He persisted until nearly 4 o'clock in the afternoon before he hurried to the kindergarten where Yueyue was.

Because she is a celebrity and is now caught in the whirlpool of public opinion, she knows in her heart how to do some things and how not to do some things.

After putting on some disguise, Da Mimi quietly walked to the back door of the kindergarten.

Before she came, she had already greeted the principal here. After all, she was a celebrity, so the ordinary staff of these kindergartens must look up to her.

The principal of the kindergarten has also been waiting here for a long time. In fact, he had already noticed the presence of Da MiMi when the last parent-child sports meeting was held.

But, he was very curious, what was the relationship between him and Yueyue?If he has no relationship with Yueyue, then what kind of relationship is between Yueyue and Reba?

Through special channels, Da Mimi successfully walked into the director's office.

"Director Liu, I'm really sorry for causing you trouble this time."

"Haha, it doesn't matter. Just tell me if you have anything. Besides, I also really want to know what the relationship is between you and Yueyue. Over the years, I seem to have never seen you appear, and the only one is that time."

"Yes, I admit that I have neglected to discipline my children in the past few years. Therefore, I have not fulfilled my responsibility as a mother. This is indeed a mistake on my part."

"You, what did you say? Mother's responsibility?"

After saying this, the director was dumbfounded in surprise.

Although, he had already guessed before, and estimated that there should be some kind of connection between him and him.

However, when the person involved mentioned all this in front of him again, he still felt that sense of surprise in his heart, which was unacceptable.

"Yes, I am Yueyue's biological mother, and Lin Feng is her biological father. The last time you saw Reba, she was just a contracted artist under my banner. Before, I only learned about the child through her. situation."

"I know a little bit about Reba, and I've noticed her near the kindergarten before. She seems to have secretly taken photos of Yueyue."

"Yes, that's true. It was also arranged by me, because I wanted to see the child, but it was inconvenient for me to show up, so I could only arrange for my artists to come here and secretly take a few photos. This way To relieve my pain of lovesickness."

"Oh, that's it. However, this is all your family's business. It doesn't seem to have much to do with me. It's just that I don't know what you want to do here this time."

"You also know that the public opinion about me on the Internet is fermenting fiercely now, especially after a piece of news appeared last night. It has already reached the highest level of traffic in the morning. Therefore, it is not convenient for me to let my children go to this school now. She continues to go to school, so I want to pick her up in advance."

"What? Pick her up? How did you pick her up? And how do I know who you are her mother? I remember that Yueyue's mother's column is empty in the admission file. I I just know that his father’s name is Lin Feng.”

"Haha, I don't think there is anything to question about this. Now I will let you see something and I believe you will understand."

While talking, Da Mimi took out something that had been prepared in advance from his bag.

This is when Damimi was getting divorced, she secretly copied a child's birth certificate. With this birth certificate, she could basically be sure that she was his biological mother.

Because above, not only the birth information of the child is recorded, but also some of his current situation, including his own identity information, are all concentrated on it.He took it out and handed it to the dean. The dean checked it carefully. Then he pulled out Yueyue's admission file and checked it carefully. He found that the information on the two was almost exactly the same.

"Oh, I didn't expect that you are really the child's mother."

"Yes, that's it. It's just because of some family reasons, and I divorced my husband in the early years, so it's not convenient for my identity to be disclosed. Now, I have no choice but to protect my child. I have to take her in advance. Pick it up."

"But what about Mr. Lin, why didn't he come?"

"He had something to do at the last moment, so there was no way to arrive. I had to take the risk and pick up the child first. As you know, the child is too young, and I don't want her to cause any kind of psychological damage."

"Okay, then I understand. Then I will arrange for the teacher, and then bring Yueyue over. You can take her away as soon as possible."

"Okay, I'll trouble you, Director Li."

After saying this, he just smiled slightly, but he didn't expect that everything would go so smoothly.

Da Mimi wanted to take Yueyue away successfully before the kindergarten was over and before Lin Feng saw Yueyue. In this case, he would have an extra Shangfang sword in his hand.

After waiting for a few minutes, Da Mimi saw a young female teacher walking over with Lin Yueyue.

When Yueyue saw her, she was suddenly stunned for a moment, and then she just subconsciously took two steps back.

Because of what happened that day, Yueyue can't forget it even now.

She didn't like Dami Mi very much, but she only knew that this man had a special relationship with her father, but there was no way to guess it.

"Yueyue, come to me."

Damimi squatted down gently, and then clapped her hands, but Yueyue seemed to be resisting and kept hiding behind the teacher.

This actually made the teacher feel a little overwhelmed.

Before the teacher came, the principal had already told him that Dami Mi was Yueyue's biological mother.

In addition to being shocked, she was also a little curious, wondering what kind of past events had happened to these celebrities.

"Yueyue, this is your mother. Don't you even know your own mother?"

She suddenly turned around and said something to Yueyue. At that time, Yueyue was completely stunned.

Over the years, Yueyue has asked Lin Feng more than once where her mother is.

Lin Feng just told himself that his mother went to a place far away for work reasons. When Yueyue grew up, she would naturally come back, but he never revealed other information. (End of chapter)

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