Chapter 486 Yueyue is very full
"Oh, I know, I know. By the way, Director Zhang Cheng once told me before that he wanted to introduce me to the heroine of a costume drama. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be you?"

"Haha, that's right, so Director Zhang told me that I should contact you as soon as possible after I come here. Now, I will take the time to talk to you right away. Let's see, when is it convenient for us? Can we meet? "

"I guess it won't work in the next two days. I'll be in the hospital these two days."

"What? In the hospital? What's wrong? Is it about Yueyue?"

Now, everyone knows about the relationship between Da Mimi and Yueyue, so many people know that the real relationship between them is mother and daughter.

Therefore, there is nothing to carry on.

"That's right, it's Yueyue. Because she has been sick and feeling unwell in the past two days, she was temporarily admitted to the hospital. I have been taking care of her in the hospital and have no time to go to the company. Otherwise, let's wait until Yueyue After Yue's matter is over, you go to my company and we can have a detailed interview? "

"Yueyue is hospitalized. I really don't know about this. That's no good. I have to see the child somewhere."

"No, no, no, what are you so polite about?"

"Sister Mi, maybe you don't know, right? In fact, my relationship with Sister Mi is much more familiar than you think. I often played with her before, so strictly speaking, what I do is My eldest sister is also considered a relative of hers, so if my relative is hospitalized at this time, how can I not go see him?"

"Haha, okay then. If you have time, you can come over. It's at the People's Hospital."

"Okay, I see, no problem."

After speaking, he hung up the phone conveniently.

If it weren't for Liu Sisi's phone call, he really didn't seem to have remembered it.

There had been some news reports before, saying that there seemed to be some ambiguous relationship between Liu Sisi and Lin Feng.

But soon, the news was overshadowed by other things, you know?Moreover, he just thought it was complete nonsense at the time.

Da Mi Mi felt that a girl with Liu Sisi's personality was not Lin Feng's cup of tea at all.

Even if Lin Feng is not doing anything, he will definitely not regard this woman as the one he loves.

However, Liu Sisi's appearance seemed to be telling her something.

It's just that the laws of balance in some things can be broken.

Especially in this situation, Da Mimi knew that it would not be difficult to deal with them if she relied solely on her own strength.

The key issue is that he doesn't want Lin Feng to point all the fingers at him.

Moreover, there is Yueyue between them, and now Yueyue has just gotten close to him, so Da Mimi does not want to show his worst side to Yueyue.

If this is the case, then is Liu Sisi a relationship that he can really use?

Although Liu Sisi debuted a little later than Reba, Liu Sisi is now considered a traffic niche and a popular blogger, which she definitely deserves.

So Da Mimi took out the phone and called his secretary again.

"Hey, it's me."

"Oh, Sister Mi, tell me." "Is there nothing going on in the company?"

"Oh, no Sister Mi. After you leave, everything will be normal and it doesn't matter. Moreover, if anything happens, I will call you in time."

"By the way, after I left, there wasn't much movement from the vice president, right?"

"At the moment, there doesn't seem to be any movement, but I think Sister Mi, if this continues for a long time, it will definitely not be a foolproof strategy."

"Yes, I know this, but the key problem is that I still cannot control the relationships in his hands and some of the operational processes. If he leaves, he will take away all the resources. By then, the loss to our studio will be very great.”

"Every day I see him showing off his power here. To be honest, I feel uncomfortable in my heart. Isn't it just because of my connections? What's the matter?"

"We can just keep the thoughts in our hearts. There is no need to express all of them. In addition, there is one more thing. You can sort out some of Reba's previous contracts for me."

"Contract? Hasn't everything been sorted out before and handed over to the legal team?"

"Get all the contractual relationships from the lawyer and don't leave them there."

"Sister Mi, what do you want to do? Didn't you say that you are ready to give up the pursuit of Reba?"

"Yes, giving up is giving up, but there are some things that we must still keep in our hands. In addition, all the things Reba left behind, you can carefully filter them for me to see if there is anything else that can be beneficial to us. The place?"

"okay, I get it."

"Okay, that's it. If you have any news, please contact me in time."

After finishing speaking, Da Mimi hung up the phone directly.

Now, for now, we can only make these arrangements.

He still had the same idea. It didn't matter. He didn't want to have a strong relationship with Lin Feng.

There is absolutely no way that all this can be brought to a deadlock just because of Reba.

After making this call, he went directly back to the ward, and at this time Yueyue had already eaten all the food in it.

This is the sweetest meal Yueyue has eaten since she was hospitalized in the past two days, and she can indeed feel that her appetite has gradually improved.

"That's great of you. You've finished eating all this. How is it? Is your food okay?"

"Well, I'm very full, and I'm not hungry at all now. By the way, where is dad? Why hasn't he come back yet?"

"Yueyue, dad may have some other things that need to be dealt with, so don't wait for dad to come over. Dad will come over if he wants to when he has time. Could it be that, let mom stay with Yueyue here, Yue Aren’t you happy, Yue?”

"No, I didn't mean that. Sister Mi, you, you must not be angry."

"Haha, I won't be angry. Okay Yueyue, now that we've finished eating, why don't we go for a walk? We can't sit here all the time, otherwise, we will become a little fat man again, do you understand? "

(End of this chapter)

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