"No, there are still 10 minutes left. Let's wait on the field first. At almost 8 o'clock, we will go directly to the field and fight quickly."

"Okay, I understand."

After hearing this, the PR manager just nodded.

However, she saw that the little girl had been holding Da Mimi's hand tightly since she got off the car, as if she was unwilling to let go for a moment.

She could vaguely guess that this was the legendary illegitimate child?

Does that mean that what is said on the postcard is true?She does have a child?
But why has this child not appeared for so many years?
Also, the postcard was translated into a special small language by netizens. Looking at this situation, the person who wrote the letter to Da Mimi was also from another country.

But why is a mixed-race child so beautiful and has no such mixed-race genes at all?

Not only are outsiders speculating on this matter, in fact, even the people around Da Mimi are constantly speculating on what is going on.

"Yueyue, how are you? Are you a little nervous?"

When he came to the side of the podium, he could feel that Yueyue's little hand was always pulling him tightly.

He knelt down and whispered into Yueyue's ear.

Yueyue didn't speak, just shook her head gently.

However, she could tell that Yueyue's face was slightly pale at this time, and her teeth were pressed together tightly.

"Yueyue, I remember that when you were young, you and your father seemed to have participated in the recording of a program, right?"

She seemed to remember that it must have been about two years ago. At that time, she felt that the child's camera skills were still very good.

Until now, Da Mimi has kept the videos of those programs. Sometimes when she misses Yueyue, she will take them out and watch them carefully.

"Yes, it's been a long, long time."

"Yes, this is the same as that one, so you don't need to worry, and you don't have to be afraid that they will ask a few simple questions when the time comes. You just need to answer normally."

"okay, I get it."

Yueyue nodded, but it seemed that her mood was still not relieved much at this time.

Regarding this, Da Mimi doesn't have too many extravagant expectations. Moreover, the child is still young after all. I believe that lens sense can be cultivated slowly.

"Sister Mi, it's almost time, we can go in now."

"are you ready?"


"Okay, then follow me and let's go." While talking, Da Mimi pulled Yueyue, and then several people walked into the venue.

The moment they entered, the media reporters seemed to have captured a precious shot, and then, the flashbulbs flashed towards them.

In fact, Da Mimi is already used to facing this kind of thing, and there is no need to worry about anything at all.

However, could she be able to cope with such high-intensity exposure in the music school?
But fortunately, he was just a child after all. Even if there were any mistakes at the scene, no one would pursue the matter.

"Okay, friends from the media, now our press conference has officially begun. Regarding the public opinion on the Internet about Miss Da Mimi, today we are going to respond head-on. Our press conference will be held for 15 minutes. We have arranged a total of 5 questions. If any reporters need to ask questions now, then you can start asking them in sequence."

After speaking, those people began to rush to raise their hands here.

There was a host at the scene, and it actually followed a pre-made process. However, he was also a little unfamiliar with the following reporters, and he just found a woman in front.

"Hello, I am a reporter from Lulu Media. I would like to ask about the postcard that was circulated on the Internet a few days ago. Miss Da Mimi, how do you explain it?"

After hearing this, Damimi just smiled.

"I believe that everyone should have been covered by this news these days. To be honest, that was just a classmate of mine in college. Yes, it was true that he had some affection for me at the time, and I also had a crush on him. He had a good impression, so he wrote such a postcard."

"But, as far as we know, it is a very special small language. Moreover, someone translated it and said that it seems that there is a child between you and him. We would like to ask where this child is now. place?"

"About this, I have to make a clarification. This is also a joke between us. Moreover, this postcard has passed many years ago. I don't even remember where it was placed, although I don't know exactly where it is. He was put on the Internet by people with ulterior motives, but I am just telling you that I have no relationship with him."

"So, who is this person sitting next to you?"

"Oh, today I also want all my friends to continue to pay attention to this matter. Originally, I did not want to announce this matter to the public. Now I can officially announce to you that this person is my daughter. , her name is Lin Yueyue."

As soon as he finished speaking, all eyes focused on Lin Yueyue again, where they were scrambling to take photos.

Damimi looked back and found that she seemed to be calm and composed at this time, and she didn't panic at all.

"Reporter at the back, you can answer now."

"Hello, I would like to ask, this child is your daughter, so who is his biological father?"

"Haha, regarding this, in recent years, because of the development of my career, I have not said anything out loud. In fact, everyone should be able to guess what I said. His name is Lin Yueyue, and her surname is Lin Yueyue. Lin, and in the early years of the entertainment industry, which Lin artist did I associate with? I believe they are familiar to you."

"You mean, Lin Feng?"

"Yes, Lin Feng is her biological father, and I am his biological mother. Because I have been busy with the development of my career in the past few years, the child has been with Lin Feng, and now, he has returned to my side. , Therefore, I need to make it clear to everyone that as for the thing mentioned on the postcard, it is completely false and does not exist at all."

As soon as he said this, the reporters below began to talk about it. He was actually talking in a low voice. He probably didn't specify or give his last name in the postcard. (End of chapter)

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