In fact, his business has been tepid in the past few years, but he has a very accurate vision and sees the market very accurately. As long as he invests in something that he sees right, he will definitely not lose money. Moreover, you can also make a lot of money.

It is because of my unique vision in the past few years that Maplewood Culture has always stood firm.

However, from Lin Feng's point of view, Fenglin Culture's business model is somewhat single, and it only relies on investing in producers to contact these movies and TV series. In the end, it will not be on the big stage.

Therefore, he must change again and develop in a diversified way. Only in this way can the company achieve its goal of listing as soon as possible.

Da Mimi accompanied Yueyue and played in the room for a long time.

Let Dami feel that time seems to pass quickly.

Moreover, he would listen to the noise outside from time to time. He didn't know where the two people went, and he didn't know when the two of them came back.

Da Mimi could guess that Lin Feng did everything. After all, if he wanted to live here tonight, then Reba would definitely live here too.

But what she felt was strange was how should they arrange the accommodation room?

Does this Reba really want to live in the same room as Lin Feng?

If that's the case, then Da Mimi can be regarded as Reba's naked challenge to herself.

She would never tolerate this kind of challenge, but he was definitely not willing to have an attack in front of her children.

"Yueyue, it's getting late. Let's go to bed early today. Mom will have to go to the company to handle some things tomorrow."

"Ah, I need to rest now. By the way, Sister Mi, can I go to kindergarten tomorrow?"

"So, I'm going to check with you tomorrow and see if I can send you in early. So, let's wash up early and go to bed early to rest, okay?"

"Okay, oh, by the way, where are sister Reba and dad? Why haven't they come back?"

"Oh, they probably have some things of their own to do, because you don't need to worry about these things, you just need to take care of yourself. Besides, my mother will accompany Yueyue tonight."

"Okay, I understand, then I'm going to the bathroom to wash up."

While talking, Yueyue walked into the bathroom sensibly.

For such a young child, his life is now completely independent. To be honest, after seeing this scene, Da Mimi couldn't tell how sad he felt.

It's not that he doesn't have this condition, and if the family has 10 or 8 servants, it's not a problem at all. However, he has never been with the child since he was a child, so he has never shouldered this responsibility. .

After waiting for Yueyue to finish washing, Da Mimi looked at the time. It was now 10:30 pm.

Is it possible that Lin Feng won't come back tonight?
No matter what, now that Yueyue is by his side, he believes that he has Shang Fang's sword in his hand.

No matter how powerful Lin Feng is, this daughter will eventually be his weakness.

As long as the weakness is on his side, then he will eventually return to him obediently one day.

After the two of them lay on the bed, Yueyue soon entered her dream again.

She checked the time and saw that it was already 11 o'clock in the evening. She couldn't figure out what the two people were doing.

Damimi was browsing here boredly with her mobile phone. Today, the Internet has begun to spread its own news. However, all of them are positive. And the controversy about the previous postcard seems to have gradually been dissipated at this time. Forgot.In fact, this is the magic of the Internet. Maybe it was turbulent one moment, but it immediately became calm the next moment.

She felt that today's public relations work was very, very successful. This was also the most difficult thing she had encountered since her debut, but it was also the fastest thing to solve.

Suddenly, Da Mimi heard the sound of the door outside, and she could hear someone walking in quietly.

Da Mimi hurriedly sat up from the bed, then opened the door and took a look outside.

What he saw was indeed Lin Feng and Reba, both of whom came back at the same time.

It seemed that his guess was correct, Lin Feng would not let Reba leave.

"Is Yueyue already asleep?"

"Yes, I'm already asleep. You two are coming back so late? What's wrong? Reba, you don't plan to leave tonight? Do you?"

"Whether she leaves or not has nothing to do with you. Moreover, this is between me and Reba. Yes, I can tell you now that Reba won't leave. The two of us will sleep together tonight. Woolen cloth."

"Haha, okay, then you can go to sleep, I won't disturb you, good night."

After saying this, Da Mimi turned around and returned to the room.

In fact, Da Mimi had been standing behind the door. At this time, her fists were clenched tightly.

She really didn't expect that Reba would be so arrogant in front of her now.

The obedient, sensible and well-behaved Reba seemed to have completely disappeared at this moment.

She knows that for love, Reba is very, very confused now. She can sacrifice everything for love, and even fight against everyone.

And this is something that I simply cannot really take into account.

There is no way, if you really want to win this man's heart again, then you must go down-to-earth step by step.

Now that Yueyue is by his side, this is also the first successful step. After taking this step, Da Mimi believes that the following things should not be difficult to deal with.

"Sister Mi, is she okay?"

After seeing Da Mimi enter the room, Reba just lowered her voice and asked in a low voice.

"Don't pay attention to her. Let's go back to the room to rest."

As he spoke, Lin Feng pulled Rereba, and the two of them returned to the room.

"Here, tonight, how are we going to sleep tonight? Otherwise, I sleep on the sofa and you sleep on the bed?"

"How is that possible? How could I let you sleep on the sofa? The bed must be given to you. I can just make do with it on the sofa for one night."

"Well, that's so embarrassing."

"I should be the one who is embarrassed. You could have gone back to your own home and slept on a spacious and comfortable big bed, but who knew you were forced to pull me down? Okay, it's already very late, so take the time to rest. "(End of chapter)

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