Chapter 472 She is the air

Da Mimi calmly sat down on the sofa, then picked up her phone and started browsing news and videos.

"What's going on? Sister Mi is here, and you didn't even tell me. If I knew she was there, I wouldn't have come at all."

After arriving in the kitchen, Reba lowered her voice, and then complained to Lin Feng.

"This woman is so troublesome. I don't want her to come at all. However, she has successfully bribed Yueyue. Yueyue can't live without him. Moreover, she also knows who she is as her mother."

"I already know about this matter. I saw the news on the Internet. I didn't expect that Sister Mi is really good at doing things. She even held a press conference so early in the morning. Now, even if you Whether you want to admit it or not, there is nothing you can do.”

"Yes, so this matter is getting more and more troublesome. You came here, but you saved my life. Otherwise, I really don't know how to get along with that woman?"

"Sister Mi, isn't she going to leave?"

"That means, I guess she won't be leaving tonight, but don't worry, she should stay in Yueyue's room."

"Lin Feng, you don't need to explain this matter to me. The room Sister Mi lives in has nothing to do with me. Even if she sleeps in the same bed as you, do you think I have the right to intervene?"

Reba seemed to have something in her words, and Lin Feng was stunned for a moment after hearing it.

Then, he raised his head and looked at Reba.

"I know that it is indeed very difficult for you in this matter, but I have no other way now, but if there is any way, I will not ask for your help."

"Don't worry, I'll just say it casually. If you need me to do anything, then I can completely cooperate with you."

"Reba, can you stay here tonight?"

"What? Live here? Then, where should I sleep? In the living room?"

"No, just sleep in my room with me."

"You, what did you say? I, I slept with you?"

After Reba heard it, she simply couldn't believe her ears.

Even the relationship between the two people is fake. Now, it is really troublesome for them to live together.

"Yes, in order to make this woman give up completely, and, you know? She actually made a request to me to remarry this afternoon. Now that I think about it, it's really terrifying. I will never agree to her request. .”

"What? She wants to remarry? Is this true?"

"Yes, when she was talking to me, her attitude seemed to be very sincere."

"It's bad. If she really wants to recognize something, then she will definitely do it to the end."

"But, that's just for other things. I will never give her this chance. Don't worry, a good horse never turns back. Since she chose to leave me back then, I have no intention of getting back together with her in this life. "

"But it's different among you because there is Yueyue."

"What's wrong with Yueyue? Now that Yueyue is older, I can meet the promised requirements and let her freely choose where to live based on the child's choice. I will never force this."

"I really don't know what you are doing. Well, I can only cooperate with you now. By the way, what should you do at night?"

"I see that what you bought included steak and red wine. How about we have a romantic candlelight dinner tonight?"

"Don't you think you are giving Sister Mi eye drops? The more you act like this, the more uncomfortable you will make her feel. I'm really worried about what she will do next."

"Just go up, what can we do? Anyway, this is her own choice. If she wants to stay here, I can't help it. Don't worry about her. We can just treat her as nothing and hand over the beef. Me." As he said this, Lin Feng put the apron on himself and started busy in the kitchen.

In less than an hour, in the end, two plates of beef were brought directly to the table.

"Okay, look at all this color, fragrance and smell. Come on, bring the red wine. Tonight, the two of us are drinking a glass of red wine."

"okay, I get it."

As she spoke, Reba walked over, took the red wine bottle, opened it and placed it in front of him.

At this time, Da Mimi was like watching a movie. She was paying attention to everything, but there was no ugly expression on her face.

"Okay, you two eat, and I will go to the kitchen to see if there is anything else delicious. After a while, Yueyue will wake up, and I will have something to eat with Yueyue."

As he said that, Da MiMi got up directly and entered the kitchen.

It seemed that he didn't take all this seriously, and he didn't take it seriously.

"Why do I feel like he doesn't take it seriously?"

Reba still saw it.

"Never mind her, she can do whatever she wants. The more we act like this, the more she falls into her trap. Don't worry about her."

"Dad, Sister Mi."

At this time, Yueyue woke up from her sleep, then, rubbing her eyes, walked out.

"Yueyue, wake up. Come on, take a look at the steak dad just made. Do you want to eat it?"

"Sister Reba."

She was very excited to see Reba at a glance, but she didn't seem to see Sister Mi's presence.

"Yueyue, are you awake? When I came here just now, it seemed that you were not awake yet. I bought you a lot of delicious food. Take a look, what do you want to eat?"

"Yueyue, mom will make fried chicken fillet for you tonight, okay?"

Before Yueyue had time to answer Reba's words, at this time, Da Mimi had already walked out of the kitchen.

She would not create any opportunity for her daughter to be alone with Rereba, or even let them come into contact.

"Sister Mi, it turns out you didn't leave?"

"Haha, why should I leave? Of course I'm staying here to accompany Yueyue, okay? I just saw there are chicken tenders in the kitchen, so I'll fry up another chicken tenders for you, okay? ?”

"Okay, I'm really hungry."

"Yueyue, do you want to eat your steak?"

"I don't want to eat steak, and I don't like that thing very much. Dad, why are you two still drinking? Sister Mi, why don't you get involved?"

"Haha, mom, like you, doesn't like eating steak or drinking red wine. Yueyue, you go to the living room and play for a while. When it's ready, mom will bring it over and we'll eat together in the living room."

(End of this chapter)

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