Chapter 437 Are you willing to be your stepmother?

Lin Yueyue suddenly panicked.

"Sister Mi, Sister Mi, that's not what I meant. It's not that I don't want to be with you. I mean, there are more people. It will be more lively."

"But, Sister Mi just wants to hold you to sleep, is that okay?"

"Sister Mi, I, I, you, I'm not familiar with you either."

Yes, what the child said is really true.

During all these years, when had she ever been with her children?Moreover, Reba has always been the transmission link in the middle.

Damimi now began to regret why she regarded Reba as a person she trusted so much and allowed her to get close to her family.

Now, it seems that she can no longer get rid of this home.

"Okay, if both of us are here, would you like this?"

"Oh, that's great, great, I do. My bed is very big. Sister Mi and Sister Reba, you are on the left and right, and Yueyue is lying in the middle."

Damimi finally smiled.

She turned around and looked at Reba who was stunned.

At this time, Reba was still standing behind the door at a loss.

"Sister Mi, I, I have something to do tonight. I'm afraid, I can't stay here."

Regarding the reunion of the family of three, no matter how much I loved Lin Feng, it seemed that I shouldn't stay at this time.

"Yueyue is very happy. It has been a long time since she has been like this. I hope you can promise me this time, okay?"

"But Sister Mi..."


She didn't say anything, she just shouted the name excitedly.

After so many years of relationship between the two, there is really no way for Reba to refuse all this.

In addition, here, I can get along with Lin Feng more.

This is the result I want to see.

"OK then."

"Oh, great, great, sister Reba also agreed."

Lin Yueyue danced happily on the ground, as if she didn't know how to express her feelings.

"Sister Reba, let me show you my toys. They are all bought for me by my father."

In fact, it can be seen that Lin Yueyue's attention has always been focused on Reba.

She held Reba's hand enthusiastically, and then walked around. There was a small space over there, which she probably built herself.

Da Mimi just walked forward curiously, but when she saw that her position was not left at all, she withdrew from the room.

Since Reba is here to watch, children's feelings should be easy to fool.

From now on, I mainly need to spend more time with her. I believe there shouldn't be any big problems.

After all, mother and daughter are connected by heart, and there is a blood relationship between them. No one can change this.

Da Mimi walked around the room, as if nothing had changed from the previous furnishings.

She returned to the familiar bedroom.

This was the place where she and Lin Feng had their own world.

The bed is still the familiar bed.

However, what only made Da Mimi feel regretful was that the wedding photo that was hanging on the bedside had now been taken down by Lin Feng.

Instead, there was a picture of his daughter.

The bed sheets are also new.

Da Mimi opened the closet, and there was nothing in it that belonged to him. Everything belonged to Lin Feng and the child.It seemed that there was something wrong with the rumors outside. In other words, Lin Feng had never found anyone in the past few years.

To be honest, Da MiMi still appreciates Lin Feng's persistence.

For some reason, when she saw Lin Feng again this time, she seemed to suddenly have an impulse.

If I could get back together with Lin Feng again, wouldn't that be the greatest blessing in the world?

"Sister Mi, what are you doing here?"

At this moment, Lin Yueyue suddenly walked into the room.

Generally this is a bedroom, and it is the owner's bedroom, so Lin Yueyue is relatively clear about this. She knows that this room cannot be visited casually.

"Haha, it's nothing, I just took a look."

"Sister Mi, it seems inappropriate for you to enter my father's bedroom, right?"

"Oh, why is it inappropriate? Your father is not a woman. After I came in, there was nothing inappropriate, right?"

"This is someone else's house, and there may be other privacy inside. So, Sister Mi, you'd better come out. There's a living room over there. I'll take you there to watch TV for a while."

"Okay, I understand. By the way, don't you usually live in this room with your father?"

"Yes, daddy has a room, and then I have a room by myself."

"So does your dad usually live alone? Has anyone else come over?"

After saying this, Lin Yueyue only paused slightly.

"Sister Mi, what do you want to know about?"

What a really smart kid.

It was just a simple question, but she was able to capture such important information from it.

Her question really made Dami Mi feel nothing.

Although I have not been in contact with him in the past few years, I have heard some tidbits about Lin Feng from Reba.

"No, I'm just asking casually, right?"

"Do you want to be my stepmother?"

Boy, this sentence is even more direct.

Now that this point has been mentioned, Da Mimi feels that she should be able to continue chatting along this topic.

She walked over and squatted in front of Lin Yueyue.

"Yueyue, tell Sister Mi, if you let me be your stepmother, would you be willing?"

"Well, this..."

It seemed that Lin Yueyue was indeed hesitant.

She raised her head and looked at Reba again.

"Actually, Sister Reba is pretty good too. I am also willing to let Sister Reba be my stepmother."

This is simply a slap in Mimi’s face.

Reba's face suddenly turned red.

"Yueyue, you can't say that, and besides, it's not a joke."

"Really, I really want Sister Reba to be my stepmother, but Sister Mi also wants to be my stepmother now, so who should I choose?"

"This is not something you should consider, but something your father should consider. Do you understand?"

Reba walked over and changed the topic directly.

"Hey, didn't you say you would give me a good tour of your home? Come on, show me where it is."

"Come, let me take you there. Normally, dad and I play games here."

(End of this chapter)

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