Chapter 439 Come to the canteen
Although Reba has a certain status in the film and television industry, compared to Da Mimi's connections, she still seems to be slightly lower.

In other words, if you want to continue to mix in this circle, then you must rely on Da MiMi.

"Okay, Sister Mi, if you arrange it this way, then I will definitely obey the company's instructions and arrangements."

"Don't worry, as long as you have a sister to support you, she will definitely not be able to keep up with you. She will also launch some film and television programs for you, including some variety shows. We will all be involved in these. When we get to the company later, I’ll talk to you in detail later.”

"Okay, I understand, then look, we are now..."

"There should be nothing going on now. You have to rest for a while. I'll stay in the room for a while."

"Okay, I understand Sister Mi."

Reba knew that her role and status no longer existed, so she just sat in the corner of the living room alone, holding her mobile phone, and scrolling through videos out of boredom.

Da Mimi has not been back to this home for a long time, and she also wants to take this opportunity to get familiar with the inside of this home again.

He always felt that this place had an inseparable fate with him, so he believed that one day he would be able to return to this family as the hostess.

At this time, Lin Feng, who was in the canteen, couldn't sit still.

As the saying goes, two women play one show.

Now, with the addition of a child, he could clearly see that Damimi was already hostile to Reba.

In fact, Lin Feng has always had a good impression of Reba.

In the past few years, she knew that Da Mimi had been helping her pass on some news through Reba, and even inquired about what was going on here.

However, even if he knew their true purpose, Lin Feng was not in a hurry to expose it all.

He took out his mobile phone. Fortunately, he installed surveillance cameras in his home, and then he turned on the camera and took a look.

At this time, Reba was seen sitting alone in the empty living room, but Da Mimi was not seen at all.

What's going on, where's Dami Mi and Yueyue?Where did the two of them go?
Is it possible that Da Mimi took Yueyue out?

So, Lin Feng rotated the camera from the right again, but still didn't see any movement.

Then, he turned on the monitoring.

He could hear some sounds from the video coming from Reba's cell phone, but apart from this sound, he didn't seem to see anything.

Lin Feng took out his cell phone, edited a text message, and sent it to Reba.

The message shook. Reba picked it up and took a look. Unexpectedly, it was Lin Feng who sent it to her.

"Where's Da Mimi? And Yueyue? Where did they go?"

"Yueyue fell asleep in the room. Sister Mi didn't know where she went, maybe she was in the bedroom."

"What did you say? In the bedroom? What was she doing in the bedroom?"

"I am not sure as well."

"You stand up now, and then go to the bedroom and take a look to see what the situation is now."

"okay, I get it."

I don't know why, Reba is still willing to do anything for Lin Feng.

What Lin Feng said to her was like an imperial edict, and she simply couldn't resist.

Reba stood up, and then quietly glanced into the bedroom. Unexpectedly, this Damimi was lying on the bed.Because her back was facing her, she didn't know whether she was asleep at this time.

Finally, Reba slowly backed away, typed a few words and sent them.

After Lin Feng saw these words, he felt a little shuddering all over his body.

What does this woman want to do?
When he was here today, he deliberately wanted to tease himself, but now, he was lying on his bed. Thinking about it now, it was really scary.

If it were the same situation as Da MiMi a few years ago, Lin Feng would definitely eat it.

But looking at it now, it seems that this is really not necessary.

Over the past few years, the relationship between them has been completely wiped out.

Between him and him, Yueyue is probably just a conveyor belt, and the others are not involved in any way.

"Since you have nothing to do alone, come to the canteen. I have something to ask you."

"okay, I get it.":
After hearing this, Reba nodded.

She was more willing to be alone with Lin Feng. At least, it was much more comfortable than facing an empty room.

"Sister Mi, I want to go down for a walk."

Reba walked gently to the door of the room and shouted something here.

"Oh, okay, then go ahead."

Da Mimi never thought about letting her stay here, but just drove her out so blatantly.It is indeed somewhat inappropriate.

Just right, it's exactly what I want.

Soon, they came to the canteen.

"What happened? What did you do after you went there?"

"No, I just played with Yueyue for a while, and then Yueyue showed us around the room."

"Visiting the room? Why is she always in my room? Also, what is she doing in my room?"

It seemed that Lin Feng was really concerned about this matter. During the questioning process, he even looked anxious.

"I don't know either. She is the mistress of that room. What she wants to do seems to have nothing to do with me."

"What mistress? Who told you? It's the mistress. What does that room have to do with her?"

"She is Yueyue's mother, Lin Feng. I don't care whether you admit it or not, but this is a blood relationship that cannot be changed. Do you understand?"

"Yes, no one can change the blood relationship between her and Yueyue. If it can be changed, I will never let Yueyue know that I have such a mother. By the way, she is lying there today. Come down, what do you want to do?"

"She has promised Yueyue, and today he said that both of us will live together."

"You, what are you talking about? You two want to live here? Are you kidding me? I don't have so much room for you to live in?"

"This is what she asked for, and I didn't want to be here originally, but Yueyue's request is that Sister Mi can only be allowed to stay if I stay, so I have no choice but to do it. Lin Feng, I really can't Sorry."

"What nonsense. What does this woman want to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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