"No, we can't wait for Yueyue to be discharged from the hospital. If Yueyue is discharged from the hospital, then Da MiMi can devote herself to work. By then, every move of the other party will most likely be monitored and recorded by her. So, we can’t do that right now.”

"Okay, then I'll contact him as soon as possible and see if we can arrange to meet him tonight? You can go visit Yueyue in the hospital now, because you may not have time to go there tonight."

"Okay, I understand, then the two of us will go our separate ways. In addition, you'd better not show up in the hospital these days. I don't know what this woman is thinking about now, but I always feel that if you show up, If so, there’s something wrong with her eyes and state.”

"That's for sure. She has now regarded me as her biggest enemy. What's more, she may not know that the two of us are really together."

"Slowly she will understand this matter naturally. Okay, let's seize the time and act separately. If anything happens, we can contact you by phone at any time."

After saying that, she said goodbye to him, and finally the two of them separated and walked to two different places.

When we arrived at the hospital, it was already 4:00 in the afternoon.

He glanced inside from my window and saw Yueyue lying on the bed and Da Mimi, talking and laughing about what kind of topic they were talking about.

This picture does look very warm.

If there were no such messy things among them, then this scene would be what he wanted to see the most.

It's just a pity that the gap, including the hatred, between him and Da Mimi has already formed, so if you want to get rid of all this, it is simply impossible.

He pushed open the door. At this time, he might have heard some noise, and then he turned around and looked over.

"Dad, you are finally here."

Yueyue was indeed very excited when she saw that it was time for Lin Feng to arrive.

Although he now puts most of his energy on Da MiMi, after all, his father has supported him for so many years, and this sense of dependence has long been formed over the years.

"Haha, how are you Yueyue? Are you in good condition today?"

"Well, I'm in very good condition today, and I don't feel any lack of strength. I feel quite comfortable everywhere. Dad, what have you been busy with today? I haven't seen you here yet?"

"Oh, dad has some other things that need to be taken care of. Yueyue, are you listening to mom here?"

"Well, I listen very much. Moreover, Sister Mi has been chatting with me about filming. Dad, I am very interested now. Moreover, I told Sister Mi that I also want to film a show."

"What? You also want to film a show? Yueyue, this can't work. You are still young now. You should focus on studying now. Besides, filming this kind of thing is actually very tiring."

"It's okay Lin Feng, I've already agreed with my child that after she is discharged from the hospital, I want to make a children's program, and let our daughter be the protagonist. There should be no problem with this. Besides, they are all children. It’s actually very relaxing for children to play and play together, and there aren’t that many troubles.”

"That's right. Sister Mi has already given me a lot of ideas. Moreover, I also have some new ideas and I told Sister Mi. She also thinks that there is no problem with these ideas of mine, so there must be no problem. Dad, just agree to it. Alright, okay?"

"Okay, if you think it's okay, then I promise you. By the way, are you staying here tonight? Or are you going back?"

Lin Feng suddenly turned around, then looked at Da Mimi and said. "Oh, I'm here tonight. I will be here these nights. Why, are you here tonight too? It doesn't matter. If the bed is crowded, two people can still sleep in it."

"I think you misunderstood. If you are here today, then there is no need for me to be here. By the way, have you talked to Yueyue's attending doctor about when Yueyue will be discharged from the hospital?"

"He came over to take a look today and said that the condition is still good, but he still needs infusion for two days. The fastest, it should be the morning of tomorrow, and he should be able to be discharged from the hospital smoothly."

"Okay, I understand, Yueyue, what do you want to eat tonight? Dad will arrange it and deliver it to you right away."

"No, I want to eat the food Sister Mi brought."

"Oh, you brought food? You mean, the ones you brought for lunch today, right?"

"Yes, I ate it all, and I ate a lot. It was really delicious. Dad, it's a pity that you didn't eat this."

"It's a bit of a pity, but it doesn't matter. Dad can eat at any time if he wants. So what do you mean, you still let your company's cafeteria do it at night?"

"Okay, no problem. I'll ask the company cafeteria to make some and then ask my secretary to deliver it. What, do you have any other ideas? Will you have dinner here tonight?"

"I have a social event in the evening, so I can't be here. Look, do you have anything else to do? If so, I'll just be here to keep an eye on you. Go and do your business in the evening. Just come back."

"Nothing matters. I have already arranged everything in the company, so I can just take it here."

"Okay, Yueyue, do you want to eat something else? In that case, daddy will buy you some."

"No, I was very full from lunch today, so I don't want to eat at all, because my mother said..."

After Yueyue finished saying this, everyone suddenly paused.

Then, Dami Mi and Lin Feng looked at Yueyue at the same time. ,

He said the word mother unintentionally.

Although he already knew that this person was his mother, he still felt some emotional distance, so in the past two days, he had been calling Da Mimi as Sister Mi.

At this moment, Da Mimi was really moved to tears.

She had heard this word in her dreams.

Over the years, she knew that she owed her daughter a lot, so he also hoped to hear her daughter call him mom in person.

However, it seems that these things have always been a luxury for him.

Therefore, he is not in a hurry now. As long as the hospital can return to him, he can slowly cultivate these relationship matters. He believes that one day he will be able to truly influence Yueyue. (End of chapter)

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