Chapter 462 Hidden Property

"Mom has told you that now, you are in the process of transferring to another school, so you don't need to go to school yet. Tomorrow, mom will have a day to spend time with Yueyue, okay?"

"Oh, great, great."

"Okay, Yueyue, you can play here for a while longer. Mom will go down and tell the kitchen to make Yueyue's most delicious fried chicken tenders tonight, okay?"

"You, how do you know that I like fried chicken tenders?"

After Yueyue heard this, she was suddenly stunned.

Because, in her impression, she was still very unfamiliar with this woman, so under this situation, it was unclear how she knew the news.

"Of course, you, the mother, know what Yueyue likes best. Although your mother has not been with you for so many years, do you understand that your mother is fully aware of Yueyue's every move and everything?"

"Oh, well, I see."

Yueyue nodded, just thinking that this matter was very interesting, but she didn't ask any more questions.

After Lin Feng wandered outside for a while, he still felt that this matter was a bit inappropriate.

Even after talking to Yueyue on the phone, he still had to know Yueyue's true thoughts at this time.

He believed that this girl couldn't stand Da Mimi's sweet talk.

In addition, it is said that father and daughter are connected by heart, and similarly, mothers and daughters are also connected by heart.

If she really accepts Da MiMi, wouldn't it be more difficult to see Yueyue again in the future?

Therefore, Lin Feng must nip this matter in the cradle as soon as possible.

He took the address that Reba had sent him before, and then checked both places, but he found that no one was there at all.

It seems that Damimi should have come prepared.

She knew these places, and Reba must have known them, so the fact that she had a hidden property somewhere else was unknown.

This made Lin Feng's search very difficult.

Look at the time, it's already 8:00 pm.

It seemed that it was indeed a little too late to go to Da MiMi's company again.

There is no one else in the company.

He just held out hope and called Da Mimi's cell phone again, but the message from the other party was still unreachable.

He believed that Da Mimi had blocked his mobile phone number, so if this woman didn't take the initiative to contact him, there was nothing he could do.

At this moment, the phone rang, and Lin Feng saw that it was Reba calling.

I believe that Reba has been waiting for such news all afternoon.

"Hey, Reba."

"How's it going? Have you found Yueyue?"

"Not yet. I've already been to the two property addresses you gave me, and there's no one there at all."

"I have already guessed this this afternoon. How many apartments Miss Mi has in the city? To be honest, no one knows. However, these two apartments are places she often goes to, so I suspect she should still have us. These people don’t know about this place.” “That’s more troublesome. The city is so big and there are so many houses. Where should I look for it?”

"Lin Feng, I advise you not to search so blindly anymore. If you search like this, you won't get any results overnight. You'd better come back and let's discuss the next countermeasures."

"I don't know where Da Mimi will take Yueyue. I contacted the kindergarten today and he has submitted an application to withdraw from school, which proves that she will probably find a suitable kindergarten for the kindergarten soon. "

"Kindergarten, I can provide you with clues in this regard. I know that before, she once showed me an international kindergarten. It is a chain and the cost is very high. However, your teaching environment is different. In terms of education, it is indeed very good. I believe that if he wants to go, he should go to that kindergarten."

"Oh, do you know where the kindergarten is?"

"I definitely know this, but that kindergarten is completely closed. They are very serious about this kindergarten. If you were not included in the registration information at that time, or if you did not participate, then don't say you received the call. The child is here, I’m afraid you won’t be able to see her even if you meet her in person.”

"Wouldn't that be more troublesome?"

"So, we must stabilize Sister Mi now and don't let her do such extreme things. We can sit down and talk about it under any conditions. You can come back first. I'll be waiting for you at your house. , we will discuss it in detail after we come back."

"Okay, I understand. I'm already near home. I'll be up soon. By the way, have you eaten?"

"Haha, no, I'm not hungry at all. My mind is very messed up. I've been thinking about these things all day."

"That won't work. It's already this late, and it's unrealistic to go up to cook any more. How about I just buy some downstairs and we can have a bite first?"

"Okay, I understand, then come up."

After saying that, Reba hung up the phone.

Somehow, she felt as if she had become the mistress of the family.

However, this feeling did make her feel very excited.

Isn't this the kind of life I've always wanted?

Unexpectedly, this life came so quickly.

Although she also paid some price for this, she felt that these things were nothing compared to her own happiness.

After dinner in the evening, Da Mimi followed Yueyue and sat and played in the room for a while. She now felt that the child's heart was actually relatively easy to get close to.

Tonight, she felt that Yueyue's attitude towards her had obviously become much better.

After all, they have this kind of blood relationship, and even if the bones are broken, the tendons are probably still connected.

He is becoming more and more confident that Yueyue will be able to live with him in the future.

After almost 9 o'clock, he arranged for Yueyue to go upstairs and lie down on the bed early. He talked with Yueyue for a while, and then read a story book to her for a while. Only then did he see Yueyue sleeping, and then He quietly left the room.

Not to mention, spending this day with Yueyue was indeed a bit tiring.

However, this kind of tiredness is nothing to him.

On the contrary, I feel that there is a kind of happiness in my heart.

It is said that raising children is hard work, but today, Da MiMi really experienced it.

(End of this chapter)

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