"Lin Feng, do you think this is okay? I am the mother of my child. Don't I even have this right? I know you have worked very hard in the past few years, and you have indeed paid a lot for your child. I don't care about this. I can see it in my eyes, and I admit it."

"Don't forget, it was you who took the initiative to abandon this home and the child. Moreover, it was clearly written in the divorce agreement that the custody of my daughter belongs to me."

"But I regret it now. Let me ask you, my daughter is the flesh that fell from her mother's body. How could I not feel sorry for her? So, give me this chance, okay?"


"Well, how about this, you go pick her up, you go see her off, let her stay with you every night, and let her come and live with me on the weekends, is that okay?"

"Let's talk about this later. Besides, I don't plan to send my children to any international aristocratic school. There is a public primary school near my home, which I think is pretty good."

"Lin Feng, are you kidding me? My daughter, you want her to go to schools that no one else goes to?"

"Why doesn't anyone go? This school is quite good. Besides, it doesn't mean that all rich people are like you. They want to live such a life. My daughter is an ordinary girl. I want her to follow Ordinary people coming together.”

"Lin Feng, please don't be like this, okay? I tell you, children's education is very important. Do you want your daughter to lose at the starting line?"

"Haha, I don't think anything of it. Can't an ordinary family provide a good daughter? No matter what she becomes in the future, she will always be my daughter. Okay, have you finished?"

"Can't we have a good talk? That knot in our hearts has not been resolved until now?"

"It has nothing to do with you whether we untie it or not. If we talk too much, we will become strangers. Moreover, if anything happens in the future, it will only be about my daughter. Anything else will have nothing to do with you. It doesn’t matter.”

"Okay, since you don't want to talk about your daughter with me, I'll let this matter go for now. Then I'd like to ask, what is your relationship with her?"

While talking, Da Mimi glanced at Yueyue's room.

Lin Feng knew very well that she was referring to Reba inside.

These things today all started because of this Reba, and they originated from a parent-child sports meeting.

She pointed all her fingers at this Reba, but Lin Feng knew very well that this Reba was the most innocent, and she had no such thoughts at all.

"Haha, now that you have said this, and I believe you should know a lot about my previous news, right? Including me, those actors, and the acting stars."

"Yes, I have paid attention to these things, but I know that you have never experienced anyone around you. I just looked in the closet and there is not a single woman's thing, including the bathroom. The same is true."

"Are you going through my closet?"

Lin Feng frowned slightly, but he didn't expect that Da Mimi's behavior was so bad.

The bedroom itself is a very private place, but now he is openly looking through his wardrobe. I wonder, which man can accept this?

"I didn't look for it on purpose. I just remembered that this wardrobe was something we went to the furniture market to pick out when we got married. Moreover, it was my favorite style."

"That's it. What's the point of looking for these excuses now? Well, I won't argue with you about these behaviors, Reba, Reba."

At this moment, he shouted inside.

The door was opened, and Reba cautiously walked out.

He was chatting with Yueyue inside, and at this time, Yueyue's mood seemed to have gradually begun to stabilize.

I originally thought that the two of them would chat here for a while, but what happened to the two of them chatting and handing themselves over?
"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" "Come on, come here."

He waved gently at Reba.

Reba didn't understand, what was this man going to do?However, she still walked to him obediently.

"Why, what's the matter?"

Lin Feng didn't say anything, just smiled, then stretched out his hand and took Reba's hand.

At this moment, Reba felt as if an electric current had passed through her body. She had never thought that this man would take the initiative to hold her hand one day?

Moreover, it was still in front of his ex-wife, and this ex-wife was still his boss.

At that time, Da Mimi stared in surprise. She suddenly stood up from the sofa.

"what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. Don't you want to ask me about my relationship with her? Now, I can tell you that the two of us are already together, so please don't ruin our family of three, okay?"

"Are you a family of three?"

"Yes, aren't these our family of three? Don't worry, I won't let Yueyue regard her as her biological mother. When the child grows up, I will naturally let the child know that you are her biological mother. This is the blood relationship. Relationships, no one can change them.”

"Reba, is this really the case?"

Reba didn't know how to answer, and she felt that any of her defenses would seem so feeble at this moment.

"Okay, then I wish you two happiness, I'll go, I'll go, okay."

After leaving these words, Da Mimi turned around, took her bag, and left the room.

As she was leaving, the door banged, and it was obvious that she was complaining a lot.

At this moment, Lin Feng suddenly let go of Reba's hand.

"I'm sorry, Reba, for putting you under such great pressure."

"It's okay, but if you do this, it will only make your relationship more and more rigid."

"I have never thought about easing the relationship between us, and I don't want my relationship with her to be too easing, do you understand?"

"But, as we said before, she is Yueyue's mother after all. No one can change this."

Reba lowered her voice, as if she was afraid that Yueyue in the room would hear everything.

"Haha, what can I do? Right now, I don't want to accept her, and I haven't thought about forgiving her. It's just that you are caught in the middle, which really makes it difficult for you."

"I've thought about it. I probably can't continue working in this studio. Things have reached this point. It seems that I can only offer to terminate the contract." (End of Chapter)

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