"What do you mean? I don't quite understand."

"Do you remember that I was affected by something back then?"

"At that time, I think about it. It seems that 6 or 7 years ago, a piece of news suddenly broke out, saying that you had engaged in tax evasion and tax evasion before."

"Yes, in fact, at that time, it was not considered tax evasion or tax evasion. It was just a slightly different calculation method. Moreover, many systems had not been fully established at that time, and the seriousness of this matter was not clear at all. "

"Then why would he know about this?"

"Since he chose to be with me, he knows a lot of things about me. In addition, she is in control of all my past income records. However, after this incident came out, I didn't care about it at all. It’s clear that this matter was actually done by her.”

"I remember that this matter was very popular on the Internet back then, and it was said that I suffered a lot of losses because of it."

"Yes, in addition to the money I had to compensate back then, two contracts were originally approved. However, because I was a bad artist, they gave up for the time being."

"Normally, for bad artists, if we go by the policy back then, she wouldn't be allowed to film anything for at least two years."

"Yes, within two years, you can't take on anything, but now, this punishment system is even more severe. As long as you are a bad artist, it may be for life. Maybe, it can be relaxed at that time."

"In those two years, did you choose to gradually withdraw at that time?"

"Yes, I started to quit at that time, but after I quit, Da Mimi began to comfort me constantly, and even persuaded me that if it didn't work, let her come forward to film. This is the only way to at least ensure that my family is safe. You can also have a lot of regular income.”

"I didn't actually think about doing this at the time. Even though I paid a lot of money in compensation, because my reputation was already very big at that time, the money in my hand was enough for us to live peacefully for the rest of our lives. This, That’s for sure.”:
"Sister Mi must be unwilling to do this?"

"Yes, she kept persuading me, and she wanted to use some of my connections to gradually promote her. At that time, I really believed it, so I started to contact some directors for her. Some producers also tried their best to arrange some good roles for her, but they didn't expect that because of this incident, her popularity gradually began to increase."

"Have there been any changes in your heart after opening it?"

"No, because I just think that her becoming famous is inevitable. In this process, Sister Mi has indeed paid a lot. I also take this into consideration, but I have never thought about it. After I became famous, they did whatever it took to push me to the bottom of society. From then on, I couldn't get back up, and I had no way of acting."

"Has she done anything else?" "Of course, she walked around with the producers and directors. Let me tell you, I don't know if she went to bed with those people at that time. However, the rumors in society are not very good. Many people have said that she did sacrifice her body for her own fame and fortune. Therefore, I still have doubts about this matter. Attitude.”

"Sister Mi, she probably wouldn't do this. Moreover, she should have her own attitude. Furthermore, many third-rate little stars now may choose to do this. A popular star like him should do this." Less than all this.”

"Under normal circumstances, she would not do this, but if it is just to suppress me and dig out more black materials about my dark history, so that I will never recover and cannot enter the entertainment industry again, then... All of this must be sacrificed, so all of this has something to do with her."

"When did you know about this?"

"It was in the second month after our divorce that I learned about it from a director after drinking. It was mainly about what she did this time. No wonder, when we divorced, she just told me that because of some development in her career, Therefore, she could no longer stay here, so after leaving the child behind, she flew away alone."

"I was indeed in a state of pain at the time, but I more or less understood his behavior."

"For a woman to grow to this point, it is simply impossible for her to give up all this, return to her family, and then take care of her husband and children."

"Besides, it was already very, very difficult to develop my own acting career at that time, so I still supported her in all of this."

"But when you learned that all of this was set up by Sister Mi one by one, did you really feel that you couldn't understand it?"

"Yes, I hate this woman very much, so until this moment, she has no idea where I passed her. She may have just thought that because she suddenly left back then, The hatred that caused me so many years, in fact, I have given up on that kind of hatred long ago."

"It turns out that this is the case. No wonder, you complained so much about Sister Mi, and you haven't contacted her in the past few years. I thought it was because of this matter. It turns out that there is such a hidden secret in it. Lots of things.”

"As a man, if he keeps these things in his heart, I will definitely feel sorry for him. However, now it is because of other things, but this woman. She has ruined me little by little. Fortunately, I have not been completely beaten. Go on, because I know that I have to support my daughter by myself and give her a better living environment, so I started to establish Maplewood Culture, and little by little I got to where I am today."

"In that case, Sister Mi is really a very insidious and vicious person."

"Yes, so this matter is a very secret thing for you and me. Even now, she doesn't know it. So, I am telling you now because it is something that I don't want other people to know. ." (End of chapter)

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