"What's the matter, is there something wrong?"

Lin Feng saw that her face looked a little unpleasant.

He just asked with concern, but he didn't expect that she didn't answer him.

At this time, Reba's eyes were staring straight at the phone screen.

Lin Feng knew that this matter must be related to what happened today, so he curiously walked over and stood behind him.

He saw the message sent to her by the recording team, and at this moment, he suddenly understood.

Lin Feng was behind her and patted her shoulder gently.

At this moment, Reba suddenly came to her senses, and then she raised her head and looked at him.

"what happened to you?"

Reba was a little flustered and hurriedly put away her mobile phone.

"Well, I know this, it should be specially arranged by her."

"Actually, I can think of it, but I didn't expect that two days before the show started filming, she would be replaced temporarily. This is something I didn't expect. It doesn't matter, it's not mine, and it's not mine after all. There is no point in forcing it.”

"But, I said, I will help you make up for all your problems. Don't worry, I will help you handle this matter."

"Oh, what do you mean by dealing with it or not? It's just right. I can relax for a few days and have a good vacation. Yueyue, sister is here."

At this moment, she changed the topic, and then ran towards the children's play area.

After Lin Feng watched here for a while, he stood away, then took out his mobile phone and walked to a quiet corner outside the restaurant.

When he saw that there was no one around, he took out his cell phone, found a phone number in it and called it.

"Director Sun, I am Lin Feng."

The call he made was also the chief director of this popular variety show.

This is the person who met Da Mimi in private before.

"Oh, my eldest young master, it's been a long time since I saw you. What's the matter? I haven't seen you for several years now, right?"

"Yes, it is true that we have never met. Director Sun, has he been busy recently? I see that you have been working on a variety show."

"Oh, this is not easy. You can still pay attention to my show. Well, this is such an honor. It's such an honor."

"Okay, don't make fun of me. That is to say, Reba was invited to be the guest before this show, right?"

"Yes, that was the decision before, but now due to some other changes, Reba has been temporarily replaced."

"Who has changed? Is it rice?"

"You already know this, so what's the point of asking me now? Brother, aren't you making fun of me?"

"Director Sun, the guests on this show cannot be changed."

"What? Can't change it? Why can't it be changed? Besides, you have to know that Dami Mi's popularity is much higher than Reba's."

"Director Sun, you have sold me a favor. She will still be the female guest in this show. However, this time she does not represent Damimi's studio, but Maplewood Culture."

"Maplewood Culture? You're not kidding me, are you?"

"Of course, am I joking with you? Don't worry, I will let Maplewood Culture make a formal announcement, and it will come out tonight." "This is impossible, she had clearly signed a contract with Sister Mi before. Room, how come it has become Maplewood culture again in the blink of an eye? No, what kind of tricks are you playing between you?"

"What is the specific situation? You don't have to worry about this. You just need to promise me whether this thing can be done?"

"Brother, if I promise you, it's actually not that difficult. The key issue is that there are many collaborations between Sister Mi's studio and I."

"Director Sun, as far as I know, you currently have two more movies that are ready to be completed, right?"

"Oh, yes, that's true. Do you know about this matter?"

"And, as far as I know, the investor should also be Maplewood Culture, right?"

"Yes, it's Maplewood Culture.,"

"Tell me, if I ask Maplewood Culture to suddenly withdraw funding at this time, do you think it will be important to these two dramas?"

"Brother, don't kid me. I've already reached this stage. If you withdraw your capital at this time, I'll be in a state of disgrace."

"I'm not kidding you. I'm threatening you, Director Sun. As long as you agree to this condition, all the conditions will not change."

"But Maplewood Culture..."

"Haha, Director Sun, you know Maplewood Culture, so, what is my name?"

"Maplewood Culture, your name is Lin Feng, Maplewood Culture, Lin Feng, let me go, you don't want to tell me that you are the actual controlling shareholder of Maplewood Culture, right?"

"If you see through it but don't tell it, we can still be good friends. Do you understand?"

"Oh, you are really my God of Wealth. I can offend everyone in the world, but I can't offend you, the God of Wealth. Okay, I know about this. Don't worry, I will Properly disposed and arranged.”

"Okay, I'll trouble you, Director Sun."

"By the way, I have another movie here, and it's about to start filming."

"Okay, it doesn't matter. As long as it's a movie you want to shoot, I believe it should have a good script. When the time comes, you can take the script directly and I will arrange for the people below to help you with it."

"Great, great, great, that's it."

As he spoke, Director Sun hung up the phone in excitement.

Although he knew that Da Mimi was indeed a rare opportunity, compared to the God of Wealth, he knew that this should be something he had always wanted to control.

After dealing with all this, Lin Feng felt a lot more relaxed in his heart.

After all, everything has something to do with him, so Lin Feng must find a way to solve it.

I just didn't expect that after several years of no contact, this Damimi would become so vicious.

It seems that it will take some time for her to recognize her daughter.

After returning to his position, Lin Feng glanced over there. At this time, Reba was playing happily with Yueyue.

Just looking at Reba's expression at this time, it seemed that her heart was not disturbed by this incident, but there were some things in her heart that Lin Feng might not be able to see.

In fact, Lin Feng had never seen this warm scene before. He couldn't help but take out his camera and took a photo of this scene.

After a while, it seemed that Reba's phone rang, so she took the phone and threw it aside.

Afterwards, Reba walked towards Lin Feng with a face full of questions. (End of chapter)

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