Chapter 474

"I know, when I took over, my identity hadn't really been exposed yet? So, I didn't think about it that much."

"Hey, boss, the door is finally open. Bring me a pack of cigarettes."

At this moment, a man with dyed red hair walked over from there, and then said without raising his head.

"Okay, what kind of cigarettes do you want?"

"Well, just the jade seal."


While saying this, Lin Feng took the pack of cigarettes over.

"Look, do you want cash or scan the QR code?"

"Oh, I'll scan the code."

As he spoke, the man took out his cell phone, scanned it, and finally turned around and left after paying the money.

"Did you see it? This is daily life. People actually live in such a state. I actually really want such a life, but it's a pity that it seems that I am not very realistic."

"Lin Feng, I think you should shift the focus of your career to Fenglin Culture instead of sealing it in this canteen. After all, your identity has been completely exposed, so you can flex your muscles and do a lot. It’s a matter.”

"You mean, I have to divert my attention from now on?"

"You have to move, and let me tell you, you must be mentally prepared in advance, because it is very likely that Yueyue will not be with you most of the time, so you now have enough time. , you can figure out how to do something.”

"If I let Maplewood Culture swallow up Da MiMi's company, how feasible would it be?"

"What? Swallow it? Let me tell you, the market value of Dami Mi's company must be at least 10 billion or more. It is not a small company. Just swallow it if you say it will?"

"Yeah, isn't it all a matter of human effort? Moreover, just find a way to operate it. If I turn down this job, wouldn't it be possible for me to expand my own career and at the same time control this woman?"

"Well, it is possible, but it is indeed a bit difficult to do it."

"Okay, let's talk about these topics later. One more thing is that after your reputation gradually returns to normal, you will start to accept some acting careers. You can't do this. Nothing is wrong now. Something to do.”

"The key is to find something suitable?"

"It doesn't matter. What do you want to do? Make a movie, a TV series, or a variety show? We can invest in all of these. As long as we invest money, I believe there will be a lot of them." People are willing to accept this." "Lin Feng, you are really good to me."

"Haha, it's not that good. I just think that you are a talent in this field. Moreover, I have seen all the TV series and movies you have shot before. You are indeed a very capable actor."

"Then you really deserve the award. To be honest, with my performance of this kind, I feel that Sister Mi and I are still not quite as good as each other. She has indeed reached the point where she is already proficient."

"That was just before, when she was at her peak. Let me tell you, she has been retreating behind the scenes these years, and her acting career is now slowly beginning to be blocked. And you are at the time when the momentum is strongest. Therefore, my goal this year is to promote you as a popular artist, and your traffic must be much higher than that of Da Mi."

"What? My traffic? Tell you, this is simply impossible. Although I have been signing with Sister Mi's company in the past few years, and Sister Mi has always retreated behind the scenes, but to be honest, Her traffic is not low at all, and even now, I estimate that she should be in the top three."

"I haven't really paid attention to this. I would like to ask, where is your current fan ranking?"

"It should be around 50, yes, it should be 48. I remember I watched it about once before, so the gap between me and Sister Mi is still very big, so on this point I I’m not familiar with it at all.”

"Then do you know what a real traffic password is?"

"Traffic password? I heard Sister Mi tell me some related content before. This traffic password is a very critical thing, and how an artist controls this password is a very important thing, so To be honest, I don’t have any real clues until now.”

"Let me tell you, traffic passwords are actually not that difficult to make. As long as you have enough funds in the background and enough people to support you, then your traffic passwords will definitely be successfully cracked. So, if you want to break through all this , it’s just around the corner.”

"Do you have any ideas?"

"One of your words reminded me that I am a big shot after all. Moreover, although I feel that I am far away from the entertainment industry, after all, I am in the circle and I am also a person in the entertainment industry, so this is not fundamental. There’s no way to escape it.”

"Yes, you were born in the entertainment industry and died as a ghost in the entertainment industry. There is absolutely no problem with this. Lin Feng, I think back then it was an idol group. It was the idol in the hearts of many girls, but then it suddenly took a back seat. I went behind the scenes, and I haven’t seen any of your works since then.”

"If it wasn't to maintain this family and maintain the life between me and Yueyue, I definitely wouldn't do this."

"You have sacrificed too much for your child. Now that the child has grown up, Sister Mi has gradually begun to take over the child. If this is the case, shouldn't you stand up again and work hard? "

"Yes, so I want to end this canteen business as soon as possible in a day or two. I can't let myself be decadent here. I want to devote all my heart and soul to my career. I don't believe it. , Da Mimi’s company, can’t I solve it?”

"Okay, whatever you need to do, I can fully assist you."

"There are still many ways you can help me. Now I want to do my best to make you famous, and then make you even more popular than Damimi back then. Only in this way can we focus everyone's attention on us. Maplewood Culture.”

What Lin Feng said here can be said to be very passionate, and he also knew very well that in fact, this was not too difficult for him.

(End of this chapter)

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