Chapter 434 Attack of Dami Mi, I want to get back together!
Reba thought helplessly.

Lin Feng just didn't want to get involved with Da Mimi, why did she insist on getting involved!

In fact, the rice is shaking.

But she just wanted to push forward. She just wanted to get back together with Lin Feng.

She was actually betting that Lin Feng still had her in his heart.

After all, Lin Feng needs a good background, good looks, and a good figure. There may not be anyone like him in the entire domestic entertainment industry.

Moreover, she and Lin Feng have a child.

Da Mimi also wanted to compensate Lin Yueyue and wanted Lin Yueyue to grow up in a good environment.

Therefore, Damimi has been secretly kicking Reba, trying to get Reba to speak for him.

But Reba never spoke.

Based on Lin Feng's current expression, it felt like he would leave with Lin Yueyue at any time.

In order to prevent Lin Feng from hating her, Reba disguised herself as a fool and just concentrated on cooking without saying a word.

"No, we have to look after the store on weekends!" Lin Feng said calmly: "Boss Da Mimi is at the peak of his career now, so there is no need to waste time on us, right?"

Hearing this, Da Mimi's expression changed instantly.

She understood that Lin Feng was saying that she abandoned her daughter and him for the sake of her career.

The two of them were already on the verge of falling out.

But Lin Yueyue didn't understand the situation, so she smiled and said to Da Mimi: "Yes, Sister Mi, we are very busy. We have to look after the store on weekends, so we won't go swimming!"

As she spoke, she held her little head up proudly: "I am a little girl who wants to help my father make money!"

After saying that, she glanced at Lin Feng, and then moved the chopsticks on the small bowl towards her.

But just after using the chopsticks, he saw Lin Feng's smiling expression.

Lin Yueyue: "..."

She shrank her head: "I just moved the chopsticks a little bit, I drank a little less, I couldn't drink anymore..."

"It's okay, I didn't say you can't use chopsticks!"

"Hey, hey, dad, you are the best dad!"

Lin Feng: "..."

He laughed helplessly.

Lin Yueyue was really cute. In order to drink less porridge, she secretly moved her chopsticks.

But she was a little cute, because she didn't know that chopsticks couldn't actually stop the porridge in the bowl. No matter how she moved the chopsticks, she still had to drink the half bowl of porridge!
Lin Feng thought about it, then moved his chopsticks towards Lin Yueyue, and said with a smile: "In order to prevent you from holding on, I will move it for you again!"

"Dad, you really touched me!"

Reba: "..."

Rice: "..."

This little idiot!
Da Mimi originally wanted to chat with Lin Feng for a while, but she understood that if she said a few more words, Lin Feng might just leave.

Therefore, she had no choice but to endure it, and in the end she had no choice but to eat the soybean paste bones.

While gnawing on the bones, she suddenly saw the soybean paste bones on Lin Feng's plate. He didn't move at all.

Suddenly she couldn't bear it anymore, and she said aggrievedly: "Lin Feng, why don't you eat the bones I gave you!"

"I feel sick to my stomach today and don't want to eat this!" Lin Feng said casually.


Reba's face turned pale when she saw Mimi, and she quickly gave her a chopstick of food: "Sister Mi, eat some food, eat some food..."

With that said, she gave Lin Yueyue another chopstick: "Yueyue, you should eat more of this dish, it's very delicious!"

"Thank you, sister Reba! You are a good person!"

Damimi: "..." Now she can only eat to resolve the pain in her heart.

She didn't stop until she was full.

She finally understood that Lin Feng had changed!
No longer will she be the one who comes over to comfort her whenever she loses her temper!

But she won't give up!

Although this road is very difficult, she must successfully reunite with Lin Feng!

Even though Lin Feng hates Da Mimi very much, he doesn't want to cause too much trouble with Lin Yueyue here.

I don't have much grudge against her, but I won't give her a good look either.

In Lin Feng's eyes, Da Mimi is not even as good as the neighbors in the community!

Lin Feng was already generous to allow Lin Feng to sit here and have a meal with her.

Yes, that is generosity!
Because if it were any other person, they might just knock the table off!

After eating, Lin Feng took Lin Yueyue back to the small supermarket.

Today is the second day of opening.

I shut it down for half a day in the morning, which is a bit excessive no matter how you think about it.

So, after eating, Lin Feng took Lin Yueyue back to check out the store.

Since Reba had a day off today, she also wanted to stay with Lin Feng for a while.

And Da Mimi also wanted to stay with Lin Feng for a while.

Therefore, when Lin Yueyue asked politely if he wanted to go to the small supermarket to sit for a while, the two of them immediately agreed.

At this time, today's events continued to spread on the Internet.

Perhaps Jiaxing's public relations department took action, so most of the videos on the Internet are about Lin Feng and Da MiMi.

In an instant, fans were reminded of what happened back then.

There are many CP fans who are frantically looking for pictures of the two of them in the same frame, trying to prove that the two are actually together.

However, this is only limited to CP fans.


Lin Feng and the others arrived at the small supermarket.

Because Reba had been here in the morning, she was no longer curious.

Dami Mi was very curious and felt very fresh.

In fact, Damimi felt that Lin Feng should not stay here and that there should be a better career waiting for him.

Even if he doesn't want to act, according to Lin Feng's strength, it is possible to open a large supermarket. Why open a small supermarket...

Thinking about it, she came to Lin Feng while Reba and Lin Yueyue were going to the bathroom.

She looked at Lin Feng very tenderly.

"Lin Feng, can we have a chat?"

"What do I want to talk to you about?"

"Lin Feng, please don't be like this, okay? I am Lin Yueyue's mother, why can't we talk?"

"Just can't talk!" Lin Feng shrugged and didn't look at Da MiMi at all.

"Lin Feng, please don't treat me like this!" Da Mimi exhaled helplessly: "I understand that I was wrong before and I shouldn't have left you. Can you give me a chance to make up for it?"

"Forget it, I don't want to have anything to do with you!"

"Don't refuse me. This small supermarket is indeed a bit small. I can rent you a larger place in the mall. If you want to open a supermarket, just open it there, okay?"

"No!" Lin Feng sneered: "I like to open small supermarkets like this. If you don't want to come in, then leave as soon as possible!"

(End of this chapter)

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