Chapter 473 Change Strategy
"okay, I get it."

Yueyue nodded sensibly, then jumped up and ran towards the living room.
Facing all this, Lin Feng was really helpless, and he shook his head gently.

He felt that none of his strategies seemed to have much effect in front of this woman.

It seems that it is necessary for me to think of other methods.

After the two of them finished eating, they simply packed up the things in front of them.

Sister Mi followed Da Mimi, talking about something unknown, and she would giggle from time to time.

"The canteen has not been open all day. I need to go over and take a look. Otherwise, the neighbors here will have complaints."

"Okay, I'll go with you."

After Reba finished speaking, she followed Lin Feng.

"Yueyue, dad went to the canteen to open the door for a while and will be back soon. Remember, after playing at home, you have to go to bed early. Do you understand?"

"okay, I get it."

When Yueyue answered, it seemed that she didn't even raise her head. Her attention was always focused on Da MiMi.

The two people walked down from upstairs disappointed.

"Did you see it? This is how the child usually has a good relationship with you. However, once the mother takes action at the critical moment, I simply can't resist it."

"There is no way, this is the nature of a child, and Yueyue has not enjoyed maternal love in so many years. At this moment, she must not be able to withstand it."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that she would intervene so promptly. From now on, I really don't know what to do."

"Lin Feng, have you ever thought that this matter must be settled? Of course, the premise is that you have made up your mind and will not remarry her."

"Of course, I was upstairs just now and I made it very obvious. How could I be with her again? This is an absolutely impossible thing."

"Then, we have to find a way to completely change this matter. Don't you see? Sister Mi has completely taken the initiative here."

"The starting point for her taking the initiative is Yueyue. Yueyue is a very critical point, but the key problem is that I can't change Yueyue's thoughts."

"Yes, it's not just you who can't change Yueyue's mind. No one has the right to change a child's mind. Therefore, we can't start with Yueyue."

"so what should I do now?"

"If Sister Mi is unable to concentrate on dealing with this side, don't you think this is a good idea?"

"Can't concentrate? The key problem is that she seems to be very free now. Moreover, I heard her making a phone call in the car this afternoon. She is controlling everything remotely."

"Yes, Sister Mi has indeed successfully retreated to the background now. There are many people under her who are rushing to help her do many things."

"Isn't that right? If that's the case, wouldn't it mean that we don't have this opportunity?"

"But, everything is human-made. If you want her backyard to catch fire, I think I can help you with this." When Reba said this, it seemed that she was just smiling mysteriously.

Lin Feng was just stunned for a moment. Could it be that at this time, she had terminated her contract and left the company, so could she still play any big role?

"I don't understand what you want to say, but don't forget that you have no connection with his studio now."

"Yes, I have nothing to do with this company, but that doesn't mean I don't know anyone there, right?"

"You mean, you are familiar with some of them, which means you can use these people to do tricks, right?"

"It depends on whether you need it. If you really need it, maybe I can provide you with some help. I have a pretty good relationship with Mr. Liu of their company."

"Mr. Liu, what is he responsible for?"

"He is responsible for actor recruitment and acting, so basically most of the business processes are in his hands."

After hearing this, Lin Feng just nodded. It seemed that he was really raising troops for a thousand days and using them for a while.

I originally thought that Reba would no longer be involved with that company, but looking at it now, it seems that she still has such an opportunity.

But should he seize this opportunity?
"For example, specifically, how should we operate? Do you have any ideas?"

"As for the idea, I haven't thought about it in detail yet, but I can sit down with Mr. Liu and discuss it carefully. In addition, the relationship between Mr. Liu and Sister Mi, to be honest, is not as good as you think. So harmonious.”

"What do you mean? He is affiliated with this company, and his boss is Shimi Miimi. How could the relationship be not harmonious? If the relationship is really not harmonious, then just kick Mr. Liu away when the time comes. Yet?"

"You are wrong. Mr. Liu is a highly respected person in the company, and he controls most of the connections. Moreover, once he is kicked out, the company will be in a semi-stagnant state. ”

"Really, is there such an important person?"

"Yes, that is indeed the case. Otherwise, do you think Sister Mi will keep him here forever? It's because he is useful, and Sister Mi has been sorting out her personal connections, just to get rid of him. Seizing this part of the rights, but we haven’t succeeded yet.”

"If you look at it this way, this person really has his uses. If you do this, keep in touch with him at all times and never break it. Then, if we need it later, we can tell him in time. "

"no problem."

While talking, they had arrived at the canteen, and then opened the door.

It's now this point in time. To be honest, under normal circumstances, no talent would come here.

"I'm very surprised that you just came over to open the canteen at this hour. So, what are you doing?"

"Haha, to be honest, when I took over this canteen, I just had a fever and thought that I should find something to do for myself."

"But, given your current status, including the fact that you are obviously the helmsman of Maplewood Culture, why don't you go about your own business? Instead, you want to be pampered here."

(End of this chapter)

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