Chapter 471 I'll Go Home With You

Yueyue looked a little tired.

"Yueyue, come, daddy will carry you on his back. If you're sleepy, just lie on daddy's shoulder and sleep for a while. Can we go home directly later?"

"No, I don't want to go home. I want to go to sister Mi's home, and dad, you can go too."

After hearing this, to be honest, Lin Feng did feel a little uncomfortable.

The two of them just spent one night together. Does this child want to continue walking there?
"Yueyue, let's go to the restaurant in front to have something to eat. After a while, let's talk about whose home we want to go to, okay?"

"Oh, Dad, I'm a little tired. Can you sleep for a while? I don't really want to eat right now."

"But, Dad has a question that requires you to make a choice, so don't sleep now and wake up."

Lin Feng said and put Yueyue down from his shoulders.

"Dad, what else do you want to say?"

"Lin Feng, what's the matter? Can't we wait until the child wakes up? Do we have to do it right now?"

"Yes, because I have to ask clearly. If Yueyue decides to follow you, then there is no need for me to follow you here. Yueyue, tell dad whether you will follow sister Mi or dad. ?”

"Dad, can't I follow you two? Let's go back to that home together, whether it's to sister Mi's house or dad's house?"

There is definitely no problem with a child's thoughts, but it would be too difficult for Lin Feng to make a choice.

"Because my father and mother don't work in the same place, there must still be some gaps between us. Therefore, for the time being, my father cannot live with you at the same time. Just tell me, are you following your father? Or follow Sister Mi?"

"Dad, I think, I will follow whatever I want."

"Impossible Yueyue, you can only choose one of them."

Speaking of this, Yueyue suddenly twitched, and then tears flowed down from the corners of her eyes.

"Oh, Yue Yue, be good, Yue Yue, don't cry, Yue Yue, don't cry, Yue Yue, wherever you want to go, then just go there, okay? Otherwise, mom will follow you to your home and follow you to dad's house. OK?"

After hearing this, Yueyue just pouted, and then nodded vigorously.

"Lin Feng, don't provoke the child anymore. The child is innocent. After all, she doesn't know anything. I'll go back with you today and share a room with Yueyue. Is that okay?"

"You often come in and out of my house now, and you live in my house. What's going on?"

Lin Feng spoke in a stressed voice, and then looked at Da Mimi and said seriously.

Damimi didn't say anything, just smiled slightly, and finally pulled Yueyue towards the car.

Lin Feng finally saw that this matter could no longer be changed.

However, there was nothing he could do if she wanted to follow.

Moreover, he could see that Yue Yue was really at ease with Da Mi Mi. At the very least, he could return to his home and see Yue Yue all the time. This made him quite satisfied. .

After returning home, Yueyue seemed really tired and fell asleep directly on the bed.

"How about it, what do you have for dinner? I'll go to the kitchen to make something later."

Da Mimi really seemed like the mistress of this family. She walked out of the room, then looked at Lin Feng and said.Lin Feng looked at her in surprise.

"I hope you can clarify your position now. Now, this is my home, not yours, okay? The reason why I let you in is because of Yueyue. I don't have any other ideas."

"Lin Feng, why are you still so reserved now? Moreover, we are a very good couple. At that time, it was because I had my own way. Now, I have realized my mistake. Over the years, I haven’t found anyone, and you have also been alone all the time. Can’t we be together again?”

As Da Mimi said this, she leaned over again and sat directly next to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was very close to her at this time, and he knew that this woman wanted to use some charm skills with him again.

"I'll tell you..."

Before Lin Feng finished speaking, suddenly the doorbell rang.

He felt as if he had seen a savior, so he hurriedly stood up and walked over, opening the door without asking.

At this time, Reba was standing at the door with a confused face.

She was carrying two large bags of things in her hands, and she didn't know what they contained.

"Reba, why are you here? Come on, come in quickly. Why are you carrying so many things? You must be exhausted. Give it to me quickly."

He said enthusiastically, because seeing Reba was like seeing a life-saving straw.

Reba still didn't know what happened. After entering the room, she saw Damimi standing in the living room looking at her.

"Sister Mi, you, are you here too?"

"Haha, it seems that I came at the wrong time. What's the matter, Reba, the two of us have already gotten along, right? Now, we can come and go freely, right?"

"It's not Sister Mi, I just saw that there is nothing in the refrigerator. Moreover, I also know that Lin Feng is usually busy and has to take care of the business of the canteen, so I thought of buying some things for her. There are many things in there. Yue Yue likes to eat all the things, well, by the way, Yue Yue is here."

Reba was in the room and did not see Yueyue.

Others knew very well that Yueyue probably didn't go to school, but they didn't know where she was now.

"Oh, it's not like I went to the amusement park with Yueyue today, so after I came back, the child was a little tired and fell asleep directly in the room. By the way, I'm really hungry after you brought something like this over. , tell me what you want to eat, let’s make something for dinner.”

When he was talking, he didn't take rice into consideration at all.

It was as if she felt like air.

"Sister Mi, look, you, what do you want to eat?"

"Oh, there's no need to ask her. She didn't eat at night because she needed to lose weight. Okay, we can just be the two of us. Come, come here, let's discuss it together and see what we can do."

While saying this, Lin Feng pulled Rereba and walked directly to the kitchen.

Damimi didn't speak, just shook his head helplessly.

She knew that the reason why Lin Feng did this must be to make her angry. However, if she was really angry at this time, wouldn't it mean that she had really fallen into this person's trap?

(End of this chapter)

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