Chapter 461 Press Conference
There was just a click sound, and the photo was saved in Da Mimi's phone.

She was really happy, and then she directly set this photo as her mobile phone screen saver.

At this moment, the phone rang, and Da Mimi glanced at it. It was the manager of the public relations department calling him.

"Yueyue, you can play by yourself in the room first. Mom has some work matters. After making the call, she will come back and play with you right away, okay?"

"Oh, then you go."

Yueyue nodded, and finally, she picked up her phone and walked to the study room opposite.

"Hey, how's it going?"

"Sister Mi, we have tried every means, but the pressure of public opinion on the Internet is too great, and we cannot clear it out in time. Even after a wave of removal, another part of the netizens will immediately come back again. Counterattack came."

"You're a bunch of trash, are you unable to do anything?"

"It's not Sister Mi. This matter of yours is indeed a bit difficult. Look, do you want us to hold a press conference to see how to do this matter? Actually, I have thought about it. In fact, the best way is You can hold a press conference in person and then clarify the matter in person."

"Press conference?"

After saying this, Da Mimi was suddenly stunned for a moment, and her brows were tightly knitted together.

Then, she looked up at the room opposite.

She seemed to suddenly think of something.

"Make arrangements for me. I will hold a press conference at 8:00 tomorrow morning. In addition, the scale will be as large as possible. All media reporters must be notified and they must all come to this press conference. Do you understand?"

"Okay, Sister Mi, I understand. I will make arrangements right away. We will hold the meeting on time at 8 o'clock tomorrow."

The public relations manager was very happy after hearing this.

After all, now she has agreed to the meeting.

If it can be held, it may bring new opportunities to this matter.

After hanging up the phone call, Da Mimi seemed to feel a lot more relaxed in her heart.

However, Da Mimi knows one thing. After this press conference is officially held, the identities of himself and his children will be truly exposed on the Internet.

And all the hiding and underground work that Lin Feng had done before would probably be wasted at this moment.

Da Mimi was unwilling to discuss it with Lin Feng, and she also knew that there was no room for negotiation on this matter.

Even if she told Lin Feng, Lin Feng would definitely not agree to do this, so for now, she can only kill it first and then tell it later.

After coming out of the study, she opened the door to the opposite room and saw that Yueyue was still looking around the room, as if she was curious about every setting.

"Yueyue, how's it going? Mom prepared this room for you, do you still like it?"

"Well, I quite like it, but I feel that this room seems a lot bigger. My room was not that big before."

"Yueyue, you have to adapt to a room like this. Your room will only get bigger and bigger in the future."

"Oh, that's right. Then, when can I go to school? Also, what does my new kindergarten look like?"

"Haha, Yueyue, it turns out you want to know this. Come on, mommy will let you take a look at what you look like in kindergarten now." As he said this, he took out a tablet computer from the side, and then ,Sitting on the sofa.

The two of them cuddled together, and Da Mimi played some photos from that kindergarten.

Yueyue watched here excitedly.

You know, this is an international high-end aristocratic kindergarten, so the environment is much better than her previous kindergarten environment.

"What is this place?"

"This is your playground. Look, isn't it big?"

"Wow, is this playground so big? It seems to be bigger than our previous kindergarten."

"Yes, so mom must have given you the best environment. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Moreover, some of the things you usually communicate with, including the meals you eat and the courses you take, must be the same as before. Completely different.”

"So, what about this place? What is this glass house used for?"

"This is a swimming pool. You will also have swimming lessons when the time comes. There will be coaches who will teach you how to swim."

"Great, I can go swimming."

"Do you like this new environment?"

"I like it. It's just that I don't have the children or teachers I had before. This makes me a little regretful. If they could all come here, how great would it be?"

"Haha, Yueyue, people have their own families, so mom can't decide them, but don't worry, in this new environment, I believe Yueyue will be able to integrate in soon."

"okay, I get it."

"But Yueyue, you may not be able to go tomorrow. Some admission procedures need to be completed again, but tomorrow, you need to go somewhere with your mother, okay?"

"Going somewhere? Going somewhere?"

Yueyue raised her head and asked curiously.

He didn't know what kind of life plan this Sister Mi was planning to arrange for herself.
Are you taking him to a new place?Or should I introduce her to new friends?

"Tomorrow, we will go to a press conference, and there are many big brothers and sisters there. All they have in their hands are cameras, cameras, and flashlights. It can be said that the scene is very good."

"Then, where is that place? Is it a filming place?"

"Yueyue, it's actually the same place as the filming place. However, you don't need to say anything then. You will sit next to your mother. If someone wants to ask you something, you can just answer the truth. Do you understand?"

"Sister Mi, what are we going to do now?"

Although Da Mimi was trying his best to avoid this question, curious Yueyue just couldn't figure out where she was going to go tomorrow.

"Yueyue, don't worry. The place your mother takes you to must be very, very fun, and you don't have to do anything, okay? Tomorrow, it should be very short, about half an hour. After that, My sister will take you to the largest amusement park in the city, which is newly built, do you understand?"

"Oh, do you really want to go to the amusement park? Don't Yueyue have to go to school tomorrow?"

(End of this chapter)

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