When he said this, Da Mimi was suddenly stunned.

"Reba, how is this possible?"

Damimi had always suspected that Lin Feng was responsible for this matter, but she never expected that it would be related to Reba.

"Boss Wang, aren't you kidding me? Reba has terminated her contract and left our company, and is no longer a member of our company."

"It's because she is not your artist, so I went to investigate and found that this IP address belongs to her previous residence range."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course it's confirmed. I was thinking of mentioning this matter to you after I met you."

"Okay, I understand. Anyway, the storm of this matter has passed. Let's not talk about this. Let's take a look at the specific contract details. If there are no problems, we will officially finalize it today."

Da Mimi hurriedly changed the topic.

However, he did feel a little uncomfortable in his heart.

She knew that Reba was helping Lin Feng, but she didn't expect that she would slander her like this.

Could it be that it was because of the announcement she made before that she had such a desire for revenge?

The progress of the entire contract was relatively smooth. In about an hour, all the details were finalized and the contract was successfully signed.

After Da Mimi sent these people out of the elevator, he looked back at the front desk standing over there.

"By the way, is Mr. Liu back?"

"Oh, it's back."

"Okay, I understand, you go ahead and get busy."

Da Mimi frowned, wondering what Mr. Liu was up to.

Then, she came to the door of his office, opened the door and walked in.

At this time, Mr. Liu was sitting leisurely at the back of the office, holding an iPad in his hand, not knowing what he was looking at.

"Hey, why did you come in all of a sudden? Can't you even knock on the door?"

"Mr. Liu, I want to ask you, there is an important contract to be signed this morning. Don't you know?"

"Of course I know. This is not a temporary accident on the road, so I have been handling the matter at the scene."

"But why can't they find you on the phone, and why can't they find you on the home phone?"

"The phone at home must not be able to find me. My phone happened to be out of battery, so I didn't receive a call. After I came back, they told me that you had already arrived. I think there should be no problem."

"Mr. Liu, next time you encounter something like this, can you tell us in advance so that we can be mentally prepared in advance and avoid being so panicked?"

"Tell you in advance? What, do you think I still have the ability to predict? How do I know what accidents will happen when I'm on the road? If you say that, are you obviously targeting me?"

"Mr. Liu, I believe you know better than anyone else what you have done during this period. I also turned a blind eye. You are the veteran of the company, so I can't bear to take advantage of you."

"Haha, if you want to say that, then I beg you to take action on me as soon as possible. If not, can you fire me again? My rice." "Mr. Liu, are you serious? You feel that our company can’t do without you, and I can’t do without you either?”

"Well, I don't know what your current identity and role is, Da Mimi. You are quite powerful. And, even if you don't have it, I believe that this company will still run well."

"Okay, Mr. Liu, don't be anxious. I'm not anxious either. I admit that my tone was a bit harsh when I talked to you. So, can I apologize to you?"

"Young man, if you really have the ability, just stand in front of me and talk to me. If not, then sorry, I have to be busy with other things."

"okay, I get it."

After Damimi finished speaking, he just endured it and then walked out of the room.

At that time, she really wanted to fire this person with one word.

But she knew very well what she had in her hands.

If he really were to resign, I'm afraid that almost half of his artists would have left.

The reason why the company has been operating normally is because of the persistence of these celebrities.

Without them, the company would become an empty shell. What would it use then?

After returning to his office, he opened the drawer where she placed a very secret notebook.

There are almost five pages of information about some customers recorded on it.

This was all in normal times. What she had accumulated was to record all the personal files of all clients, including actors, in the book. Then, he could kick Mr. Liu away from his position.

It's just that the time has not yet come, so if he handles this matter in a hurry, it will inevitably have a great impact on the company.

In fact, what Boss Wang said to him unintentionally today did make him feel some differences.

If Reba really wanted to deal with him like this, then there was nothing he could do to let this person go.

After processing some other documents and explaining to the company's front desk, Da Mimi rushed to the hospital again in a hurry.

When he rushed over, it was almost noon. He specially arranged for the company's employee canteen to make a delicious hospital meal for Yueyue.

Then, she just brought some other food, which could be regarded as lunch for herself and Lin Feng.

"Yueyue, I'm back. Take a look and see what delicious food I brought you."

"Wow, Sister Mi, you are finally back. I have been waiting for you all morning."

"Haha, is Yueyue good this morning? By the way, do you have a fever again?"

"Oh, no. The doctor came to check her ward in the morning and checked her temperature twice. She still has no fever, which is pretty good."

"That's good. If that's the case, it seems that our Yueyue will be discharged from the hospital soon. I've made this sick dish for you myself. It's nutritious and delicious. How about it? Don’t you want me to feed you?”

"No, I feel some strength now, so I want to eat by myself."

"Okay, then you can eat by yourself. By the way, Lin Feng, you can also eat something. I will also bring some from over there, so there is enough for the two of us." (End of Chapter)

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