"Performing Arts Department? In other words, are you going to sign more artists? Then, start to produce TV series or even movies yourself, or have you had any other cooperation with TV stations?"

"Yes, this is a strategy and plan for the diversified development of our company. I have already mentioned this before. It's just a pity, because Yueyue has always been by my side and needs my care, so , didn’t make time.”

"Then look, what can I do in the future?"

"You don't need to do anything. After I set up this entertainment department, I will shoot a TV series that truly belongs to you. And, with you as the protagonist, I will make this TV series the most popular one." .”

Having said this, Reba just nodded excitedly.

To be honest, these words did sound a little exciting, but he didn't know how much he would have to pay if he really wanted to do all this?
"If you do this, it seems like you are going to war with Sister Mi."

"Yes, I will do this. Moreover, if I don't do this, he will never know how powerful I am, and I will always be ridden by his neck."

"Actually, there is one thing I have always wanted to know. Why did she leave you back then? Is it just because of the development of her career? Also, even if she left, you should not have such a big hatred for him. , has anything ever happened between you?"

Finally, Reba couldn't hold it back and asked the doubts in her heart.

She had thought about this before and felt that the relationship between them was definitely not a simple ex-husband and ex-wife.

Just that level of relationship wouldn't have allowed them to evolve like this.

It's a pity that he didn't ask all this at that time.

However, now she felt that Lin Feng was gradually getting closer, so Reba felt that if asked, maybe Lin Feng would really consider it and tell her some of the real situation.

As expected, after hearing this, Lin Feng just smiled slightly.

"I know that these things should have been buried in your heart for a long time, and a deep question has formed in your mind. It doesn't matter. If you really want to know, I can tell you after you sign the agreement here. , I will take you to a place."

"okay, I get it."

After hearing this, Reba was very happy. If she could open up her heart and talk about all these things, she believed that even if she was in that position at the end, she would be able to understand his difficulties.

After signing the contract, he followed Lin Feng and left the company.

But he didn't go anywhere else, but to a park in the middle of the street.

It seemed that Reba had never been to this place before, and she didn't know why she brought herself to this place.
This park is not very big. Only in the morning or evening, some people exercise here or do morning exercises such as walking.

Basically in the afternoon, no one can be seen in this place. Occasionally, you can see two people passing by.

They found a pavilion and finally sat down there.

"How do you think about what I told you before?"

Lin Feng suddenly said something, which made Reba a little confused and didn't know what he meant. "What? What happened?"

"I said, can you accept me? The two of us together?"

"Well, you said I want to be with you? If two people really get together, it will be a long time ago. Moreover, it doesn't mean that you can't do it just for a moment of pleasure or to get revenge on someone. Making such a choice? It would definitely not be fair to me if you did this."

"No, I really want to ask now, are you willing to be with me?"

"If you are sincere, then I can tell you that I am absolutely willing to be with you. I have already had a crush on you before."

"Okay, if that's the case, will you officially become my girlfriend from today on?"

While talking, he suddenly walked over and took Reba's hand.

This time Reba didn't break away like before, he felt a little unnatural, but at this moment, she actually felt a warmth flowing through her heart.

She nodded slightly, and then hid her face shyly.

No matter what, she was finally with that man now, which was something she had always been looking forward to seeing.

"Okay, now that you are my girlfriend, then, it is really necessary to tell you about my ex-wife and me."

Finally, Reba understood.

Why did he make such a foreshadowing before explaining this matter to himself?It turns out that if he didn't have such a relationship with him, then maybe he wouldn't tell himself about this.

"Actually, when I met her, Mimi's popularity was not that high."

"I know that judging from the time, Yueyue should not have been born yet. A few years ago, Sister Mi was not as well-known as she is now. She only filmed a few movies at that time, but she has always been tepid. It doesn’t look like it’s hot.”

"And I was already a popular star at that time. You should know this, right?"

"Not just me, many people should have been paying attention to you at that time, so you should have become famous or debuted earlier than Sister Mi."

"At that time, I fell in love with this innocent little girl. Later, I got together with her without hesitation. I originally thought that there was a bright future between me and her, but I didn't expect that his marriage to me was actually another person. with reason."

"What? With a purpose? What do you mean?"

"When I first got married, of course I wanted to work hard on my own and then take on more TV series and movies. Only in this way can I ensure that she has a life without worries about food and clothing."

"Because at that time, you had already thought about preparing her to be a good wife at home, right?"

"Yes, since she has chosen to be with me, how could I let her continue to show off? But I didn't expect that this woman is really very scheming." (End of Chapter)

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