Chapter 450
She took a look at her phone, but when she saw the announcement from Da Mimi Studio, she was completely dumbfounded.

Reba knew that Damimi would not let her go easily, but she never thought that her counterattack would be so fast, and she described herself as a heinous person.

"W-what's going on? She, I've never done any of these things."

"I know you haven't done it, but now he is putting this hat on your head. In addition, yesterday, I asked Maplewood Culture to issue an announcement. If something is released too fast, it is very likely that people will Suspicious of all this.”

"Since you're not married, I never thought that he would be so cruel to me, and I never thought that he would slander me like this."

"This matter is quite troublesome, and it is very likely that it will completely terminate your future acting career. Therefore, if we really want to bring this game back, I am afraid that we really have to do something. "

"We have already reached this point, what else can we do? I think there is no point in doing anything."

"No, if you give up at this time, it will be equivalent to us surrendering and paying a little compensation. This is nothing. The key is your life and your future acting career. Can you continue to persevere? "

As soon as he finished speaking, the phone suddenly rang.

Lin Feng picked it up and took a look. In fact, all the changes were within his expectation.

After an artist with such a bad record became popular on the Internet, let me ask, which crew would dare to take advantage of her again?

"What's going on, Lin Feng? There's a lot of noise on the Internet. Why, how do you communicate with Sister Mi? It won't be like this."

Director Sun's phone call came in time.

"Haha, sorry for making you laugh."

"It's not a joke. The key issue is that I can't record her until this matter is clarified."

"Well, I know that you must have difficulties, so you can change someone temporarily. Again, anyone can be replaced. It can't be Da Mimi. This is my bottom line."

"Brother, do you know? Yesterday, Sister Mi called me after her. Don't involve me in the matter between you two."

"Director Sun, after this matter is over, I want to make a reality show about identification, and it will not be in a recording studio, but will fly to various countries or even all over the world. This will bring a great visual impact to the audience. , what do you think of this idea?"

"What are you talking about? If you do this, the investment will be huge, but I can guarantee that this is the first of its kind in the country, no, it should be the world. It has never happened before."

"That's right, I want you to do it. As the host, I recommend Reba. I don't know if Director Sun is interested. You don't have to consider the funding at all."

"Okay, this couldn't be better. No problem. I will definitely find the best planning team and shooting team to make this program the most awesome program since the development of human live broadcast. What do you think?"

"So, I'm really worried about letting others do this. I will contact you immediately after Reba's matter is over."

"No problem, but this time the commotion is indeed a bit big. Mother-in-law is right, and father-in-law is right. This matter is unclear. I advise you to reconcile privately. In this case, it will be beneficial to everyone. ."

"Okay, Director Sun, you don't have to worry about this matter. Just go about your business and we'll contact you later." After saying that, Lin Feng hung up the phone.

Director Sun's situation couldn't be easier for Lin Feng. It can be done with just one phone call. Director Sun is a person who likes money, but he is also a very talented person.

"According to the current situation, Director Sun will definitely not dare to use you."

"I know that once an artist with bad records is used, it will have a great impact on the entire team, so no one dares to use it, and I am mentally prepared."

"If you don't do this show, you will still be able to take on big responsibilities in the next show, so don't worry."

"Lin Feng, I'm not trying to do anything for you. Really, I just want to be able to film and show in peace. If that doesn't work, I'll be willing to retreat behind the scenes. It's really not like fighting for it like this. It's too tiring."

"Backstage, do you think Mimi will stop looking for you if you step back behind the scenes? No, she will continue to pester you unless you make a public statement admitting all this, but can you do it?"

"If you need, I can admit it publicly at any time."

"That's not the result I want, so it's not the best time yet. It doesn't matter. Doesn't she like to play? Then I will just play with him and you will be fine."

Speaking of this, Reba seemed to hear some problems that she had not noticed before. Why is Lin Feng so energetic?

But now, it's clear that all that has changed.

"Is there anything else going on between you and Sister Mi? I feel like it's not just what you described before. Otherwise, you would never treat your ex-wife like this."

"Haha, you are smart. Nothing is that simple between us. Otherwise, why would you be so stupid that you wouldn't even give me a call? Think about it carefully, what has he done in the past few years? Came here?"

Reba nodded slowly, sat on the sofa, and began to recall everything that had happened in the past few years.

"How about it, do you understand?"

Seeing Reba sitting here, thinking seriously all the time, Lin Feng couldn't help but ask.

In fact, no one knows about what happened between him and Da MiMi. In this world, except for the two parties involved, no one else knows about it.

I just didn’t expect Reba to be so smart.I actually discovered all this.

"Haha, after thinking about it, shouldn't it be in that state? So, I feel that there is nothing to think about these things. I just need to do it according to my own ideas."

"Yes, that's it. In this situation, if you really compromise and admit defeat, then all the preparations and efforts I have made before will be wasted. Also, I, a Maplewood Culture The person behind the scenes has revealed his identity, do you think this is necessary in the end?"

"Okay, you go ahead and I'll cooperate with you."

(End of this chapter)

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