Reba apologized to Damimi in her heart.

Love is selfish, so Reba must be selfish for herself.

And, most importantly, it was Da Mi who did something unforgivable.

Today's situation is entirely her own fault.


No, maybe it's her destiny.

Maybe she really has no fate with Lin Feng!

Thinking about this, Reba secretly glanced at Lin Feng and breathed a sigh of relief when she found that Lin Feng was not angry.

Then, Reba said: "Lin Feng, I have no intention of helping Sister Mi. I just like... I like Yueyue."

"Well, I understand!"

When Reba saw Lin Feng mentioning Da Mimi, her expression turned bad, so she stopped talking and asked, "Brother Lin Feng, what should we pay attention to when we participate in the event later?"

"What should you pay attention to...just be careful!" Lin Feng said with a smile: "We don't need to compete for first place or anything, it's just an event anyway, just have fun and don't get hurt!"

"Don't you have to fight for first place?"

"Of course not, it's not a grand prix, just have fun!"

Reba: "..."

She scratched her hair. In her impression, Lin Feng used to work hard in any activity. Even athletes admired that kind of hard work.

Especially a certain basketball player who lost two days ago told reporters during an interview that they should learn from Lin Feng's competitive spirit...

Why is Lin Feng so Buddhist now?
Could it be that this is the tenderness of a father? !

Rice rice.

At this time, she couldn't bear the sun anymore, and there were beads of sweat on her forehead.

If it was work, she would have gone back to the nanny's car to rest, or at least she would have hidden under the assistant's sun umbrella.

But today she didn't. She stood in the heat under the sun and felt a way to make up for the guilt in her heart.

Although it only touched herself, she felt better.

Likewise, she also wanted to impress Lin Feng.

But even so, she was already a little irritable in her heart.

She wanted to end this boring Children's Day event right now and take Lin Yueyue and Lin Feng to a restaurant for a meal.

There's something really wrong with this kindergarten. It just needs a little show on Children's Day. It's been going on for so long. Do you have the power?

The assistant also saw the annoyance in Da Mimi's eyes, and quickly took a bottle of Evian and handed it over.

"Sister Mi, the sun is a bit too hot. If you stay in the sun for too long, the previous whitening injections will lose their effect!" The assistant said, "Otherwise, can I hold an umbrella for you?"

"It's okay, just go to the beauty salon later!"

Although Da Mimi said so, the assistant still prepared a series of sun protection measures.

He took out a sun hat and handed it to Da Mimi to cover her up a little.

After a while, it was time for the activity.

The small class is shown, then the middle class.

When it was Lin Yueyue's turn for class, it was already an hour later.

The rule for three-person and four-legged is that the child stands in the middle and ties the left and right feet together with the parents' left and right feet respectively.

After hearing the referee's voice, you can start.

This kindergarten is indeed a grassroots team that organizes activities.

Generally, two people and three legs are the best, but kindergartens must have three people and four legs.

This makes divorced families and families with twins very difficult.Another small number of children could only stand angrily and act as cheerleaders, as if they did not exist in this Children's Day.

Lin Feng had Reba's help and successfully participated in the competition.

They are in the third group.

At the beginning, Lin Feng and Reba were relatively relaxed, and they were very happy watching others compete.

There was a child who was forced to do the splits by his parents. He was holding his crotch and crying while being led by his parents to continue running.

There was also a child with his feet dangling in the air, his face turned pale with fright as he was being led forward by his parents.

Lin Feng and Reba couldn't help laughing loudly.

After a while, it was time for the third group of games.

Lin Feng and Reba then came to Lin Yueyue.

Seeing Reba coming, Lin Yueyue immediately became happy.

She had just been worried about whether her father would be able to participate in this event alone.

Fortunately, sister Reba is here.

So, after seeing Reba, she was as excited as a little monkey. She crawled onto Reba's body, hugged Reba's neck and said with a smile: "Sister Reba, it's great that you can come. !”

"Hahaha, if I can't run fast in a while, you can't blame me!"

"How could it be? I would be very happy if you came over to help me and my dad participate in the competition."

"Then we've made an agreement!"

Lin Feng saw Lin Yueyue and Reba smiling happily, and couldn't help but laugh. He deliberately teased Lin Yueyue and said, "Yueyue, can you hold a bowl of water evenly? I'm here too, why don't you thank you?" me?"

"You are my dad, so you must come over, right?" Lin Yueyue said with a smile.

"Hey, why am I sure? Then I need to rest!"

"No, no, no, good daddy!"

Reba couldn't help but cover her mouth and laugh. The bickering between Lin Feng and Lin Yueyue was so fun.


"The third group of competitions, parents and children, are you ready?"

Hearing the teacher's words, Lin Yueyue stood up quickly, holding Reba's hand and Lin Feng's hand.

To be honest, it really looks like a family of three!
Da Mimi stood behind the crowd and waited.

She just heard on the radio that a parent-child event was going to be held.

If Lin Feng came to beg her, she would reluctantly go there and participate.

But no matter how hard she climbed up, she still didn't wait for Lin Feng.

She felt that Lin Feng probably did not participate in this event.

However, just when she took out her mobile phone and was about to send a message to Lin Feng, she suddenly saw Reba standing next to Lin Feng and Lin Yueyue!

The three of them went to the event!
Although Reba was wearing a mask and sunglasses, Da Mimi could still recognize her at a glance.

For a moment, she almost fainted.

She looked at the three people in shock. If they were strangers, they would definitely think that they were a family of three!
At this time, the hot sun seemed to be frozen.

Da Mimi felt cold all over and could only look at the three people in the distance stupidly.

The assistant also felt something strange about Da Mimi.

Others thought that Da Mimi had a good temper, but in fact she knew that Da Mimi was a very difficult person to get along with.

She swallowed, not knowing what happened.

She didn't even know why Damimi came to participate in this kindergarten activity!
After thinking for a long time, she still didn't speak. After all, too much words lead to mistakes! (End of chapter)

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