Chapter 438 You want to disappear completely
Children are children, and although they are very smart, she can forget about this topic in the blink of an eye.

Finally, under the joint coaxing of the two people, Yueyue finally lay on the bed.

Silly has fallen asleep.

Damimi looked really cute looking at her sleeping soundly at this moment.

She suddenly discovered that this child actually looked quite similar to her.

Da Mimi gently bent down, and then couldn't help but kiss Lin Yueyue's chubby face.

Finally, he walked out of the room carefully.

"Sister Mi, look, if there's nothing going on here, I'll go back first."

"How can we go back? You have already promised Yueyue that you will stay here tonight."

"However, it is somewhat inappropriate for me to live here. The child mentioned this just now, so I can only reluctantly agree. Isn't this to prevent her from being unhappy?"

"You must do what you promised. Also, Reba, there is something I want to ask you."

In fact, some things have already been shown openly, and she feels that she really doesn't need to hide them anymore.

Although Reba is currently a good girlfriend and good friend of mine, and she has indeed helped him convey a lot of news over the years.

However, now she felt like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth. She had really pushed Reba a little too far forward.

"Sister Mi, what do you want to say to me?"

Even if Damimi didn't speak, Reba could actually feel it and knew what topic he wanted to talk to her about, and it was nothing more than about that man.

"In this period of time, I have always used you to help me find out about Yueyue. To be honest, it's really a big thank you to you."

"Haha, Sister Mi, what are you talking about? Isn't this what I should do? Besides, if it's not convenient for you to come forward, then I will definitely be able to help you."

"So, Reba, you have really helped me a lot in the past few years, but from today on, I don't need your help anymore."

When Damimi said these words, Reba was suddenly stunned.

What do you mean, is this ready to be kicked away after using it?

"Sister Mi, what's wrong? What did I do wrong?"

"Oh, that's not the case. Moreover, you did a very good job. Isn't it the time before that I never established contact with them? Now, I have established contact with them. If anything happens in the future, I will directly contact them. Lin Feng, then, went directly to Yueyue, so you don’t need to worry about it."

"Oh, I see."

Reba nodded. Although she said yes, she was actually very sad inside.

After so many years of conveying information through her, Reba has actually become accustomed to all this.

To be honest, Reba really couldn't accept it if she put these things down abruptly.

"What's wrong? Are you still a little reluctant to leave?"

Damimi actually said that on purpose.

"Oh, no, no. Since you can talk directly, there is no need for me to be the middleman. Of course, I have no regrets at all." "That's good. You can spend the last night with him tonight, and then, I also hope that you can completely disappear from this family."

"Sister Mi, disappear? What do you mean?"

"I can see now that Yueyue has been successfully led astray. She is more dependent on you now, so you can't show up again. Otherwise, the relationship between me and him will not be the same at all. There’s no way to fix it.”

Damimi's request may sound a bit excessive, but if you think about it carefully, it is not too much for a mother to say such a thing.

"Then should I tell Lin Feng about this matter?"

"We don't need to talk so much to him about our own family matters, right?"

"Then you have to let me say hello to him, and I suddenly withdraw like this. Will Yueyue be able to accept all this?"

"Whether you accept it or not, that's my business, so you don't have to talk about this anymore. I will arrange a contract for you as soon as possible, and then you go to other places to join the crew and prepare for filming."

"Sister Mi, what do you mean?"

After hearing this, Reba really couldn't sit still.

It was obvious that she was preparing to kick herself away and throw her into an unknown crew to let her film some nonsense. In fact, this kind of scene had no meaning at all.

"Why, aren't you in my company just to take pictures of this kind of thing?"

"But, I know which drama you are talking about, that drama is not suitable for me at all. When we were casting the actors, we also said that I am the most unsuitable person."

"If I say you are suitable, then you are suitable. Back then, I held you in my arms. If it weren't for me, don't forget that you would still be just a little actor who goes around performing tricks."

This statement is not false.

Back then, it was indeed Da MiMi who helped him with many things.

In other words, without Mimi, there would be no Reba today.

"Sister Mi, do you have some misunderstanding? Moreover, is this considered a public revenge?"

"Misunderstanding? Public revenge? Reba, can you say this? What do you mean? Is there really any relationship between you and Lin Feng?"

"Conscience of heaven and earth, Sister Mi, I have no relationship at all with him. Every phone call I made to him before was authorized by you, and you asked me to call you on my own initiative."

While talking, Reba raised her hand to show her sincerity.

"Okay, I haven't thought about it that way. Why don't you give me a chance now? In addition, there is one more thing. As an actor, you must remember that you must develop in a diversified way instead of just relying on you. If you go on like this, you may not be able to succeed in the end, do you understand?"

Reba finally understood that Damimi was obviously trying to burn bridges across the river.

My own use value has been completely purified.

Moreover, it is very possible that she was stimulated by what happened today.

If this competition hadn't been held in the kindergarten today, maybe Damimi wouldn't have such hatred for herself.

Who says others are their own bosses?

(End of this chapter)

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