My daughter, I asked you to be on the show, but I didn’t ask you to find a stepmother.

Chapter 427 The terrifying hell of three people and four legs!

"Oh! Lin Feng! Oh my god, I didn't expect that the children of other celebrities are in the same kindergarten as our children!"

"I thought the children of those celebrities went to top bilingual kindergartens abroad!"

"We are also a good private kindergarten!"

"Who is that woman next to Lin Feng? She looks familiar!"

"Is Lin Feng getting married again? Why is there no news online?"

"Lin Feng has quit the entertainment industry a long time ago. Isn't it normal that there is no news on the Internet?"

"I didn't expect that after a celebrity has passed away, he can only be like ordinary people!"

"I heard before that he chose not to get married for Lin Yueyue. How long has it passed? There is a beautiful woman next to him!"

"Don't you all know?! Liu Sisi lives across from his house. Maybe the two of them have been lying on the same bed!"

Da Mimi heard the surrounding parents talking about Lin Feng and Reba, but she didn't pay much attention at first.

But the more she listened, the more something was wrong. Why did she say that Lin Feng had become an ordinary person?

This made her feel a little uncomfortable.

But she still endured it.

Maybe it was because it was too hot and she was uncomfortable being exposed to the sun. After hearing these discussions, she felt angry.

She frowned and looked at the parents in front of her, and said, "What does it matter to you if someone quits the entertainment industry? Does it have anything to do with you what kind of life they choose?"

After hearing her words, those parents stopped discussing.

But those parents focused on her, and her voice was very recognizable. After a while, some parents recognized her.

One parent was very surprised and said: "Oh my god, are you Da Mi Mi?!"

The big secret didn't respond, but everyone felt that she acquiesced.

"Oh my god, it's really rice. I thought, how could someone have such a good temperament!"

As he said that, the parents gathered around.

The assistant quickly came to Da Mimi to block the enthusiastic parents.

Da Mimi exhaled, looked at the parents and said, "Hello, I'm just here to participate in the event. Can you not let other people know?"

As she spoke, she took off her mask and smiled slightly at the parents in front of her.

"Okay, okay! We promise not to say anything, so what, can I take a photo or sign an autograph with you?"

Rice: "..."

Although she was a little irritable, she still took photos and signed autographs with these parents.


At this time, parent-child activities officially begin.

Lin Yueyue has been tied to Lin Feng and Reba.

Reba looked at the parents around her and took a deep breath.

She looked at Lin Yueyue nervously and said, "Yueyue, sister Reba is not very good at this kind of sport. If you can't run fast, you can't blame me!"

"It's okay, Sister Reba, my dad just told me, it's just for fun!"

"ready, go!"

Following the teacher's voice, all the contestants in the third group began to move forward.

Everyone moved quickly towards the finish line.

However, everyone was tied to the children and had to cooperate in various ways, so they walked very slowly.

Moreover, although some parents practiced it last night.

But this kind of thing is not an activity that can make great progress after practicing it for one night.

But the speed is indeed slightly faster than Lin Feng and the others.

They have never practiced at all, and they don’t even have slogans.

Lin Feng, Reba, and Lin Yueyue had no tacit understanding. Reba had never participated in this event before, so she was very nervous.

She now felt like a puppet, her head was not on her body, and she had even forgotten how to walk.

She could only keep apologizing to Lin Yueyue. "It's okay! It's okay! Sister Reba, we are just participating in the activities. The most important thing is to have fun!"

Although she said this, she was very anxious when she saw that she fell to the last place.

Lin Feng and Reba both saw that Lin Yueyue was anxious.

This kid is really mature!

Reba was a little embarrassed that she had to ask such a young child to understand her.

At this moment, Lin Feng smiled and said: "Let's set a password, so our speed should be slightly improved."

"What password?"

Lin Feng said: "In this way, when I say one, I will go first. When I say two, Yueyue, you will step forward with your right foot. When I say three, Yueyue, you will move your right foot. When I say four, Hot Ba, just follow me, okay?"

Some are too complicated. When there are two people with three legs, one, two, one two is enough, but when there are three people with four legs, there must be four slogans.

I can't even remember it in my head, let alone my feet.

"It's okay. Let's give it a try first. Pay attention to my voice!"

Lin Feng took a look and saw that someone at the front had already completed half of the race.

Moreover, he felt that if the three people were completely familiar with the slogan, the entire competition might be over.

So, just walk and get familiar with it.

Reba and Lin Yueyue were both very confused, but they chose to believe Lin Feng.

"Then let's start now!"


After Lin Feng finished speaking, he started walking forward.


His left foot, which was tied to Lin Yueyue, also began to move forward.


Because of the inertia of walking, Lin Yueyue walked unconsciously in this third step, which happened to lead Reba to take a step.


After the slogan was shouted, the three of them walked forward for a complete episode.

After this test, Lin Yueyue and Reba became somewhat familiar with each other.

Lin Yueyue immediately became happy. According to this slogan and method, even if they can't catch up with No. 1, they will definitely not be the last one!

Thinking about it, she shouted loudly: "Come on, come on! Go!"

Reba also nodded vigorously: "Go for it! Go for it!"

Lin Feng couldn't help but laugh. Although this was a parent-child event for a family of three, Lin Feng seemed to have brought his two daughters to participate.

But now is not the time to think about that.

Lin Feng hurriedly coughed twice and said, "I'm shouting slogans now, you all follow me!"

"one two three four!"

"one two three four!"

Because of Lin Feng's slogan, the speed of the three of them actually accelerated a lot.

They moved forward and successfully passed the second, third, and fourth from the bottom!

The three people actually walked faster and faster.

After they reacted, they had already arrived at No. 2!

Now they are almost reaching the finish line, but they are only about two positions away from No. 1!

Reba and Lin Yueyue became excited instantly.

"come on! Come on!"

"Come on, Dad!"

"Sister Reba, come on!" (End of chapter)

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