As he spoke, he lay down directly on the sofa, and then turned his body to face Lareba.

Reba nodded and finally lay on the bed.

She couldn't take off her clothes here, so she could only cover her body with the quilt. Just like that, she kept her eyes slightly closed.

A man, and moreover, a man whom he was attracted to, was lying underneath him. To be honest, it was definitely impossible for him not to be moved by his heart.

However, now I feel that Lin Feng doesn't seem to have that intention for him?
Well, since they don't mean this, if a woman is too proactive, she will really be looked down upon by these people.

Reba turned over, and then tried hard to fall asleep as soon as possible.

One is her ex-husband, and the other is her best friend. Now they are two people lying on the same bed, in the same room. How can she sleep?
Da Mimi kept tossing and turning on the bed, and from time to time he would sit up and listen carefully to see if there was any movement in the room.

She didn't know if the soundproofing of the room was good, or if their movement didn't even happen, so no matter how hard she tried to listen, she couldn't hear it at all.

Finally, she couldn't help it any longer, and then she sat up, took out her phone and looked at it. It was already 12:00 in the evening.

At this time, an idea suddenly appeared in Da Mimi's heart.

She just wanted to test whether the two of them were serious, or were they deliberately acting?

To be honest, Da Mimi had doubted this before, and she felt that the two of them were probably acting.

After all, although she had asked Reba to keep in touch with Lin Feng before, she didn't seem to feel any signs of their thoughts.

Even if you make a few phone calls, is it possible to really express feelings?

Moreover, every time he pretended to be close to Lin Feng in front of her, she could feel that her eyes were a little evasive, as if she was not willing to face her at all.

Could it be possible that Lin Feng did all this?Was he just pretending to make him think that two people were together, so that he could completely give up?
It seems that tonight, I really gave myself an excellent opportunity.

If the two of them are really together, then they should be lying on the bed at this time, and they may not even be able to walk together.

If she sees this scene, it can be said that Da Mimi will give up completely, because she knows that being a third party will not be that simple at all.

However, if the next scene showed her that the two of them were just having fun, then she really had an opportunity, and she also knew how to take the next road.

So Da Mimi quietly sat up from the bed, and then looked back.

Through the moonlight, she could clearly see that Yueyue was still sleeping soundly.

It seems that the child's sleep quality is really good. Even if there is any big movement from people outside, she can't feel it at all.

He remembered that there was a key that was placed in a drawer in the living room.

If the door to the room between two people is locked, then even if he turns the key and opens the door, it will be a piece of cake.She was quiet, and her voice was very small. She almost didn't make any sound when she opened the door.

He walked nervously to the living room, and then, using the light of his cell phone, he found a key in the drawer.

Damimi picked it up and took a photo with his cell phone. Not to mention, it was the key to his room.

She quietly held Da Mimi in her hand, and then came to the door of Reba and Lin Feng's room.

She held her breath hard, then took a deep breath, once again placed her ear next to the door, and listened carefully.

However, I still didn't hear any movement.

I don’t know if the two of them are already asleep, or if they haven’t communicated at all since they entered the room?
She turned the door handle slightly, and then she felt that the door was not locked at all?

After seeing this, Lin Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The door was not locked, which proved that they had nothing to hide from themselves, and they had never thought that they would come to their room in the middle of the night.

As a result, Da Mimi suddenly pushed the door open, then reached out and used the switch on the wall to light up the room.

At this time, he saw a very amazing scene. Yes, the person lying on the bed was Reba, and the person lying on the sofa was Lin Feng.

I don't know why, but after seeing this scene, Da Mimi suddenly felt that her heart felt much more relaxed.

Although the two of them were not completely asleep, they seemed to be on the verge of falling asleep.

Suddenly the lights in the room were turned on, and they would be awakened and then sit up from the sofa and bed.

Damimi could see more clearly, what clothes the two people were wearing when they came back, and they are still wearing the same clothes now.

"Haha, let me tell you, the two of you don't look like a couple at all. Sure enough, I guessed it right. All of this was just a prank, just to piss me off, right? Oh, tell me, if you want to do this, why bother?"

"Damimi, you know what you're doing. Besides, don't you think it's rude to enter another room in the middle of the night?"

"No, I feel like I am entering my own room. Besides, who told you not to lock the door? If you lock the door, wouldn't I be able to come in? I finally understand now, otherwise Reba, Thank you for your hard work. You are here to cooperate with him in acting. Okay, you two should do whatever you want. I have to go back and rest. "

"Damimi, stop right here."

At this moment, Lin Feng seemed to be unable to bear it any longer. He jumped up from the sofa and then blocked Da Mimi's way.

"What's wrong? Mr. Lin, do you have any other instructions? Or do you want me to sleep with you here? Okay, it doesn't matter. I'm also willing to do it on the sofa. Likewise, I can also hold you tightly. You, let’s sleep together.”

"You have really become very shameless now." (End of Chapter)

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