Chapter 449 This Is Not Love

"To be honest, this has always been something I'm worried about, and I don't know how to face it. What I'm most worried about now is Yueyue's situation."

"Have you ever thought about giving Yueyue a new environment?"

"new environment?"

After saying this, he just frowned. Lin Feng really hadn't thought about this.

"You mean to hide Yueyue?"

"That's right, you can only do this now. Moreover, based on what I know about Miss Mi, she will definitely let Yueyue know all this and the truth of the matter in the shortest possible time. She will even describe me as a let... The image of a third person who is unforgivable.”

"If you say that, she may really do such a thing, but it will cause a lot of damage to your reputation."

"That doesn't matter. I'm not worried about this either. I'm just worried that Yueyue's growing environment will be affected. So, I advise you to think about it carefully."

"Well, you really reminded me of this. If that doesn't work, I will find a way to transfer Yueyue to another school and move to a completely closed environment. In this case, it will be impossible for her to have casual contact. After the storm of this incident has passed, I will slowly explain all this to Yueyue. I believe that Yueyue’s intelligence should be understandable."

"To be honest, I used to have a lot of contact with young actors on the set, but none of them had such a big mind as Yueyue. To be honest, although she is very young now, I think her Very mature mentally."

"It's because she has been accustomed to being independent since she was a child, so her mind matures so quickly. To put it bluntly, it's all caused by a single-parent family."

Reba didn't know why. As she was chatting with him, suddenly she seemed to have an impulse.

She wanted to rush forward and hold this man tightly in her arms.

However, Reba didn't do that. She just moved to the side, then stretched out her hand and touched his hand.

Lin Feng turned back to look at Reba.

"what happened?"

"Can you give me a chance to take care of you, this family, and Yueyue?"

"are you kidding me?"

"No, Lin Feng, let me tell you the truth. I have liked you very much since I met you when you debuted. But at that time, you and Sister Mi were already married, so I didn't think much about it, but, Later, you divorced Sister Mi, and I have been paying attention to you secretly. It just so happened that Sister Mi also asked me to find a way to get close to you. Slowly, my feeling for you became stronger and stronger."

Lin Feng didn't know how to express it.

He just slowly took his hand out.

In fact, just a very simple action made Reba understand that this man might not be ready in his heart to accept another woman.

"You are still young. To me, you may just be a kind of adoration or even an impulse. When you slowly mature, you will realize that, in fact, what you really want between us is not Feelings."

"Why not? This feeling has been in my heart for more than a year and a half. I have already thought about it clearly."

"Reba, it is indeed inappropriate to talk about these things at this time. Please let me think about it carefully. In addition, I also know that Yueyue really needs a complete family when she is growing up. On this point, I also Thought about it.”

"That's right. If you've already thought about it, why don't you consider me? My relationship with Yueyue is already so close."

"Because it's unfair to you. I am a man who is married for the second time, and I am also raising this girl. But you are different. You have your own bright future. You can find someone happier."

"Haha, so what if you are happy? I think these are not important."

"Okay, it's getting late. You should hurry up and go back to rest."

Lin Feng quickly changed the topic, and then stood up from his seat.In the middle of the night, a man and a woman alone were chatting about their relationship. It was obvious that if they couldn't control themselves, they would probably make a mistake.

Lin Feng didn't want to do this yet.

The reason why he is using Reba now is to let her deal with Dami together.

But she never thought that Reba would fall into her own emotional whirlpool so quickly. If this was the case, what would happen next would be even more troublesome.

While lying on the bed, I didn't fall asleep until early this morning.

Suddenly, Reba seemed to feel that someone was touching her face, and then she opened her eyes directly.

Yes, there is a girl looking at him now.

"Yueyue, why are you up?"

Reba hurriedly pushed Yueyue aside, and then took a look.

"Sister Reba, your eyes are so beautiful, and your eyelashes are really long. You look like a sleeping beauty when you sleep."

"Haha, Yueyue, you are really good at making your sister happy. Why, you can't sleep, can you?"

As she spoke, Reba took out her phone and checked the time. It was already 7:00 in the morning.

"Well, I can't sleep anymore. I woke up just now and saw that my sister has been sleeping, so I didn't have the heart to disturb her."

"Okay, come, sister, help you change clothes."

"No need, sister, I'm dressing alone. I'll go wash up later. Where are we going today?"

"You little girl, where else are you going? Have you forgotten? You have to go to school today."

"Oh, I forgot. It seems that the time I spent with Sister Reba was really too short. I actually forgot that I still have to go to school."

"Haha, okay, hurry up, my sister will take you to school later, okay?"

"Oh, great, great."

The girl was really simple. When she heard the news, she just jumped up and down on the bed with excitement.

After seeing Yueyue enter the room, Reba finally opened the door and walked out.

She saw that Lin Feng was already sitting on the sofa, as if he had been waiting for her.

"You woke up really early. Wait a moment and I'll take Yueyue to school."

"Didn't you check your phone this morning?"

"Looking at your phone? No, what's wrong?"

"Look at the news on your phone today."


Reba frowned slightly. Yesterday's news had already heated up the Internet, but now, what news can appear?

(End of this chapter)

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