"Don't worry. When Yueyue recovers, I will definitely thank you very much. I will also meet all your requests one by one. It's really troublesome for you."

"Okay, Sister Mi, let's go first. You let the patient have a good rest and drink more hot water. Oh, just in time, the hot water bottle is here."

At this moment, the hot water bottle was brought over from there.

After the nurses and others left, he placed two hot water bottles on Yueyue's left and right sides, and then hugged Yueyue tightly, trying to keep her warm.

"Yueyue, are you feeling better now?"

"Oh, okay, it seems better. No, it's not as cold as before."

"Okay, Yueyue, don't think about anything. I've given you the medicine now. Close your eyes immediately and sleep well. I'll hold you in my arms like this and I will never let you get any cold breath. Yue Yue listens and closes your eyes."

After saying that, Yueyue just nodded, and in the end, her eyes really closed as she was told.

Damimi sat here, holding Yueyue in this posture and said, to be honest, the posture is definitely uncomfortable.

But there was no other way. He felt very sorry for his daughter. He was really worried about himself. Once he let go, would Yueyue fall into the cold again?
When Lin Feng woke up, he saw that it was already bright outside.

He stretched himself for a long time. Although he slept a little late last night, the overall quality of his sleep afterwards was pretty good.

Lin Feng sat up from the bed and looked at the time. It happened to be 7:00 in the morning.

If this is the case, then he has two things to do today. First, he must transfer the canteen as soon as possible. Second, he must return to Maplewood Culture as soon as possible to take charge of the overall situation.

"Yueyue, Yueyue."

After coming out of the room, Lin Feng shouted out of habit.

Normally, even if you go to kindergarten, you should not leave at this time.

However, the room was empty and there was no response at all.

He quickly walked over, opened the door and took a look. The bed in the room was there, but he didn't see Yueyue and Da Mimi.

"Yueyue, Yueyue."

He was a little unwilling to give up, and then he went back to the living room, dining room, kitchen, and even the bathroom to search, but he didn't see anything at all.

"It's strange."

His brows knit together slightly.

Last night, I heard the sound of the door. Could it be that Da Mimi was carrying Yueyue out?

This shouldn't be the case. Where could she take Yueyue in the middle of the night?Also, even if you are angry with yourself, it seems that there is no need to drag the child away, right?
After thinking of this, he seemed to suddenly think of something, so he hurried back to the room.

On the side of the bed, he saw Yueyue's clothes, thrown here intact.

This situation is wrong. It is obvious that Yueyue is not wearing her own clothes at all. She should be wearing pajamas.

What kind of emergency situation caused him to take the child and leave in pajamas in the middle of the night?

Suddenly, he had a bad premonition in his heart.

Lin Feng took out his phone and called Da Mimi's cell phone directly.

At this time, Da MiMi happened to have just woken up. She took a look and saw that Yue Yue was still asleep.

She habitually touched her forehead with her hand and found that the temperature had completely dropped when she touched her head. Now, it was slightly hot. It was estimated that it was a low-grade fever.

After seeing all this, he finally breathed a long sigh of relief. No matter what, this thrilling night finally passed normally.

Da Mimi took a look and saw that it was Lin Feng who was calling.It seemed that this man finally remembered and wanted to find her and his daughter.

"Hey, you finally woke up, didn't you?"

"Where have you been? And where is Yueyue? Where is Yueyue?"

"Yueyue had a high fever and fell into coma last night. I had no choice but to hold her in my arms and go to the emergency room of the hospital."

"What? Yueyue has a fever? What's going on? How is she now? Where are you now? I'll be there right away."

"It's in Ward 5 on the fifth floor of the city hospital. Come over here."

"Okay, I see, I'll go right away."

As he spoke, he hung up the phone in a hurry.

Lin Feng was really regretful.

Last night, if it wasn't because of his anger with Da Mimi, then he would definitely stand up and watch when the door rang.

Also, he suddenly remembered that Da Mimi had called his name before leaving. He probably wanted to tell him that Yueyue had a fever.

What an irresponsible father.

He blamed himself, then hurriedly washed up, put on his clothes and left the house.

On the way, he received a call from Reba again.

"Hey, Reba, I don't have time to tell you too much now. Yueyue has a high fever and is hospitalized. What happened last night, I'm rushing to the hospital now."

"What? You said Yueyue is hospitalized? Where? I'll go there right now."

"Reba, don't go anymore."

"How can I not go? The child is already sick, so I have to go no matter what. Tell me where it is."

"City Hospital, Room 5 on the 513th floor, then you can go directly there."

"Okay, I understand, we'll talk about it later."

After saying that, Reba also hung up the phone in a hurry.

Both of them were on their way to the hospital.

At this time, Yueyue finally opened her eyes.

"Yueyue, how are you? Are you feeling better?"

"I, I feel much better, and I'm not so cold anymore. Did you, did you hold me like this all night?"

"Mom hugged you like this all night last night. Moreover, mom knows that once she lets go of you, you will definitely be very cold, so she doesn't dare to let go of you."

"Sister Mi, thank you for your hard work."

"Haha, Yueyue, what are you talking about? Isn't this a normal thing? Besides, you are sick, and you and your mother have certain responsibilities. It was your mother who didn't take good care of you, and maybe you caught a cold. .”

"I don't blame you, maybe it's because Yueyue's body is weak. I remembered that you told me before that you should do morning exercise every morning. So, is that what you meant?"

"Yes, mom told you before, only by exercising well can we have a strong body. In this way, we will not be afraid of colds or fevers, right?" (End of Chapter)

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