"Well, yes, from now on, I will definitely listen to Sister Mi and get up and do morning exercise with my mother."

"Yes, only in this way, Yueyue, can you have a good body, right?"

"Yes, I understand."

"Okay Yueyue, your fever has basically gone away now. Tell me what you want to eat."

"But I'm not very hungry yet, and I don't have much appetite."

"Even if you have no appetite, you still have to eat, because only if you eat can your body get better. Do you understand?"

"Then I'll just eat some eggs and drink some porridge."

"Okay, then just wait a moment. Your father is coming over just in time. Then, I'll ask him to bring you some food, okay?"

"Dad, is he coming? And, where is dad? Why didn't he come last night?"

"Dad was very tired last night and was resting, so mom didn't disturb him."

"Okay, I get it now."

Yueyue seemed a little disappointed after hearing this.

Being sick yourself is a big deal, but this time, Lin Feng was not with him.

She didn't understand, what was Lin Feng's purpose for doing this?
"Hey, Lin Feng, where are you?"

"Oh, I will be at the door of the hospital soon. What's wrong? Has there been any change in your condition?"

Lin Feng asked anxiously on the phone.

"No, Yueyue's fever has subsided after a night of treatment. She wants to have some breakfast now. What I mean is that you bring her some porridge, and then boil some eggs and bring them over."

"Oh, I've already come out of the house. Let's do this. I'll go find a place to buy some. Do you want to ask Yueyue if she wants to eat anything else?"

"No need, she is recovering now. Other messy things cannot be eaten. Just bring these things over."

"Okay, I see, I'll go right away."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

"Okay Yueyue, mom has already told dad."

"Sister Mi, I want to ask you a question."

"Okay, Yueyue, if you have any questions, just ask."

"Is it true that after I follow Sister Mi in the future, Dad, she won't want me anymore?"

"Yueyue, why do you say that?"

"I don't know, I feel this way, and I can see that my father's attitude towards me has been obviously very cold these past two days."

"Yueyue, it's not like this. Your father and mother will love you very much no matter what time they are. So, Yueyue, you must not think like this. Do you understand?"

"okay, I get it."

Although Yueyue said so, in fact, she already had her own little plan in her heart.

When Lin Feng rushed here in a panic, it happened to be 8:00 in the morning.

"Yueyue, my baby, how are you?"

After Lin Feng entered the room, the first thing he did was rush to the ward, and then he hugged Yueyue.

"Dad, you are here."

"Yes, dad is here. Dad is late. I'm sorry Yueyue. Dad fell asleep last night and I don't know what happened."

"It's okay. Sister Mi took care of me here all night, so dad, you don't need to worry." "Okay, Yueyue, do you feel better now? Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

"I don't feel uncomfortable anymore, but I still don't have much strength."

"The lack of strength is due to the sequelae of the fever. Don't worry, as long as you are treated for two days, you will soon be able to go to school like an ordinary child. Do you understand?"

"okay, I get it."

"Come on, Yueyue, let daddy feed you."

"No, I'll let you, I'll let Sister Mi feed me, that's all."

He had already enthusiastically brought the porridge and eggs over, but when Yueyue said these words, he was suddenly stunned.

In the past, whenever Yueyue was sick, she would rely on herself the most, and no one else could feed her.

But in the blink of an eye, now she has a mother, so is the father really not that important?
At this time, Lin Feng did feel a little embarrassed.

It seems that he has never had such a mentality in front of his own woman.

"Come on, give it to me. Yueyue may want me to feed you from this side, which will make it more comfortable. After all, it's a bit awkward for you to feed her from that side."

Da Mimi still understands the ways of the world, and also understands Lin Feng's true thoughts at this time.

When she saw Lin Feng, she seemed to be a little embarrassed, so she hurriedly stood up and took all the porridge and eggs in Lin Feng's hands.

"Come on, Yueyue, you lean over here first, and then let mom feed you again. By the way, Lin Feng, there happens to be no hot water. You go get a pot of hot water in the corridor. I'll go out now. If so, I’m worried that it will attract other people’s attention.”

"Okay, I understand. I'll go right away. Yueyue, you have to eat well. Dad will be back soon."

As he spoke, Lin Feng seemed to have found a step. He picked up the hot water bottle on the table, stood up and left in a hurry.

"Yueyue, how is the situation now?"

Just after I came out, I happened to see Reba walking over there.

Reba was wearing a black sportswear, a peaked cap, a big mask, and sunglasses.

Her identity cannot be exposed at this time.

"Come with me."

Lin Feng quietly said something to Reba, and Reba nodded, but the child didn't understand what happened.

However, he followed Lin Feng's instructions and quietly followed him.

After arriving at the boiling water room, I found that there was no one here.

"Well, I have discovered now that Yueyue is really dependent on her. If that were the case, I might not even have a chance to be alone today."

"What do you mean? Yueyue is sick now. Why do you want to be alone with her?"

"I want to listen to the child's thoughts. It has been two days. I don't know what this mother thinks in his mind, so I need some alone time."

"However, with Yueyue's current situation, I will definitely not leave anyway, so you'd better give up on this idea."

"Wait a minute, I will find a way to test Da MiMi to see if she can leave, even for two hours."

"It's impossible. Anyway, it's me. I've already said that I won't leave. The child needs someone to take care of her at this time. How could I leave her?"

"It's up to you."

"What? See what I do?"

"That's right, you can find a way to get her back to the company to handle some things. Moreover, they are very urgent matters that must be handled by her personally." (End of Chapter)

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