"It doesn't matter. If I want to find it, I will definitely be able to find it. If she doesn't have it at home, I will go to the company to look for it. If the company can't find it, I will sit in the company every day. I don't believe it. She doesn't even do the company's business. Yet?"

"Okay, I understand. Otherwise, I'll go over and join you."

"No, just send me the address and I'll rush there right away."

"Okay, I understand. Don't worry. Besides, don't worry, even if you take her away, she won't hurt Yueyue. It's just that she just wants to vent her anger at this time."

"okay, I get it."

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he just breathed a long sigh of relief, and then hung up the phone.

Of course he knew, how could his mother hurt her daughter?Therefore, Lin Feng is indeed very relieved about this.

However, Yueyue was not used to living with her at all. Moreover, how could she take away the daughter she had raised for so many years just by asking her to take her away?

Unexpectedly, he had gone a bit too far with this one, and he was able to go out and play a bigger one with himself. This made him more and more unexpected.

"Sister, where are we going?"

Yueyue sat in the car and felt that the surrounding environment began to become more and more unfamiliar.

At the very least, she didn't know this place.

"Mom, take you to where your mother lives."

"Didn't you say you wanted to take me to find dad? Where is dad?"

"Yueyue, dad is waiting for you over there. You will know when he arrives."

After hearing this, Yueyue just frowned slightly, and then kept looking out the window.

She felt that today's situation was indeed a little different.

Yueyue didn't know whether what this woman said to her was true or false.
Could it be possible that I really met a bad person?

At this moment, Yueyue suddenly had such an idea flash in her mind.

I remember that in kindergarten, they received special safety education.

However, no matter how you look at it, you don’t think this woman is a bad person?
"Sister, I, my family, I really don't have much money in my family, but if you want it, I can ask my father to work hard to get you some more."

Yueyue's words suddenly made Da Mimi laugh out loud.

This child is really interesting. Does she want to regard herself as a kidnapper?

"Yin Yueyue, you don't think I want to kidnap you, do you?"

"Then you, where are you taking me? Sister, you don't have to lie to me. I know there will be no father in that place. It is impossible for me to see my father. Tell me, am I right? "

"Yueyue, you are very smart. Your father is indeed not there. The reason why I say this is that I hope you and I can leave smoothly."

"Sister, why are you doing this?"

"The reason why I do this is because you are my daughter and I am your mother, so it is only natural that I take you away now. Yueyue, don't worry, my mother will give you a better life. "

"But, but I want to be with dad."

As Yueyue said this, she lowered her head pitifully.In fact, at this time, tears had already flowed out, but she did not dare to cry loudly.

He knew that in this environment, if he really struggled too much, it might be counterproductive.

"Yueyue, you are obedient. If you are obedient, I will send you there at the weekend and let you live with your father. But from now on, when you go to school, you must follow your mother's arrangements, okay?"

"But, but I like that kindergarten, I like the children there, and I also like the teachers."

"Yueyue, don't you quite understand? In fact, it's not me who transfers you to another school. The key is that after your father goes there this time, he will definitely not let you go to this kindergarten again."

"Why? Why don't you let me go to that kindergarten?"

"Yueyue, this is an adult matter. You don't need to worry about these. Mom is just telling you that whether it is mom or dad, we have made this decision for your own good, Yueyue. do you know?"

"Then, can I, can I call dad?"

"Yueyue, as long as you are obedient, not just on the phone, but even if you want to video chat with dad, there is no problem. However, we have to get back home first, okay?"

"okay, I get it."

Yueyue nodded sensibly.

Although he knew very well in his heart that the initiative was not with him at this time, so she never cried or made trouble.

After the car drove into a garage and took the elevator, Yueyue followed Da Mimi directly to the lobby on the first floor.

This is the first time Yueyue has seen such a luxurious house, and this living room seems to be larger than their entire house.

"How is Yueyue? Do you like this place? There is a room upstairs. I specially prepared a princess room for Yueyue. And, Yueyue, you will definitely like it very much."

"But, but here, I can't see dad..."

No matter how good the environment is, Yueyue knows in her heart that if her father is not here, then being in a good environment does not seem to mean much to her.

"Yueyue, didn't mom tell you? As long as you are obedient, I will definitely let you see dad more often in the future. Moreover, dad is busy with his own things during this period, so he has no time to take care of him. Yueyue, do you understand?"

"Oh, okay, I understand, then, can I, can I call dad?"

"Okay, no problem. I told you, I can make phone calls now, including video calls if you want. Come on, give me my phone."

While saying that, Da Mimi put the phone directly into Yueyue's hand.

"Okay, I'll go upstairs and tidy up again. I'll come down to you later. There's dad's contact information on it."

In fact, Damimi did this on purpose.

She knew that at this time, she needed to give her children an independent and safe environment.

If she had stayed here, it was very likely that Yueyue would not be able to say many things.
Da Mimi actually wanted to know what her daughter was thinking at this moment.

He hurriedly ran towards the second floor. After arriving in the study, he hurriedly turned on the surveillance camera.

At this time, the picture in the living room was clearly displayed on the display screen.

At this time, he saw Yueyue sitting on the sofa. Then, he took out his mobile phone and rummaged around for a while, then quickly put the mobile phone in front of him. (End of chapter)

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