"You go back and tell Lin Feng that I am going to start fighting for Yueyue's custody rights, so that he can be mentally prepared. In addition, if Lin Feng is really willing to let go, I will definitely agree to any of your conditions. Of course, the premise is that Yueyue must Follow me."

In fact, Reba knew the kind of emotion Damimi felt for her daughter. Otherwise, she would not have been asking for all kinds of information for so many years.

"Sister Mi, I will definitely pass this sentence on to you, but I think Lin Feng's character is impossible for him to give up custody rights. After all, you also know very well how much Lin Feng has paid for Yueyue in the past few years. , I don’t think Lin Feng would agree to let Yueyue leave at this time, even if I beat him to death.”

"Okay, if that's the case, let Lin Feng prepare for a lawsuit. I don't want to embarrass you. After all, we still have so many years of love between us, and I don't want to fall out with you."

Da Mimi's words made Reba feel a little ridiculous.

What does it mean to not want to fall out with yourself? If you don't fall out with yourself, how can you explain the announcement that the company just issued?
"Sister Mi, I'm leaving first."

Reba didn't want to continue arguing here, so after saying goodbye, she got up and left.

Even when she left the company, Reba no longer paid attention to the way her colleagues looked at her.

Damimi suddenly saw a piece of news about herself from the Internet less than an hour after Reba left the company.

In fact, Da Mimi had long forgotten about the postcards from back then. Unexpectedly, they were now posted online and fully translated by talented netizens.

The past was too painful to look back on, and Da Mimi was the last person to want to mention this past incident, but it was eventually exposed. The only person who knew about this incident was Lin Feng, so it seems that Lin Feng should also have released this news.

"Sister Mi, what should we do about this matter? The message board and mailbox below our company are already full, and a large number of media reporters are waiting at the door of the company."

The manager of the public relations department stood anxiously in front of Da Mimi. It seemed that he had never encountered such a big public relations crisis in so many years of working in the company.

All this, of course, was within Damimi's expectation.

"Are you asking me?"

After hearing this, Da Mimi slowly raised her head and looked at the public relations manager and said.

"Sister Mi, I just wanted to see if you have any good countermeasures here."

"If I have a good countermeasure, what do I need you as a public relations manager to do? I don't care what news you use, just press this news for me today. I don't want to see any news about me when I get up tomorrow."

"Sister Mi, this is really too difficult..."

I have been a public relations manager for so many years. To be honest, this is the first time I have encountered such a difficult thing.

What the public relations manager said really made Dami feel very unhappy.

It seems that in all the years since she debuted, there has never been such a big scandal about her.

The key issue is that only Da MiMi knows very well that in fact, this is not a scandal at all.

But it was something that really happened.

However, no one has mentioned it for so many years. Logically speaking, this matter should not be investigated.
Now I was just thinking of ways to deal with Reba, but I never expected that Lin Feng would take all of this out.

It seems that Lin Feng deliberately hid this thing back then. Otherwise, it would be impossible for this card to reappear after so many years. "What do I feed you people for? Can't I do this?"

"Sister Mi, we have never encountered such a thing before. Moreover, your name is clearly written on it."

"What? It's my name? It's just a postcard, and then, can you trust all this?"

"Yes, I don't believe it, Sister Mi. I suspect that someone must be fanning the flames behind it. Do you think this matter has anything to do with Reba?"

Everyone in the company knows that Reba has turned against them, so even at this time, no matter what Reba does, it is estimated that this group of people can completely believe it.

"Whether she did it or not, it doesn't matter at all right now. My goal now is to press this news to me as soon as possible. Do you understand?"

"Okay Sister Mi, I will try my best and then work on our private relationship."

"I don't care what method you use, I just have one request, hurry up."

"Okay, I understand, Sister Mi, then I will make arrangements now."

After saying that, the PR manager turned around and left.

Damimi held the mobile phone in her hand and kept looking at the news on it. Now she really wanted to throw the phone down hard and let a piece of news disappear forever.

But Da Mimi knows that even if his phone is broken, the popularity of news on the Internet will not decrease.

Although she said this to the public relations manager, Da Mi Miye knew that based on her current popularity, this news would definitely ferment for a few days.

On the contrary, doing this made Reba's news popularity suddenly drop. Her popularity was far inferior to his own.

Lin Feng, I never thought that you would treat me like this.

Damimi said this through gritted teeth.

No, if this is really the case, then Damimi will never tolerate these things happening again.

She knew very well where Lin Feng's pain point was, wasn't it her daughter?

If she grabs Yueyue at this time, Da Mimi believes that Lin Feng will definitely find a way to compromise with her.

However, before meeting Lin Feng, she had to find out what Lin Feng's true thoughts were in his heart.

Did he really treat himself so cruelly just to help Reba?
Could it be that he didn't miss other family ties? After all, they were once husband and wife, and they also had a daughter.

Could it be that Lin Feng could really be so ruthless and do all this?
In any case, Da Mimi only dealt with Reba this time, and did not really deal with Lin Feng.

But now, Lin Feng bites him in turn. To be honest, Da Mimi still can't accept this in his heart. (End of chapter)

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