"Sister Mi, this is me Yueyue."

"Oh, Yueyue, come on, come in."

She shouted, and then Yueyue opened the door and walked in.

At this time, Da Mimi was still lying on the bed.

She took out her phone and looked at it. It was just 6:00 in the morning.

She has the habit of getting up early, and she didn't sleep very well last night. She must hold a press conference today, so she has been thinking about how to deal with the reporters' questions.

"Yueyue, why did you get up so early? It's just 6 o'clock in the morning. It's not too late for you to get up at 7 o'clock."

"I can't sleep."

"Can't sleep? What's wrong? Did you not sleep well last night?"

"Well, I woke up a few times last night. Maybe it was because I was a little unfamiliar with the environment, so I wasn't very used to it?"

"Come, come to sister's bed."

She gently lifted a corner of the quilt, but Yueyue just shook her head gently.

"I don't want to sleep anymore, I want to get up."

"Oh, that's fine."

After saying that, Da Mimi sat up from the bed, stretched for a long time, and then walked down from the bed.

"Yueyue, I have prepared your toiletries in your bathroom. Are you going to wash up? You go and wash up, and then we go downstairs to have breakfast."

"You mean, you want to take me out this morning?"

"Yes, wait a while. It shouldn't be too late to go out after 7 o'clock. It's 6 o'clock now, which is still a bit early. Yes, Yueyue, do you have the habit of doing morning exercises in the morning?"

"Morning exercise? No. After I get up every morning, I am very pressed for time, and then I rush to the kindergarten."

"Oh, that's right. Are you interested in going for morning exercise with your mother today?"

"Morning exercise? What does morning exercise mean?"

"In the morning, we go to the park to exercise, stretch our muscles, and then go for a run. This is very helpful for our body throughout the day."

"Park? Is there a park near here?"

"Of course. After exiting this gate, walk to the right, which is about 100 meters away. What do you think, do you want to come with me?"

"Okay, then I'll go to the room and get ready."

After speaking, Yueyue turned around and left the room.

After waiting for about 20 minutes, Yueyue walked out fully dressed.

She was smart enough to know that she was going for a morning run, so she specially found a pair of sportswear from the closet.

This sportswear is pink. It looks really beautiful on Yueyue's body, and it makes Yueyue's skin even fairer.

"Wow, Yueyue, you look so beautiful in sportswear."

"I didn't know what to wear. Finally, I saw a sportswear like this in the closet. I didn't expect it to fit really well. Did you buy this for me in advance?"

"Yes, because mom doesn't know what style of clothes you like, so she bought you a few of each style and put them in the closet. Yueyue, wear them if you want. If you feel it's not suitable, then, Let's go to the mall to do some shopping." "Okay, I understand."

"Then let's go Yueyue, let's eat again after I come back. In this way, we can eat more, and the food will be particularly delicious."

"Well, okay, I see."

Yueyue nodded happily, and then followed her, and the two of them left home.

Yueyue followed Da Mimi's pace and ran for a while. After all, she was a child, and she had very little exercise before.

So, after running for a while, I felt a little out of breath.

She squatted on the side of the road and breathed heavily.

"Yueyue, your physical fitness is not good. Do you really rarely exercise in normal times? Didn't you do much exercise in kindergarten?"

"Our kindergarten is relatively small, so we have less time to exercise. Moreover, we are quite nervous in the mornings and have no time at all."

"This is not possible. Without a good body, you can't do anything. But fortunately, this time your mother transferred you to kindergarten in time. In this way, you can expand your scope of activities. From now on, as long as it is weekends When the time comes, mom will take you, and then, how about the two of us running together?"

"But, but I'm really tired."

"To be tired now is to lay the foundation for a good body in the future. Do you understand? Yueyue, if we feel tired, we will take a rest. We will gradually increase the amount of exercise every day. In this way, we will be able to adapt to high-intensity exercise in the end. train."

"Well, okay, then I need to rest for a while."

"Let's do this for today. It's getting late. We have things to do later. Let's go back first. We'll find another chance tomorrow."

"okay, I get it."

Yueyue followed Da Mimi obediently, and the two of them returned home again.

At 7:45, Da Mimi was picked up by a high-end nanny car at the back door of the meeting on time.

After the car door opened, his assistant, the public relations manager, and several other people in the company were already waiting here.

When Damimi got out of the car with a little girl, these people were really frightened.

They just knew that Da Mimi was holding a press conference this time to clarify the rumors about herself on the Internet.

But she never expected that she would bring a little girl. Moreover, the little girl was really beautiful, just like a doll.

"Sister Mi, who is this? The little girl is so beautiful."

"Yes, Sister Mi, who is this? I haven't seen him before."

"Wait a minute and the protagonist of today's press conference will be her, so you will know what's going on."

"Sister Mi, what are you talking about? She is the protagonist of the press conference, so, then she and you?"

"Yes, your guesses may all be correct, but I won't reveal anything now. It will be clear when we get to the scene in a while. In addition, have all the reporters arrived?"

"Sister Mi, they are all here. They arrived here half an hour ago. They heard that you were going to hold a press conference, so they were very interested. Now, the hall is already overcrowded."

"Just follow me in a while. Others don't need to follow. Do you understand?"

"Okay, I understand, Sister Mi. Everything has been arranged. Do you want to go back to the room and take a rest?" (End of Chapter)

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