Chapter 488 Lin Feng moves into Fenglin Culture
"Yes, I admit this. I have been at the company's business center for the past few years. Therefore, I have not paid attention to some of the following people, including security guards, and I have no idea what happened to these things."

"Okay, no matter what, these things need to be dealt with as soon as possible."

As he was talking, the elevator door opened, and then he saw a front desk set up here.

There were two front desks. After seeing Yang Hongjiang coming, he hurriedly stood up from his seat.

"Hello, Mr. Yang."

They greeted each other politely, and Yang Hongjiang just smiled and nodded.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Lin Feng, Mr. Lin."

"Mr. Lin?"

At this point, the two women suddenly widened their eyes in surprise.

That's right, standing in front of them was Lin Feng, the traffic king back then.

I am afraid that even if they die, they will be able to remember his appearance.

However, he never expected that Lin Feng would appear in front of him one day.

Someone once speculated about the relationship between Fenglin Culture and Lin Feng?However, they only regarded it as a joke and didn't take it to heart at all.

However, now Lin Feng's sudden appearance made them feel as if everything had become a fact.

"Hehe, hello."

Lin Feng smiled slightly at them, and then said hello.

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Yang, please come this way.'

There was a front desk person who suddenly didn't run out, and then went to the front to lead them.

After arriving at Yang Hongjiang's office, Lin Feng just looked back.

He has never been to this office since he purchased it.

Over the years, the appearance has not changed much from when he first came.

The room was still very bright, and what he liked most was the large floor-to-ceiling window.

"Mr. Lin, look, you didn't even say hello to me before you came. Otherwise, I would have to be well prepared. Look, what are your instructions?"

"You have indeed worked hard over the past few years, and you have indeed made great contributions to the company."

"Boss Lin, what do you mean?"

When Yang Hongjiang heard that sentence, he suddenly hesitated.

He didn't know what his words meant.Could it be that he was really planning to kick him away?
In the past few years, he has put all his efforts into Maplewood Culture day and night.

It can be said that without him, Maplewood Culture would not have been able to develop so smoothly.Of course, all of this must be inseparable from the remote control command behind the scenes.

However, even if it is remote control, there must be a good executor on the front line. Otherwise, all orders will be executed without any meaning at all.

"Haha, Mr. Yang, you don't have to be so nervous. I have no other intentions. When I hired you here, I absolutely believed in you, so you don't need to be suspicious of others."

"Then, Mr. Lin, what do you mean now?"

"It's like this. I have thought about it for a long time. Moreover, before, I had to raise children, so I never had time to take care of the company's affairs. Now, the children are getting older. I believe that you should also learn from the news. Have you seen some reports online?”

"Yes, I just found out yesterday. It turns out that the big star Dami and you are actually husband and wife? And there is a child between you? Now, mother and daughter have recognized each other."

"Yes, so she may take care of the children more in the future. Even if that is the case, after the children go to school, it will be a fully closed kindergarten. I already have enough time now."

"Mr. Lin, what you are saying is that you are planning to come to Maplewood Culture and re-employ, right?"

"Since I have time, and Maplewood Culture is indeed my child, I established it bit by bit back then. If I give up now, it is indeed because we are not together, so I will work in the company starting from today."

"Okay, Mr. Lin, there is no problem. As long as you come, I will convene the board of directors immediately. I will step down from the position of chairman, and then you come up. I will do whatever you want me to do, even if I am your assistant." , or a secretary will do."

"Haha, wouldn't it be nice if you don't need to preside over everything here? So, when I come here, you can just assign me any position. Of course, the position must not be higher than yours, I can only be lower than you."

"Mr. Lin, this, this is a bit inappropriate."

"There is nothing inappropriate. I have never been a person who burns bridges by crossing rivers. Therefore, there is no need for you to receive these. You can still do your current job well. However, I will be fully involved in all future operations and development of the company." Get in."

"Okay, no problem, Mr. Lin, then look, when will I convene the board of directors now? I have to let everyone really get to know each other, and I want them to know that you are the real boss behind the scenes."

"This, there is no need. After I came to the company, these people gradually knew about it. By the way, this should be what new business the company is doing recently? What is the status of those previous projects now?"

"Okay, wait a moment, I'll get all the files right now."

After speaking, Yang Hongjiang hurried back to his desk, and then placed the thick document in front of Lin Feng.

"These are some of the company's operating procedures in the past two years. This is not what I was doing this morning. I just wanted to take a look and see if there are any new developments in the company in the recent period."

"Okay, I'll find an office for these things later. I'll sit down and take a good look at them. Also, how many artists does the company currently have under contract?"

"At the moment, including Miss Reba who just joined recently, there are only 5 people in total."

"What? Only 5 people? Hasn't our acting career been developing very smoothly recently? Why is there no expansion at all here?"

"Haha, Mr. Lin, you may not know it well, but now we implement a method called borrowing."

"Borrowing a signature? What do you mean?"

"That is to say, the artist does not need to sign with our company, but she can still sign with other companies. We just take them over when we need them. Of course, our fees include what we pay, which is also higher than They have more companies, but there won’t be other troublesome things.”

(End of this chapter)

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