"By the way, according to the contract compensation, how much compensation do you need to compensate her?"

"I can take care of this myself, don't worry."

"No, this matter happened because of me, so you have to let me know how much it is, and I have to get the money for you."

"Let's talk about this later when we get back. No matter what, I have to make a break with the studio."

At this moment, they heard the door creak, and then, Yueyue's head poked out from inside.

She searched around the room, but it seemed that she didn't see Sister Mi.

"Dad, Sister Reba, is that woman gone?"

"Yes, Yueyue, she has left. Don't you dislike her? Come on, there is no one here that you dislike."

"Great, finally gone."

After hearing these words, Yueyue seemed to be relieved and let out a long breath.

"Well, Yueyue, dad wants to ask you, is your sister really that bad? Why do you dislike her so much?"

"Actually, I'm not very familiar with her, but there are some things she does that make me feel a little disgusted. In addition, she enters dad's room at will and sleeps in dad's room. Do you know? Dad, she actually asked me, have you ever brought a woman home?"

"Really? Yueyue, is that what she asked you?"

"Yes, so I feel that she must want to be my mother, but the more she acts like this, the less I will like her and accept her, what do you think?"

"Yueyue, be good, dad will not find a stepmother for you, and even if he does find one in the future, he will ask for Yueyue's permission, okay?"

"Dad, I think Sister Reba is quite good. Do you want to consider Sister Reba?"

After hearing this, Reba's face suddenly turned red.

"Haha, you little girl, you are so clever. This is an adult matter. Now, it is not your turn to worry here. Tell me, what do you want to eat at night? Dad will follow Sister Reba and take you with him. "

"Dad, Sister Reba has promised me today that she will live here at night, and she will sleep with Yueyue. Do you think this is okay?"

"Sister Reba still has her own things to do. Yueyue, don't pester Sister Reba. She will naturally come to accompany you on weekends or when Sister Reba is free."

"Dad, we have already agreed. Sister Reba, don't you think so? Did you promise me just now?"

"Yes, I promised you, okay, today, I will accompany you well, okay?"

"Oh, great, great, sister Reba, you agreed."

Yueyue once again cheered on the ground.

Maybe, there really is no such fate between her and that Da MiMi.

After Da Mimi left here, he drove directly to his car angrily.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt angry inside.

I originally thought it would be good to let her serve as a microphone so that I could get to know my daughter better, but I didn't expect that she would actually occupy her position.

No, I can't swallow this breath of rice.

Da Mimi parked the car on the side of the road, then looked up a phone number from the mobile phone communication, and then called the phone number directly. "Hey, Sister Mi, you are such a rare visitor. You haven't called me for a long time. What, you just don't come to the Three Treasures Palace for anything?"

"Haha, Director Sun, seeing what you said, if I don't call you, does that mean I'm not thinking of you in my heart?"

"Oh, with a beautiful woman like you thinking about me, I can laugh out loud in my dreams. Okay, I won't make trouble with you anymore. Tell me, what's going on?"

"The female guest on the show that was scheduled before has been temporarily announced to have some changes, so I need to find someone else to take over for you."

"Are you talking about Reba? Can't she come?"

"Yes, she can't come. There is a more important thing for her to do in the company, so this program can only be temporarily terminated."

"This is not okay. I have prepared so much in the early stage. Da Mimi, you can't play with me like this."

"Do you think if I go, it will cause more good reactions?"

"What? Are you coming? You, you're not kidding me, are you?"

"How can I joke with you? If I go, I believe it will be more effective than Reba going, right?"

"Oh my god, then this is a good thing that falls from the sky. If this is the case, I will naturally be happy before it's too late. Okay, no problem. Then, look, when can we meet and talk in detail?"

"No need to go into details. I am very familiar with those things. Moreover, when I borrowed this program before, I also read the book. There is no problem. I can handle it alone."

"Well, okay, then this matter is settled. Let me tell you, you can't go back on your word. The day after tomorrow, we will officially start filming the first phase."

"Okay, no problem. I'll be there on time the day after tomorrow. Don't worry, I won't let you down."

"Great, that's what we agreed. We'll see you the day after tomorrow. The night after tomorrow, remember, you must let me entertain you, a big star."

"Haha, okay, we'll contact you then, that's it."

After saying that, Da Mimi hung up the phone.

This is the first variety show she helped Reba accept, and it is also the most popular show on the Internet now.

I originally wanted to take this opportunity to make Reba more popular, but I didn't expect that something like this would happen at this time.

If that's the case, don't blame yourself for being rude to her.

If he can lift Reba up, then Damimi also has the ability to trample Reba severely under his feet.

In a children's restaurant in the evening, they sat together and happily ate the food on the table.

Those people outside, coming in and out here, really thought they were a family of three. They never thought that he was not the girl's mother at all.

At this moment, Reba heard her cell phone beeping, and then she picked it up and took a look.

At this time, her expression had completely changed.

In the afternoon, she specifically told Lin Feng that she had just accepted a very popular variety show, so she thought of finishing this show and then leaving this place.

But she didn't expect that the message she received today actually told her that the show no longer needed her, and that Da Mimi had taken her place as a guest. (End of chapter)

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