However, it is written on the letterhead. All of this alone indicates that she had a child with a foreigner. This is simply nonsense.

"Then I would like to ask, from now on, the custody of the child will be in the hands of Mr. Lin Feng, or in your hands?"

"We haven't made a clear conclusion about this yet, but it doesn't matter who the child wants to be with. I'm just making a few requests. The child is still very young, so I hope you will protect her in the future and don't let her His reputation, or the surrounding environment, has been greatly affected."

"I know that everyone is very interested in my private life, including my past emotional life. I can only tell you that in the past few years, I have only had one husband, and this man is Lin Feng. Just because We had some differences in our careers back then, so I left home alone and cruelly left him and Yueyue at home. I admit that it was indeed my fault, so I also sincerely told Mr. Lin Apologize."

"That means there is a high chance that Yueyue will live with you in the future? So, what are your plans next? Also, what are your current movie plans?"

"Currently, I have gradually retreated behind the scenes and will not move forward. Therefore, regarding this matter, I now just want to be a good mother wholeheartedly, and then make up for the inconvenience to my daughter in the past few years. A kind of debt."

As she spoke, she looked back at Yueyue, and after that, the two of them just held hands together.

At this moment, for some reason, Yueyue felt a warmth all over her body, and his look in her eyes made her really feel what maternal love was.

"Then, are the rumors about Miss Reba that came out from the company a few days ago true? Also, is Miss Reba now a contracted artist under your company, or someone from Maple Forest?"

"We will make a formal official announcement about this matter on our platform later. In addition, I can also tell you that starting from today, Miss Reba will terminate her contract. As for the specific situation, I am not in a position to disclose it. He is now specific. Which company we sign with is not our concern."

"Okay, fellow reporters, our questions have come to an end today. I believe everyone has understood the general outline of this matter. Therefore, I hope you will proceed from the facts and stop harassing Miss Da Mimi and her family's normal life. Today’s press conference ends here.”

"Miss Damimi, can you stand in front and let me take a photo of your daughter, or can you hold her in your arms?"

"Okay, that's fine."

As she spoke, Da Mimi just stretched out her arms, hoping that at this moment, Yueyue would really cooperate with her and lie on her shoulders obediently.

In the end, the reporter was left with the warmest and most beautiful scene here.

After Liu Sisi opened her eyes, she habitually just took out her mobile phone. When she saw the news reporter's announcement, she suddenly woke up.

Of course she understood the theme of this press conference, and she also knew this person. However, when she saw the little girl sitting next to her, Liu Sisi was dumbfounded.

Isn't this Lin Yueyue?Last night, she was still asking Lin Yueyue who her biological mother was. She didn't expect that someone would respond so quickly? "

"Lin Feng, Lin Feng."

She suddenly raised her voice, and then shouted loudly inside.

Lin Feng tossed and turned last night and never fell asleep. It was not until early this morning that he fell asleep. It was only around 8 o'clock, so everything was still in his sleep.

He slowly opened his eyes and heard Liu Sisi's voice outside.

This girl has long been familiar with him, and he also knows that she has this kind of personality now. "What are you doing? I'm still sleeping. I don't have anything to do this morning. I'll talk about it later."

"Lin Feng, you, look, I know, I know who Yueyue's biological mother is. It turns out that she is Sister Mi. Good guy, you hide it well enough."

"What? What rice rice..."

He hadn't reacted yet, but soon a familiar figure appeared in his mind.

He immediately sat up from the bed.

What's the situation? I clearly didn't tell her anything last night. Could it be that she heard something?

So Lin Feng quickly climbed out of the bed, and then opened the door.

He saw Liu Sisi standing in the living room at this time, looking at him with a frustrated face.

"What? What did you say? Who is her biological mother? Damimi, you, how do you know about this?"

"How do I know? Let me tell you, everyone in the world knows it now. I'm afraid you are the only one who is still in the dark, right?"

"You, what did you say? People all over the world, how can this be possible?"

"Come on, look at your phone and see the hot news. Just now, Da Mimi has officially held a press conference, and Yueyue has also been invited to attend. He has publicly admitted that their relationship mother-daughter relationship.”

"What? This, this is impossible."

After speaking, he felt his head getting bigger.

However, when Lin Feng turned on his phone and saw this scene really happening, he could feel that he couldn't believe his eyes.

Da Mimi had already announced the news in front of him, which was understandable, but was he really announcing it to the public now?
Lin Feng seemed to realize that Da Mimi had to move Yueyue out to deal with the incident on the Internet. To put it bluntly, she was actually taking advantage of the child.

Despicable and shameless, I never thought that she would use the child as a tool.

"What is the situation? Also, I have seen a postcard on the news before, saying that she seems to have had a relationship with a foreigner, and there is a child between the two, so Where is this Yueyue? What's going on? "

"Okay, don't worry about this matter. I'll take care of it. It's time for you to leave. You go first. If anything happens, we'll contact you by phone."

"What are you doing? You haven't told me clearly what's going on. Tell me what's going on?" (End of Chapter)

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