"I'm just telling you this. I don't ask for much else, so you don't need to think about it."

"Okay, I understand. It turns out that today's big stars actually have such a dark history."

"Yes, so everyone can't just look at her appearance. In addition, there is another thing."

While saying this, Lin Feng stretched out his hand and took out a small card inside.

"I found this thing in the trash can at our house back then. She should have thrown it away after reading it. It's just a pity that I can't understand what is written on it at all."

He put the card in Reba's hand.

Reba took it and looked at it twice, then raised her head to look at him.

"This is a small language. I studied it when I was in college."

"You, what did you say? You mean, you, you, you know this word?"

"Yes, I can get a rough idea, but I can't fully understand it."

"Then, tell me, what is this? I even found some people at that time, and they didn't know them at all."

"This is a very partial language, and it is also a very unique language. When I was studying, I didn't actually learn this at all. It was just that my university tutor once told us about it in a few classes. That’s what it means.”

"Then tell me what is written on it."

"It probably means that they are living well now and don't need to worry. He will not take the past history into his heart. He will take good care of the child and hopes that she will cherish it. I don't know what the last two sentences mean. That makes sense."

"You mean, this was written to him by her former boyfriend?"

"Judging from the tone, I guess it should be like this, but I don't know the details. Are you saying that Sister Mi threw this thing into the trash can?"

"Yes, I discovered it accidentally. It's obvious that he didn't want anyone to know all this. Moreover, she might have agreed, thinking that he wouldn't be discovered by anyone at all, right?"

"Yes, such a special language that few people can understand."

"It turns out that all my guesses were correct."

As he spoke, Lin Feng raised his head and looked in the direction of the window.

"Why, have you thought of something now?"

"Everything starts with this postcard. You think of a way to arrange some trolls as soon as possible, and then expose this postcard on the Internet."

"What? Exposed on the Internet? But few people can recognize these words, right?"

"Don't worry, these netizens are so talented. Don't worry, someone will definitely recognize them. In addition, there is also a title above that will not change, Dami Mi."

"With just a name, can we identify it as her?"

"Whether it's her or not, it's up to netizens to judge for themselves. Anyway, as long as it's something involving a celebrity, I believe that these news media, including the public, will be very interested. As for how the matter will develop, or in the future We don’t need to think so much about this.”

"Well, but what you said does make some sense. Well, I will make arrangements as soon as possible. However, when Sister Mi sees this, will she doubt that you did everything?"

"So what if I doubt it? Anyway, I won't admit it. I will let her backyard catch fire now so that she can't take care of you. And taking advantage of the opportunity, I will find a way to divert their attention as soon as possible. Then, I will find a way to help you get rid of your current stigma as soon as possible."

"The key is, how should we get rid of it?" "It doesn't matter. Even if you can't get rid of it, once her matter becomes fermented, your public opinion will naturally become very low. By then, No one will even notice you."

"Okay, I understand. I'll make arrangements as soon as possible. Is there anything else you need to do?"

"No need, I just need to wait here. I believe that it won't be long before Da Mimi will take the initiative to contact me."

"You mean, Sister Mi will take the initiative to contact you? What, are you going to reconcile privately?"

"Not necessarily, because I am still a little unclear about this woman's true thoughts, so all I can do is wait for the subsequent development of things."

"Okay, I understand."

After saying that, Reba just nodded, and then gave him a few more words, and finally got up and left.

No matter what, her contract with Da Mimi Studio has not been officially terminated.

Therefore, even from a legal point of view, or from a personal point of view, the formalities of this contract must be fulfilled.

There are also some personal belongings left in the studio. They are resources accumulated by herself in the past few years, so it is impossible for her to give them away.

When she entered the company lobby, she saw the front desk who had greeted her warmly before. Now, even the way he looked at her was obviously different.

They gathered together, pointing, and then talking quietly here.

Along the way, Reba was actually mentally prepared.

Now that such a big melon has been exposed, she must be mentally prepared to be criticized.

Who told her to choose Lin Feng this time?

No matter what, she always felt that her choice was definitely correct.

No matter what others say?Pretending she didn't hear it, Reba walked into the elevator with her head held high.

"Sister Mi, Reba is here."

Sitting in the office, Da Mimi is always paying attention to the discussions about this matter on the Internet. In fact, she is very happy to be able to see this.

"What? She's here? Haha, that's interesting. How much courage does that take? Okay, I get it."

After Da Mimi finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

When Da Mimi walked out, she happened to see Reba entering her room.

After entering, I saw another artist putting on makeup in her room.

You know, the company prepares different rooms for each artist. Of course, the best and largest room is naturally given to Reba.

Many second- and third-tier young actors are still crowded into a room.

Reba knew the person sitting in her seat at this time. His name was Wen Hong. He had just finished filming a youth inspirational film. He was somewhat famous and had gained some fans. (End of chapter)

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