Chapter 428 We are the champions!champion!

The competition has come to the battle between No.1 and No.2.

"There are still ten meters! Nine meters! Eight meters..."

When the teacher counted seven meters, Lin Feng had already arrived at No. 1's side.

Reba was so nervous that her whole body almost stiffened.

She carefully looked at the group next to her and kept cheering for herself in her heart.

But it was this glance that distracted her attention, and her rhythm was suddenly disrupted.

Reba was confused and fell forward.

Lin Yueyue was startled and shouted loudly: "Sister Reba!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she also fell forward. Reba quickly reached out her hand to hug Lin Yueyue.

Just when everyone thought they were going to fall, Lin Feng raised his hand and hugged the two of them.

By the way, he ran two steps forward, hugged Lin Yueyue and Reba, passed No. 1, and rushed to the finish line.

Just after they reached the finish line, the referee teacher immediately blew the whistle.

"The third set of games is over!"

At this time, Reba's face was pressed tightly into Lin Feng's arms, and she could even hear Lin Feng's breathing.

Reba's whole body stiffened.

She even felt waves of suffocation, and her whole body went limp in Lin Feng's arms.

Just after she imagined a passionate love scene, Lin Yueyue's voice came over.

"Dad, are we champions?"

"Yes! We are the champions!"

Hearing this, Lin Yueyue immediately laughed happily, pulled Reba's arm hard, and jumped up: "Sister Reba! We are the champions!"

"Sister Reba, why do you have no strength? Are you injured?!"

Reba: "..."

She quickly left Lin Feng's arms.

Reba looked at Lin Yueyue in a panic, and then glanced at Li Feineng.

His face turned red and he said, "I accidentally fell down and hugged your dad. I didn't mean it!"

Although she said this to Lin Yueyue, she actually said it to Lin Feng.

She didn't want Lin Feng to think that she was a casual person.


At this time, Lin Feng interrupted Lin Yueyue and said with a smile: "Yueyue, we are No. 1 and we are going to receive the award!"

Hearing this, Lin Yueyue immediately jumped up and down happily: "Yes, yes! Teacher Zhu said before that No.1 has a doll!"

Lin Yueyue was very happy, but she didn't notice that she was still tied to Lin Feng and Reba.

When she jumped like this, Reba stumbled and was about to fall down.

Lin Feng quickly pulled Lin Yueyue to stop her from moving, but this movement caused his lips to accidentally touch Reba's ear.

Lin Feng: "..."

For a moment, he was confused.

I could only say in a low voice: "Sorry, sorry!"

Reba quickly waved her hand.

At the same time, I was very depressed mentally.

Why are you wearing a mask? If you weren't wearing a mask, you wouldn't have been kissed on your ears just now, but on your face!

Lin Feng first untied the ropes around Lin Yueyue and Reba's legs, and then untied his own rope.

The three of them were finally able to move around freely.

Lin Yueyue immediately jumped up and down happily.

Pulling Lin Feng and Reba along, they were about to go to the front to receive the award.

Lin Feng and Reba could only follow her forward.

The three of them stood on the podium and received the dolls belonging to the champion.

Lin Yueyue happily held the doll and smiled: "Sister Reba, thank you!" "It's okay, I had a lot of fun too!"

"Sister Reba, would you like to give this doll as a souvenir to you?" Lin Yueyue scratched her hair and handed the doll to Reba reluctantly.

Reba looked at her appearance and couldn't help but laugh.

He rubbed her little head and said, "It's okay, just keep it!"

At this time, the teacher called them over to take a group photo.

So Reba followed Lin Feng and Ling Yue to take a group photo together.

While standing there, Reba thought for a moment and took off her mask and sunglasses.

Just after she revealed her true appearance, everyone present was stunned.

Even the kindergarten teacher was stunned.

This is... Reba!

My God, this is the female star Reba!

No wonder it smells so good!

This face value is too beautiful!
She is a hot baby mother with a very good temperament.

But at this moment, everyone knew that she was the big star Reba!

"Are you Reba?" the kindergarten teacher asked softly.

"Yes!" Reba smiled and then said hello to the people around her.

Everyone immediately nodded towards Reba.

"Can we take pictures now?"

"Of course! Of course!"

Originally it was just a photo shoot, but now it’s actually a photo with a big star!
This is so cool!

This is like the feeling of qualifying for a certain basketball game despite losing all the teams in the group stage.

But many times, even if you count the small points, you have already failed, and the last game may be even worse...

I need to cry while listening to the passionate BGM played by Bi Ren...


Everyone present was secretly looking at Reba.

So much so that many people were holding their mobile phones and wanted to take photos with Reba.

Reba also unified them all very generously.

Lin Yueyue was very happy. She felt that her sister Reba was very popular with everyone.

The surrounding parents were even more shocked.

Unexpectedly, Reba actually came to participate in the kindergarten activities!
This is too shocking!
"Is this really Reba? It's not some imitation show, right?"

"How can it be a parody show? Lin Feng is already a star. Is there any problem with hiring a star?"

"Oh my God, this is not true. Why is Reba standing with Lin Feng? No, why is Lin Feng standing with Reba!"

"It's so fake. How can a female celebrity come to an event without a bodyguard?"

"It's just a resemblance!"

"Are you out of your mind? Da Mimi is standing behind you, so Reba can't come?!"

"That rice rice may be fake!"

"How could it be possible? If it's all fake, Jiaxing will sue them tomorrow!!"

"Lin Feng was a big star before. Although he has quit the entertainment industry now, he must still have many good friends. Isn't it normal to come and accompany him to participate in the children's Children's Day activities?"

"No matter what, let's take some more photos and post them online!"

Many people took pictures of Reba and Dami with their mobile phones.

Da Mimi frowned slightly.

She doesn't like being patted.

But fortunately, after Lin Feng's side is over, I should be able to go over and have a few words with him.

But right now.

But she saw that Lin Yueyue returned to the backstage, but Lin Feng and Reba had no intention of coming over!
(End of this chapter)

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