"Who was I at that time? Isn't this our Sister Reba? Didn't she switch to Fenglin Culture? Why did she end up in our small temple?"

In fact, it is very common for actors to operate behind the scenes and be jealous, so Reba has long been accustomed to other people's attitudes towards her.

"I'll come back to get my things, and I'll leave immediately. Don't worry, I won't delay your business."

While talking, Reba walked straight over. There was a cabinet behind her, which contained some of her things.

She took out the key, but found that she couldn't open it. When she was anxious, Wen Hong came over behind her and took out the key and opened the cabinet easily.

"What do you want to do? It's been opened for you now."

The moment the cabinet door opened, what Reba saw was not her own belongings, but some very strange things.

"Where's my stuff?"

"How do I know? When I moved here in the morning, this cabinet was replaced. It's not the one you had before."

Reba just thinks it's ridiculous. It's really hard for everyone to push her, but she can fall out faster than flipping through a book.

"No need to look for it. All your things are in my room. Come with me."

Suddenly, a familiar voice came over, and Reba had no idea that Da Mimi had already stood at the door.

Reba hurriedly turned around. Although Damimi was smiling at her, Reba could no longer see the sisterly love she had in the past. Even if she smiled, it was probably the kind of smile with hidden dangers.

"Okay, Sister Mi, I'll go with you to get it."

"Sister Mi, walk slowly."

Wen Hong stood up hurriedly and released her boss.

"Is this your cabinet?"

Entering Da Mimi's room, Reba saw at a glance that the cabinet was placed in the corner, but it didn't seem to match the surrounding furniture. It was obviously placed here just now.

"Yes, it's mine. Thank you, Sister Mi. There are some personal things here that I need to take away. Don't worry, it won't take you too long."

As Reba said this, she hurried over and opened the cabinet easily with the key this time, but to her surprise, it was empty.

"Sister Mi, does this cabinet belong to me? Why is it empty?"

Reba turned around and said to Damimi in confusion.

"Yes, you are no longer a member of the company. Naturally, the company will take back whatever it gave you at that time."

"Sister Mi, don't worry, I don't want anything from the company, I just want my personal belongings."

"Which are your personal items? I remember that when you came to the company, you didn't have anything. Even the clothes were bought by the company, right? So tell me, what are your personal items?"

This sentence left Reba really speechless.

Because Reba knew very well that when she was desperate, her situation was indeed very down and it was Sister Mi who took her in and provided him with food, clothing, housing and transportation.Reba is naturally very clear about these things, and she indeed keeps them in mind.

When things got to this point, Reba knew there was no room for turning back.

"Okay, Sister Mi, if you say you don't want to give it, don't give it to me. Then just pretend that I haven't been here. I'm sorry to bother you, Sister Mi."

Regarding the current situation, Reba really didn't want to stay for a minute.

Da Mimi's strong feeling really made him breathless.

Reba even regretted why she had to come here. It was obvious that there would be no good result when she came here.

However, those things are indeed very important to me. So many years of filming experience and some things I encountered are all recorded in my notebook, and every movie will have a souvenir. Now it seems that Da Mi It is no longer possible to return the rice to myself.

"Stop, do you want to leave so soon?"

Reba wanted to leave quickly, but unexpectedly, she was stopped by Da Mimi.

"Sister Mi, do you have anything else to say?"

"Reba, I still remember that little girl who was always on the set. She was so innocent and wore two whips. It really left a deep impression on me."

"Sister Mi, so many years have passed, why do you need to mention these things? Also, I will never forget the kindness that Sister Mi gave me."

Unforgettable forever?Why didn't I see it? Now that I have found a good supporter, I am starting to fall out with you, right? "

Reba really had no way to answer Damimi's question. After all, she had betrayed the company.

"Sister Mi, I know that what I did this time is indeed outrageous, but you know what? That feeling makes me unable to refuse."

"Back to me, when did I fall in love with Lin Feng?"

Da Mimi suddenly asked such a question. After several negotiations, Da Mimi had deeply felt that Reba's love for Lin Feng had even exceeded her own.

"Sister Mi, I really don't know how to answer your question, but I admit that I did fall in love with Lin Feng. When did I feel this way? To be honest, I don't even know."

Damimi just smiled slightly after hearing this.

"Reba, in fact, he and I are already in the past tense, so even if you fall in love with him, it has nothing to do with me. However, this relationship between us makes me feel that the three of us are indeed It’s a bit embarrassing, do you understand?”

"Yes, Sister Mi, it's not just you who is embarrassed. I'm actually even more embarrassed than you. So when Lin Feng asked me to terminate the contract, I agreed without even thinking about it, because I felt that the only option was to leave. If we don’t face each other, then naturally there won’t be so much embarrassment.”

"Is escaping the result? This is not a solution to the problem at all. The matter between Lin Feng and I is far from as simple as you think. Do you have to get involved at this time?"

"Sister Mi, no matter what, there is still Yueyue between you. I don't want Yueyue to be harmed in any way, so Sister Mi, I also hope you can seriously think about it. Do you really want this to continue?"

"Haha, once it unfolds, you think that even if I want to let go, can Lin Feng really let me go? It's impossible. To be honest, you are just confused by Lin Feng's appearance. You may never see through the real Lin Feng. of."

"I don't care about that. I just hope I don't see a war between you." (End of Chapter)

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