng laughed awkwardly: "Look...look..."

"Then you must have practiced at home, right?"

Lin Feng's eyes widened.

what's the situation? !

What kind of parent-child activity is this, and why do we still need to practice it? !
While thinking about it, Lin Feng took out his mobile phone and looked at the messages in the group.


The kindergarten teacher sent a second notice in the group!

Lin Feng scrolled up and saw this notice.

Lin Feng read the news carefully and then breathed a sigh of relief.

He said softly: "I was scared to death, but luckily it's nothing serious!"

Reba was very curious beside her and couldn't help but ask: "Brother Lin Feng, what kind of parent-child activity is this?"

"It's just a little game. There are three people and four legs. Parents and children tie their feet together and walk. It doesn't matter if you don't need to practice this kind of thing!"

"Three people and four legs? Are the parents and children together?" Reba couldn't help but ask.

Hearing this, Lin Feng reacted suddenly.

I go!

There are three people and four legs, so parents and children need to participate in the competition together!
Originally, Lin Feng thought that two people and three legs would be enough!

This kindergarten is sick, right? What if the parents get divorced? Will the ex-husband and ex-wife tie their children together and run together? !
Are you sure you won't get into a fight during the game? !
Lin Feng also scratched his hair. He was in this embarrassing situation now.

He felt that Da Mimi must be at the scene, but he really didn't want to be tied to Da Mimi.

Moreover, Damimi didn't want to admit that she was Lin Yueyue's mother.

Why are you tied to her?After scratching his hair, Lin Feng decided that it would be better to participate less in such activities next time.

After all, Lin Yueyue only has her father. She would definitely be sad if she saw others with their parents.

While Lin Feng was thinking, Reba looked at her expectantly.

She was waiting for Lin Feng to call her to participate in this event.

Although this activity might reveal her identity, she really wanted to participate in this parent-child activity with Lin Feng and Lin Yueyue.

After a while.

Lin Feng suddenly realized that if he did not participate and the other children did, wouldn't Lin Yueyue be even more uncomfortable? !
Thinking about it, Lin Feng saw Reba.

Lin Feng grinned and looked at Reba as if looking at his own daughter, very kind.

"What about that, Brother Lin Feng, can you just speak directly? Don't look at me with this smile. It feels like you are going to do something bad to me."

"How is it possible? Isn't my smile unattractive?"

"It's a little oily..."

Reba said very straightforwardly, but then felt that she was too direct, and then immediately shook her head: "No, it just feels weird."

Lin Feng: "..."

"Is there no course in expression management in the entertainment industry anymore? I can already feel your disgust!"

"No, no, we are very professional, but if you really can't bear it, there is nothing we can do!"

Lin Feng: "..."

Reba couldn't help but laugh: "Brother Lin Feng, if you have anything to say, just tell me directly. Our relationship..."

Reba was suddenly stunned when she said that. She originally wanted to say that she had a good relationship with Lin Feng, but it seemed inappropriate, so she changed her words and said, "I will definitely work hard for Lin Yueyue. My relationship with Lin Yueyue is great!"

Hearing this, Lin Feng immediately laughed.

He coughed twice and said, "Well, there will be a parent-child event later. You know, three people and four legs. I don't want Lin Yueyue to be sad..."

"If you don't want to expose yourself, that's fine!"

Reba immediately laughed and said, "I will definitely agree. My relationship with Yueyue is very strong!"

As she spoke, she made a face, but she was wearing a mask and was completely blocked.

"Thank you, I'll treat you to dinner after the June [-] activities are over!"

"Okay, then I have to choose the restaurant!"

"it is good!"

In this way, Lin Feng and Reba were ready to participate in parent-child activities together.

But Reba hid under the mask and couldn't help laughing. Fortunately, she agreed to Lin Yueyue to come and watch her perform. Otherwise, she wouldn't have had such a chance to have close contact!

and many more!

Rice rice!
A figure suddenly appeared in Reba's mind.

Yes, I was so happy just now that I forgot about rice.

So I turned around quickly and immediately saw Da Mimi in a miniskirt. She was standing at the back of the parents, very obvious.


She scratched her hair and whispered to Lin Feng: "Brother Lin Feng, Sister Mi has arrived!"

Lin Feng didn't care at all: "We'll be there when we get there!"

As he spoke, he breathed out: "If you want to say something nice to her, you'd better leave early!"

Reba waved her hand quickly: "No, no, I never say nice things to others..." (End of Chapter)

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