"Yueyue, I am really your mother. Do you really have no feelings at all?"

"You, you are, you are Sister Mi. Why, how can you be my mother? Impossible, this is absolutely impossible."

"Yueyue, my mother will patiently explain this matter to you after I go back. I know that my mother has been busy with work in the past few years and has neglected to take care of you, Yueyue. I hope that my mother can have the opportunity to make up for it. ,OK?"

"Where's my dad? Where is my dad?"

"Your dad asked me to come and pick you up. Then, let's sit down and have a good talk as a family of three. Is this okay Yueyue?"

"You mean, my dad, my dad is waiting for me, right?"

"That's right, your dad is waiting for you. It's not convenient to show up now due to some other reasons, so dad asked mom to come pick you up. You go with mom now. After meeting dad later, the two of us will explain to you together. , Yueyue also wants to know what happened, right?"

She is here to trick Yueyue step by step.

Lin Yueyue herself was full of curiosity. How could a good sister suddenly become her mother?

She also wanted to know what was hidden here, and why had her father concealed this information about her for so many years?

He slowly relaxed his vigilance, and then slowly walked out from behind the teacher.

Finally, he walked to Da Mimi. Da Mimi hugged Yueyue into his arms, and then hugged his neck tightly.

"My Yueyue, my mother really misses you so much. She has never held you so closely on such an occasion in all these years. She really misses you so much. It's my mother's fault. It's my mother who's sorry for you. "

All of this was the true expression of Da Mimi, so when she was speaking, she could not help but shed tears.

When the teacher heard all this, she was even more convinced. It seemed that the deep love between mother and daughter was definitely true.

Yueyue seemed to understand something, and when the woman hugged her tightly, she suddenly felt a very warm feeling.

That feeling is completely different from holding my father's arms. Could it be that this is the legendary maternal love?

Yueyue gently moved out of his arms, and then wiped the tears from the corners of Damimi's eyes with her hands.

"You, please stop crying first. I just want to know what happened. You said you are my mother. Do I have to believe you?"

"Okay, Yueyue, you don't have to believe me now. After meeting Dad, I believe you will know what happened. Sorry to bother you, teacher, I will seize the opportunity to take him away."

After saying goodbye to the teacher and the dean, she and Yueyue hurriedly got up and left.

In a blink of an eye, it was time for school to end. Lin Feng stood at the door of the kindergarten as usual, waiting for Yueyue to finish school.

He planned to let Yueyue say a final farewell to the teacher today, and then, starting tomorrow, Lin Feng would go through the transfer procedures for Yueyue to go to another kindergarten.

This place has been completely exposed, so we can't wait any longer.

But after waiting for a while, Lin Feng did not see Yueyue's figure, but saw that other children in his class had come out.

He was surprised, so he stepped forward.

"Teacher Yang, where is Yueyue? Haven't you come out yet?"

He raised his head, then looked at Teacher Yang and asked.

However, when Teacher Yang saw Lin Feng, he suddenly became cold. His words seemed to make Teacher Yang realize that something was not right. "Why, Yueyue was picked up by her mother. Don't you know about this?"

"What did you say? Her mother? When? Who is her mother?"

Although Lin Feng asked this question, in fact, he had vaguely guessed in his heart that the mother they were talking about should be Da MiMi.

"Yes, it's rice rice."

"When did she come?"

"She came an hour before school ended. Moreover, she ran to the dean's office and asked me to deliver it in person. She also took out Yueyue's birth certificate. We couldn't refuse it."

"okay, I get it."

Lin Feng felt angry in his heart and wanted to vent it out, but he knew that the kindergarten teacher and the dean were innocent. After all, they had no idea what happened.

He did think that Da Mimi would use such despicable means, but he didn't expect that she would do it so quickly.

Thinking about it now, it seems that Da Mimi should have hinted to herself when she called herself in the afternoon before.

But I just didn't think of this at all.

He left the kindergarten in a hurry. After getting into his car, Lin Feng took out his phone and called Da Mimi.

However, the phone is just in an unreachable state.

No matter how hard he fought, he would always be in this state. Lin Feng knew that Da Mimi was deliberately avoiding him.

What's bad, I've calculated everything wrong, but I've made this mistake.

Do you still want to call the police?
After all, it is his family matter, and Yueyue is the mother of the child. This cannot be changed. Even if he calls the police, I believe no one will accept such a matter.

In a hurry, he called Reba.

Reba was on the road at this time. After seeing Lin Feng's call, she estimated that she had already received a call from Yueyue. After all, this time was the time when kindergarten was over.

"Hey, Lin Feng, did you pick up Yueyue?"

"The situation is not good. Yueyue was taken away by Damimi in advance."

"What did you say? She took Yueyue away? This, how could this happen, and..."

"Forget it, I don't want to talk about this now, I just want to ask you, how many apartments does Da Mimi have in this place?"

"I only know that she has that villa, and then there is a community on Xinfeng Road in the city, but I don't know the rest very well."

"You send her all the addresses you know to my mobile phone. I want to go find her right now."

"No, can't you just call?"

"I called her, but the phone couldn't be connected. I guess she was avoiding me on purpose."

"Then what should I do now? If Sister Mi really wants to hide and doesn't want us to find her, then our matter will be really troublesome." (End of Chapter)

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