Chapter 433 Who is the best match for Lin Feng?

Fans are not only discussing who Lin Yueyue's mother is.

We are also discussing who is a better match for you.

"It must be Reba. Look at the photo of Reba, Lin Feng and Lin Yueyue. They look like a family of three!"

"Lin Feng's appearance can match anyone!"

"Lin Feng and Da Mimi are not bad either. Their children are definitely very cute!"

"I think Lin Feng and Liu Sisi are a good match!"

"With Liu Yifei!"

Fans of Dami Mi and Reba’s fans gathered together to start a discussion. However, this topic became very popular and even ranked No. 1 on the hot search!

And marketing accounts have also begun to gain popularity.

Directly turning Lin Feng into the number one brother-in-law of domestic entertainment.

They paired Lin Feng with all the female celebrities and let fans choose who is the best match for Lin Feng.

In fact, there were videos like this before, but they were paired with Lin Feng and the four fairies.

That marketing account caught this wave of popularity very well.

And this time it’s not just the Four Flowers of Fairy Sword, but many other female stars are also included.

There are even female celebrities who joined the entertainment industry after Lin Feng retired, and they all paired up with Lin Feng in this video.

A marketing account is a marketing account. This video was cut to make Lin Feng look like a Barbie doll, constantly changing clothes.

If you don't look carefully, you won't be able to tell. It was edited from many videos.

Lin Feng also instantly became a hot search topic, and the young actors immediately became sour.

Of course, Lin Feng didn't know these things.

However, the people at Jiaxing Media already knew everything.

Seeing that the popularity of Reba and Damimi has reached the top of the hot search, they don't know whether they need to do some public relations.

So I sent a message to Dami and asked.

After Da Mimi saw the news, she immediately opened her scarf.

I have to say that the heat was so high that it paralyzed my neck.

Da Mimi opened it several times before entering the hot search page.

Yes, I am very satisfied with this hot rice.

Sure enough, scandals are what fans are happy to see.

This kind of hot search is neither positive nor negative, so there is no need for public relations.

However, this kind of heat needs to be tempered.

So she asked the public relations department to re-edit the kiss scene between herself and Lin Feng and promote it on the Internet.

Anyway, it's all just filming and it's not real. Let those fans eat CP. The more discussions there are, the more popular she will become.

After sending these messages, she put her phone away.

At this time of hunger, Lin Feng was persuading Lin Yueyue to drink big lump porridge.

This porridge is very fragrant, but Lin Yueyue wants to eat meat more.

But Lin Feng was worried that she would suffer from indigestion if she ate too much meat, so he persuaded Lin Yueyue to drink some porridge.

"I don't want to drink this porridge!" Lin Yueyue bulged her mouth: "Dad! I want to eat meat! This meat is so delicious!"

"You drink some porridge first and then eat the meat, otherwise your stomach won't be able to digest it and you won't be able to sleep tonight!"


Lin Yueyue acted cutely towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, was not depressed at all.

"How about I drink a little?"

"Just take a few sips, no need to finish it!" Lin Feng said helplessly.Then, he filled half a bowl of porridge for Lin Yueyue, and specially put chopsticks on the small bowl.

Reba and Damimi: "..."

They were all stunned.

What's going on, playing magic? !

Not only them, Lin Yueyue was also stunned.

Therefore, everyone at this table looked at Lin Feng blankly.

Lin Feng adjusted his chopsticks so that they would not fall into the porridge, and said softly: "Well, you have to watch, using the chopsticks as the connection, you only need to eat half, okay?!"

Lin Yueyue blinked and nodded vigorously: "Okay! Dad, I agree!"

Lin Feng smiled slightly: "Okay, then come on!"

"Don't be shy!"

"No no no no!"

Lin Yueyue took a spoon and started to drink half of the porridge.

Da Mimi and Reba were stunned.

They blinked and said nothing.

Isn’t this Lin Yueyue a little too easy to fool?

Is this how Lin Feng tricked his daughter? !
Just put a chopstick on the bowl and fool Lin Yueyue into drinking porridge? !
This can be divided into half of a hammer. In the end, Lin Yueyue could only drink the entire small half bowl of porridge!
Da Mimi looked at Lin Yueyue and then at Li Feineng, wanting to give a warning.

But before she could say anything, she was stopped by Reba.

"Sister Mi, these dishes are so delicious!"

"Reba, you..." Da Mimi was stunned for a moment.

"I know, but Sister Mi, don't worry about it. After all, Lin Feng brought Lin Yueyue up since childhood!" Reba stopped Damimi and didn't let her talk too much.


"Oh, Sister Mi, you eat a piece of Guobao Pork first. This Guobao Pork is really authentic!"

After saying that, Reba put a piece of meat for Damimi, and then said quietly to Damimi: "Children will suffer from indigestion if they eat too much meat. There is nothing wrong with tricking Lin Yueyue into drinking some porridge to help digestion!"


Reba said so, which proves that Lin Feng did nothing wrong.


Lin Feng has been a father for several years, so he is definitely better at raising children than himself!

Although Da Mimi is a mother, she has never taken care of Lin Yueyue for a day, so she doesn't know how to be a mother at all.

Thinking of this, Da Mimi felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

Thinking of this, she turned to Lin Yueyue and said, "Yueyue, do you want to go to Auntie's house to play for a few days? Auntie has a lot of toys there!"

Hearing this, Lin Feng's eyes widened instantly.

He looked at Da Mimi and warned her not to go too far with his eyes!
Da Mimi pretended not to see it and continued to say to Lin Yueyue: "Our house is very big, and there is a swimming pool!"

Lin Yueyue took a sip of porridge, glanced at Lin Feng, and said, "No need, Sister Mi! I think it's more comfortable to stay at home."

"You can think more about it!" Da Mimi continued: "Your family is a bit small. We have a big one and a swimming pool. In the summer, we just play in the water!"

"Forget it, I prefer to stay with dad!" Lin Yueyue continued to drink porridge: "If dad goes with me, I will agree!"

"Lin Feng, you..."

"No need!" Lin Feng decided directly: "Yueyue has to go to school, and I also have to look after the store, so I don't have time to go anywhere else!"

"It's the weekend, come to my place to play on the weekend!" Da Mimi said with a smile: "Reba, you can come with me on the weekend too!"

Reba: "..."

She feels very embarrassed now. Lin Feng has clearly refused, but Da Mimi still wants to invite...

(End of this chapter)

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