"You want me to call Mr. Liu?"

"Yes, now is the time when I need your help. I don't care what method you use, you must let her leave temporarily."

"Okay, I'll try my best."

"It's not about trying your best, it's about having to. This is a very critical moment. You have to find a way to take rice away."

"Okay, I see."

After saying that, Reba just nodded, and then, Lin Feng just made a pot of hot water, and the two of them returned to the ward.

"Yueyue, look who is here."

After coming in, he brought Reba in very enthusiastically.

"Ah, Sister Reba."

"Yueyue, my poor little one, what's going on? Why did you suddenly have a fever? Let sister see if you feel uncomfortable."

"No, I don't feel uncomfortable at all. I felt very uncomfortable last night. Moreover, Sister Mi stayed here all night yesterday. She was really hard."

"Oh, that's it. Alas, Lin Feng, why didn't you come over?"

As if she had no brain, Reba suddenly turned around, then looked at Lin Feng and asked.

"I slept too much last night, so I didn't know about the child's fever at all. However, it's really hard work. By the way, you have been busy all night. The child also said that you have You have worked hard here all night, so you go back and have a rest first, and then come back in the evening. In the morning, I will be here to accompany you."

"No need, there's nothing wrong with me when I go back. Besides, I can't sleep at all. I'll just stay here and watch."

"How can that be done? This child is hospitalized here. I don't know how many days it will take. I know that you are definitely willing to stay here, but you can't stay here 24 hours a day, so you'd better leave first. Bar."

"I said no, no need. I'll just stay here. In the past, you did all this. I really paid too little for Yueyue. It just so happened that I took this time to make up for it." one time."

"I can understand your mood, but even if you want to make up for it, it won't take more than a day and a half. You go back and recharge your batteries. There are still a few days left, and you can always stay here. It just so happens that you should go home and bring a change of clothes."

After saying this, Da Mimi just turned around and looked at Lin Feng.

"I said, I don't need to go back to get anything. In addition, if I need anything, I will arrange for my assistant, and he will definitely send it to me, so I don't need anything. In addition, have you seen Are you there? This is a special room, and there is a place for me to rest next to it. If I am tired, I can sleep there for a while, but if you two have nothing to do, just leave. "

"How can that be done? Yueyue is in a critical period now, and it is also the time when she can't live without someone. Her condition is still recurring, so I need to keep an eye on her here."

"Okay, then you can do whatever you want. Anyway, I won't leave."

As expected, Lin Feng really guessed it right.

As a mother, once she seizes this opportunity, she will definitely not give up easily.

Lin Feng could only turn around and wink at Reba. Reba nodded, then stood up from the room and left.

"Yueyue, how are you? Are you full?" Seeing that Yueyue drank half of the rice in front of her and had completely eaten the eggs, he went over and asked with concern.
"Well, I'm full. I can't eat too much. If I eat more, I'm afraid I'll vomit it out."

"Okay, then eat less, but you must also make sure to eat an egg and drink more porridge every day. Only in this way can your body get better faster."

"Oh, I really feel very happy. Now you two are here to guard me. If this is the case, I hope I can stay sick for a few more days."

"Yueyue, what are you talking about? How can any child expect to be sick? Who doesn't want to be in good health?"

"That's right, Yueyue, if you want your parents to accompany you, it's not difficult. From now on, as long as there is a chance, both of us can eat with you, play with you, and even live with you. Together."

It is obvious that Damimi also means something in his words when talking to his children.

"Dad, is it okay? Can we really live together?"

"Yueyue, you don't need to ask dad about this matter. Dad will figure it out on his own. Besides, mom also hopes to live happily with you and dad as a family. Isn't it better this way?"

"Dad, can I?"

Yueyue seemed to have all her expectant eyes on Lin Feng.

He had to admire that Damimi was really good at using children as a shield.

If Damimi asked himself this, then he would definitely refuse. However, now that his child is asking him this, he, as a father, really doesn't know how to answer.

"Yueyue, these things are easy to solve. We can discuss what we want to do. However, one of the things right now is that Yueyue, you must take good care of your health as soon as possible and stay in the hospital. This is not possible. Do you understand? ?”

"Okay, I promise, I will recover well, but Dad, you also have to promise me that we will live together in the future, okay?"


As soon as Lin Feng finished speaking, the door was suddenly pushed open, and she saw Rereba walking over from there.

"Do you have anything to do? If you have something to do, just go and do your business."

"Okay, I have nothing to do. I'm just going to see what else you need here. Otherwise, let's do this. I'll come back later at noon to bring you some food."

"Okay, that's okay, Yueyue, what do you want to eat for lunch? Let Sister Reba come over later and you can prepare it in advance,"

"Well, I don't know either. Otherwise, I'd rather eat fried chicken tenders."

"Okay, Yueyue, if you want to eat, my sister will bring it to you in a minute."

"No Yueyue, you can't eat fried food now, because fried food will be a bit burdensome on your body, so during this period, you can only eat light meals."

Da Mimi directly rejected this sentence.

However, Lin Feng thought about it carefully, and it seemed that it was really like this. Children must not be able to eat these things while they are sick. (End of chapter)

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