Chapter 464 Liu Sisi is back
Could it be that Reba forgot something here?
He looked around, as if he didn't see anything like this except his personal belongings.

"Who is it?"

Lin Feng walked over and asked softly.

"It's me, Brother Feng, open the door."

Such a familiar voice.

He walked over and opened the door.

At this time, a young girl stood in front of him, holding a large suitcase in her hand.

Liu Sisi.

Yes, the person standing in front of him was Liu Sisi.

Some time ago, Liu Sisi went out to film a movie, so I never saw her. It took more than half a year.

"Why, you don't recognize me anymore? Have you become prettier? Or have you become ugly?"

Liu Sisi said while dragging her suitcase directly into her room.

"No, you just came back not long ago, why don't you go back to your home? Why are you bringing your suitcase to my house?"

"Hey, don't mention it. I forgot my keys in the car. When I found out, the car had already gone home. It would be inappropriate for someone to bring them here at this time."

"No, then what are you going to do?"

There had been scandals between himself and Liu Sisi before.

If she entered her home with her suitcase in the middle of the night, could it be that he really planned to spend the night at his home?

"What else can I do? I can just spend one night at your house. He will come to pick me up tomorrow. Then I will get the keys and pull the suitcase over. I still have to go to the company."

"Live here? This, this isn't appropriate. Otherwise, you can stay in a hotel."

"What's the matter? We haven't seen each other for half a year, and now it's so obvious to draw the line between me and me? What's wrong with me staying at your place for one night? Where is Yueyue?"

As he spoke, he looked around the room.

Yueyue and Liu Sisi are relatively familiar with each other, and Liu Sisi has always liked this girl.

"I didn't buy anything else this time. I really brought a lot of things to Yueyue. Come on, Yueyue, come out quickly and see what my sister bought you. Oh, isn't she sleeping? "

At this moment, she didn't hear Yueyue's movement, and it seemed that she suddenly realized that her child would have to go to school tomorrow.

It was already 10:30, and it was very likely that Yueyue had already entered her dream.

"You don't need to shout, Yueyue is not at home at all."

"What did you say? Not at home? Then, where did she go?"

Liu Sisi was surprised. It seemed that she had never seen Yueyue out of his sight for such a long time.

"Yueyue was picked up by her biological mother."

"What? The child's biological mother? Who is Yueyue's mother?"

This made Liu Sisi suddenly interested.

No one knew who Yueyue's biological mother was, and when anyone asked this question, Lin Feng had always been tight-lipped and would never reveal too much.

"My biological mother is my biological mother. Why are you asking about this?" "No, you have been hiding this woman deeply for so many years. Who is she? Tell me the truth."

"No one, but you should know the news soon."

"Who is it? Don't be too pretentious. Is it someone in our circle? Or is it someone outside of our circle?"

"Okay, stop asking these questions, haven't you already been riding in the car for a whole day? It just so happens that Yueyue is not here today, otherwise you can go to sleep in Yueyue's room, I'm in my room."

"Why, don't you miss me after not seeing each other for so long? Can't the two of us sleep in the same room?"

Liu Sisi's eyes suddenly became ambiguous, and she moved her body towards Lin Feng intentionally or unintentionally.

Lin Feng just subconsciously took two steps back.

If it were before, I would still be in the mood to deal with her here, but at this time, I really am not in the mood.

"I'm sorry, I'm really tired today, and I'm also very upset. Let's talk about it tomorrow. You know where everything is, so you can do whatever you want."

"Hey, Lin Feng, Lin Feng."

She still wanted to have a good chat with Lin Feng for a while, but judging from her current state, she probably couldn't achieve this idea.

After hearing the sound of the door being locked, Liu Sisi just sighed helplessly.

He didn't know what happened during the six months he left, but he could guess that something unknown must have happened to this man.

Every time I saw Lin Feng in the past, he was a very sunny boy, but today he seemed to be full of sorrow.

Could it be that it has something to do with the appearance of Yueyue's biological mother?
What kind of mysterious figure is he?Before, there were so many people in the circle guessing, but it seemed that no one could guess correctly.

Since she was rejected, there was no need for Liu Sisi to continue to pester her here. He simply gathered his luggage and then walked into Yueyue's room.

The next morning, Yueyue opened her eyes early.

Maybe it was because she was in a new environment, so last night, Yueyue didn't sleep very well.

After opening her eyes, she looked at the time on the wall, but she seemed a little unclear.

You can tell the digital clock at home at a glance, but I really don’t know what time it is today.

Yueyue climbed out of bed quietly, then opened the door and took a look into the corridor.

She found that the corridor was quiet at this time, and she didn't see anyone at all.

What about Sister Mi?Where did she go?
She was confused, and then she walked out of the room, walked to the stairs, and looked into the living room. Similarly, the living room was also empty, and she still couldn't see anyone.

By the way, Sister Mi once told me yesterday that she was also in the room on the second floor.

There were not many rooms, so Yueyue continued walking along the corridor.

When she walked to the door of a room, she seemed to hear the sound of a video coming from inside.

So Yueyue put her ear to the door and listened carefully. Yes, there was indeed someone in this room.

Yueyue knocked on the door gently.

"Who is it?"

A familiar voice came over. Yes, I found the one quite accurately. The person inside was really Sister Mi.

(End of this chapter)

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