Could it be that it was because I had hurt him too deeply?So, is it impossible to get him to accept a new relationship?

Da Mimi knew that the initiator of all this was herself.

Now, he can only use all his energy to take good care of the father and daughter during his lifetime to make up for the mistakes he made before.

Da Mimi returned to the bedroom, and then held Yueyue in her arms. Suddenly, she felt that Yueyue's body was very hot.

She sat up from the bed all of a sudden, and then touched her head with her hand. Yes, her head felt cold. This could not be her imagination.

She put her hand on Yueyue's head again and found that Yueyue's head was still very hot.

"Yueyue, Yueyue, wake up, wake up."

She pushed Yueyue gently, but found that Yueyue only said something vaguely, but her eyes never opened.

Damn it, Yueyue must have a fever. She probably played a little too crazy during the day, so her body couldn't bear it.

She jumped out of bed in a hurry, and then opened the door.

"Lin Feng, Lin Feng."

Da Mimi shouted twice, but Lin Feng didn't respond at all.

She knew that Lin Feng must still be angry with herself at this time.

Da Mimi knew very well that when he didn't take care of Yueyue before, how many times had he experienced this kind of thing at night?

Forget it, since he has gone to bed, there is no need for him to harass Lin Feng anymore. He believes that Lin Feng can do these things, and he can do the same.

So Da Mimi quickly got dressed, then wrapped a quilt around Yueyue's body, picked up Yueyue, and left the room.

Lin Feng didn't sleep at all. He didn't know what tricks this woman was playing on him.
When the door was closed, he seemed a little confused.

what's the situation?Could it be that she left in the middle of the night?

Forget it, I won't care about her. Maybe she just wants to attract his attention.

So Lin Feng turned around, pretended that he didn't hear any sound, and fell asleep again.

"Doctor, doctor, my child has a high fever. He seems to have passed out now. You guys, please take a look."

After entering the emergency room of the hospital, Da Mimi hurriedly shouted to the nurses and doctors on duty there.

Several doctors quickly ran over and touched the child's head.

"Quickly, put the child in the rescue vehicle. Come on, parents, please wait nearby."

Knowing that the situation was urgent, he cooperated with the doctor and placed Yueyue beside the bed, and then took two steps back.

Seeing the doctor taking first aid here, she finally felt relieved.

It has been sent to the hospital. I believe there will be no major problems.

After some first aid, Yueyue finally woke up.

When I measured the temperature just now, it had already reached 42 degrees. If a child reaches this temperature, he will definitely suffer from high fever and convulsions.

"Okay, her temperature should be gradually cooling down now. We just tested her with an instrument and it has dropped to 39 degrees. It should continue to drop. However, the child may still need to be hospitalized for two days of observation. .”

"Okay, no problem. That means she is no longer in danger, right?"

"Yes, there is no danger. You go and talk to her. Tonight, the infusion will continue. We will take her blood test early tomorrow morning to confirm whether it is a viral or bacterial infection." "Okay, that's troublesome. You guys."

"you are?"

At this moment, after the rescue, the doctor seemed to react suddenly.

Isn't the person in front of him the goddess in their hearts, the popular star Dami?
"it's me."

"Oh my God, you just came in with your baby in your arms, and I didn't even bother to look at you. It turns out, it's really you."

"Doctor, I am holding the child to treat the child today."

"I know, this is your daughter, and we are still discussing this matter in the hospital today, but you can't be in the lobby anymore.
If you do this, I'm afraid if someone comes tomorrow morning, you will really be surrounded by people. "

"Then what should I do now?"

"Just like this, I'm coordinating a single ward upstairs. That way, no one will disturb you and your daughter."

"Okay, then I'll trouble you."

"Okay, I see."

After finishing speaking, the male doctor just nodded, and then walked to the nurse's station and began to arrange things here.

"Yueyue, how are you?"

"I, where am I? I'm very cold, and I also feel weak all over."

Because until now, Yueyue's body is still a little weak. After all, it is still in a high temperature of 39 degrees.

Although she woke up from a febrile convulsion, she still had the body of a patient.

"Yueyue, don't worry, mommy will take off your coat."

While talking, he took off his coat and put it on Yueyue's body.

"But, but I'm still cold."

Damimi could clearly feel that Yueyue had been shivering.

"Doctors and nurses, do you have hot water bottles? Could you please get two?"

"Oh, okay, I understand. We have them in our dormitory. I will install hot water and send them to the ward for you later. Now, I have coordinated it for you. Xiaoling, you take them over and go to the room. "

"okay, I get it."

At this moment, the doctor had arranged everything, and then a nurse came over and led them to push the bed and take the elevator directly to the fifth floor.

After entering this environment and everything was settled, Da Mimi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The room environment is quite good. At the very least, it can ensure that the two of them can stay quietly here without being disturbed by anyone.

"Sister Mi, I'm at the nurse's station next to you. If you need anything later, just press the call bell next to you and I will rush over in time."

"Okay, I understand, but I also hope you don't post this matter on the Internet, because doing so will disturb my daughter's rest, do you understand?"

"Don't worry, we respect the patient's privacy and will never do this kind of thing. After Yueyue recovers from her illness, can you, can you take a picture of us and sign your name for us?" ( End of this chapter)

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