Chapter 487 Lin Feng was turned away

"Can I go to the ground now?"

"Of course, Yueyue, you just have a fever and a viral infection, so there is no infusion at noon today. In the afternoon, the infusion treatment will start again, so mom will take you to the back at this time. How about taking a walk, getting some fresh air, and then having a good sleep when we get back?"

"okay, I get it."

After hearing this, Yueyue nodded, and then she followed him obediently in putting on a coat, and the two of them left the ward.

After Lin Feng came out of the hospital, he just found a fast food restaurant near the hospital, then ate a few bites of food in a hurry, and finally took a taxi directly to Fenglin Culture.

This company was founded by himself a few years ago. At that time, he directed everything behind the scenes. His purpose was to prevent others from knowing that these companies would have a greater connection with him.

And now, the current chairman is a professional manager hired by Lin Feng from outside, but in all matters big and small, everything must be obeyed by Lin Feng's arrangements.

Although Lin Feng has never been here, in fact, all matters in this company, big and small, must be controlled by Lin Feng. Otherwise, the company will not develop to the point where it is today.

"Now, the time has come, so Lin Feng feels that his time must continue to develop, so it is necessary to re-engage himself in the company.

He didn't say hello, and then, without making a phone call, he came directly to Maplewood Culture alone.

At this time, there were two security guards standing at the door.

Of course, they didn't know the big man in front of them at all. After all, they had never seen this person in the company for about one or two years. "

"Wait a minute, who are you here for?"

"Oh, let me look for your Mr. Yang."

"Mr. Yang? I want to ask, do you have an appointment?"

"Oh, this, I haven't made an appointment yet."

"If you don't have a reservation, sorry, you can't get in."

"Why, it seems that Maplewood Culture should open its doors for business. Am I not allowed to enter as a stranger?"

"You have already said that you are a stranger, so you are not welcome in this place, and it is not possible to prevent you from coming in casually. Hurry up and get out of here."

Lin Feng looked a little decadent because he had been taking care of Yueyue in the hospital for the past two days. Moreover, his clothes were not very decent, just ordinary home clothes.

The security guard was probably just taking advantage of others, and he didn't realize that the person in front of him was actually their real boss.

"I remember that your Maplewood culture was not like this before. Why is it like this now? I have already told you that when I meet Mr. Yang, there must be something important to discuss."

"Just you? What other important things do you have? Besides, if you want to see our Mr. Yang, can you meet Mr. Yang? Leave me quickly. Let me tell you, there are many people who want to see Mr. Yang every day. So, whoever you are, get out of here."

As the security guard spoke, his tone began to sound a bit unkind.

When Lin Feng heard this, he just smiled disapprovingly.

All the company's developments are going very smoothly. If such a arrogant security guard appears here, wouldn't it really damage the company's reputation?
He would never allow these things to happen in front of him.

So, Lin Feng picked up the phone and called Yang Hongjiang directly. "Hey, Mr. Yang, it's me."

"Oh, it's Mr. Lin. Mr. Lin, can you tell me what instructions you have?"

"I'm downstairs in the company now, but unfortunately, their security won't let me in, so I can only call you to see if you can let me in temporarily?"

"What, what did you say? Mr. Lin, you, are you downstairs in the company? Okay, okay, wait a moment, I'll be there right away."

After saying that, he hung up the phone in a hurry.

Although he is in control of all the major and minor affairs of the company, he knows that without this backstage boss, he would not have the reputation and status he has today.

Yang Hongjiang ran out of the office in a hurry, and then came to the lobby on the first floor.

At this time, the security guard was still standing at the door. At a glance, he saw Lin Feng, who was somewhat unattractive, standing outside the door, waiting for him boredly.

"Hello, Mr. Yang."

After seeing him coming down, the security guards immediately stood up and said something respectfully.

Mr. Yang just turned around and glared at them hard.

"Damn it, don't you see clearly who this person is in front of you?"

As he spoke, he pointed in Lin Feng's direction with his hand.

The security guard glanced in the direction of the finger. Isn't this the person they just drove away?Why, is he really familiar with Mr. Yang?
Otherwise, who is it?Being able to have Mr. Yang personally come down to greet him, it is estimated that this person's role and identity are not simple at all.

"Mr. Yang, we, we don't know him, and Mr. Yang, you never gave us any advice before."

"I didn't warn you? Do you have to treat a stranger like this? Mr. Lin, are you okay?"

He walked forward quickly, and then came to Lin Feng, where he nodded and bowed.

"Haha, it's okay, but these security guards are indeed a little rude to the guests. If it doesn't work, let's change a group of people."

"Okay, I get it, I get it, Mr. Lin, don't worry, I will handle this matter right away."

After saying this, those security guards were really stupid.

Just now, I was yelling at this person loudly, and now, in the blink of an eye, this person wants to fire me?
He estimated that Mr. Yang would definitely carry out his words.

"It's not Mr. Lin, we, we are blind, we don't know you, Mr. Lin, so please, Mr. Lin, please forgive me, okay?"

The security guard in the back just kept praying to him.

Lin Feng ignored them at all and followed Yang Hongjiang directly into the elevator.

"Mr. Yang, I know that you have a lot of things to do now, but you must take care of small things like these below, otherwise, it will also affect the overall development of our company.

(End of this chapter)

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