Chapter 485 Is there a conspiracy here?
"No, I can't eat in the hospital. I'd better go downstairs and eat something while you two eat."

Lin Feng didn't appreciate it at all.

All I know is that it was something that Da Mimi brought over, so no matter what I say, I won’t eat it easily.

After seeing Lin Feng leave, Da Mimi just smiled helplessly. She knew that at this moment, Lin Feng should still not be able to truly accept herself.

But it doesn't matter, she has plenty of time, and as long as she has Yueyue as a leash, I believe they will be able to get together smoothly as a family of three in the end.

Seeing Yueyue here eating these things excitedly, to be honest, I feel very happy from the bottom of my heart.

Even if she didn't take a bite, seeing her child eating it happily could satisfy her own thoughts and wishes.

"By the way, when did Sister Reba leave?"

"Just, not long after you left, Sister Reba left."

"Oh, so didn't she say anything to you here?"

"She said a few words to Dad."

"What did you say to dad?"

"It seems that she made a phone call, and then you answered the phone, and then you left."

Although Yueyue's description was a little inaccurate, smart Dami still seemed to have discovered some clues.

"Yueyue, please speak clearly, what did you say? She made a phone call, what kind of call did she make?"

"I don't know, but after you left, dad raised his head and said to her, it seems that you succeeded this time, yes, that's what dad said."

"Are you sure this is how the two of them talked?"

"Yes, that's how we talked. Sister Mi, what's wrong? Is there any problem?"

Yueyue flashed her big eyes, looking at Da Mimi and asked curiously.

Maybe in the world of children, everyone should be very simple and kind. Children can never really understand the intrigues between adults.

"Oh, it's nothing, Yueyue, how does it taste when you eat it?"

"Well, it's delicious. It's really delicious."

"Okay, as long as it tastes good, eat more if it tastes good. If you want to eat it in the future, mom will find someone to cook it for you. Yueyue, you eat first while mom goes outside to make a phone call."

After the explanation, Da Mimi stood up and walked out of the ward.

At this moment, Da Mimi really felt that great shame.

I never thought that when I wanted to return home and my daughter at all costs, this Lin Feng was actually blocking me all the time, and even teaming up with Reba to create so many problems for me. If that was the case, then I really can't sit here and wait for death.

The damn thing is that I was already ready to give up on pursuing Reba, but now Reba is still trying to find a way to deal with me?Okay, if that's the case, then Da Mimi must let Reba know who is the most powerful character.

After all, Da Mimi has been in this circle for many years.

Therefore, there is definitely still the natural side of personal connections.And Reba was nothing at all before. In fact, she was just an inconspicuous person in the crew.

If Damimi hadn't brought Reba step by step to where she is today, she wouldn't have achieved what she has today.

Now, it is true that the wings are hard, and he dares to bite himself in turn. Now that he thinks about it, it is indeed a bit ridiculous.

Da Mimi knows very well the relationship between the company's vice president and Reba.

I just don’t know why their relationship has reached this point?In other words, whatever Reba wants him to do, he can do it right away?
If that's the case, then if two people join forces to deal with themselves, wouldn't it mean that they really have no place for themselves?

Just as he was about to make the call, the phone rang suddenly. Da Mimi took a look and found that it was an unknown number.

"Who is this?"

After all, sometimes he is very cautious when answering calls, and he does not want to be disturbed by others.

"Hello, who is it?"

Da Mimi answered the phone politely.

A call like this is usually not from a fan. It could be a certain agency, a TV station, or even some news reporters.

"Sister Mi, don't you recognize me?"

Suddenly, a very gentle woman's voice came over.

She just felt that this voice seemed familiar, but she had no idea where she had heard this voice before.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I recently updated my address book on my phone and lost many of my phone numbers, so I can't remember them right now. Who are you?"

"Sister Mi, you are such a noble and forgetful person. Why have you forgotten me so quickly? Have you forgotten? We had collaborated before on a competitive sports program. Moreover, I am still your biggest opponent, think about it, do you have this impression?"

After saying this, Da Mimi was just stunned for a moment.

Because, with an identity like hers, it has been a long time since she appeared in public on a formal occasion.

I moved from the front of the stage to behind the scenes because I didn't want to be so tired.

She seems to have this memory in her mind. She must have participated in a variety show a few years ago, and it was the only competitive program she participated in.

After filming a few episodes, she immediately quit because she felt that such high-intensity exercise was really not suitable for her old arms and legs.

My opponent?Da Mimi suddenly thought that there seemed to be a little girl there who had been paying great attention to herself.

"I remembered, you are Liu Sisi."

"Haha, Sister Mi, thank you so much. You can actually think of me. Yes, I am Liu Sisi."

"Oh, Sisi, don't tell me. It's been more than two years since we last met, right? The last time we met was at a cocktail party. What's the matter? What have you been busy with recently?"

"Sister Mi, I filmed a costume TV series two days ago, and I have been filming abroad for more than half a year. No, the TV series has just been completed, so I came back. I have just come back here. Almost, it’s two days.”

(End of this chapter)

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