"Yueyue, what did you say to her? You, say something else?"

Damimi said excitedly.

Yueyue, on the other hand, seemed a little embarrassed.

"I just said it casually, I, I don't know, I don't know what to say, sister Mi, actually, mom."

Yueyue hesitated for a long time, and finally shouted out this word.

"Hey, Yueyue is good."

Da Mimi burst into tears all of a sudden, and then suddenly held Yueyue in his arms.

This scene is indeed a bit touching.

However, Lin Feng didn't think so.

He just feels that now that he has completely bought this daughter, if this is the case, it will probably be very difficult to take his daughter back in the future.

So Lin Feng slowly stood up from his seat, and then walked to the window.

"Dad, what's wrong with you? Are you unhappy because I recognized my mother?"

Lin Feng heard Yueyue's childish voice coming from behind.

He just adjusted his emotions, and then turned back to look at Yueyue with a smile on his face.

"Yueyue, why do you say that? She is your biological mother after all, so if you and your mother get to know each other, your father will also be very happy."

"That's great. I will have my own parents in the future. Oh, that's great, mom, mom, mom."

This word is also somewhat unfamiliar to Yueyue.

Therefore, being able to shout it out, and having someone agree to it, was something she could only dream of.

Unexpectedly, at this moment today, it has been completely successful.

Over the years, Da Mimi has never been so happy as at this moment.

The mother and daughter hugged each other tightly, which made Lin Feng feel like an outsider, as if standing here was a bit unnecessary.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside.

"come in."

Lin Feng agreed, and the people who knocked on the door at this time were usually doctors or nurses.

The door opened, and the person who came in was Liu Sisi.

Lin Feng was a little surprised at the time. He didn't seem to have told this woman about his child's hospitalization. Could it be that a news reporter had already released the news?

If this is really the case, then this hospital should be unsafe now.

"You, why are you here? How did you find this place?"

Liu Sisi did not answer Lin Feng's words, but directly bypassed Lin Feng and walked inside.

"Yueyue, look who's here to see you? Do you remember me, sister?"

Yueyue looked up excitedly, and then a bright smile appeared on her face.

"Sister Sisi, is it really you? I haven't seen you, sister, for a long time."

Yueyue stretched out her arms excitedly, and then Liu Sisi stepped forward and hugged Yueyue.

"Yueyue, my poor little one, why did you get sick even though you were fine? How are you now? Is it easy to write?"

"Well, Sister Sisi, I'm getting better now. Mom has already agreed with the doctor uncle that I can leave the hospital the day after tomorrow.", "Really? That's great, Yueyue, sister will bring you something this time." I bought a lot of good things. My sister went out to film a movie, so I have already prepared gifts for Yueyue. Yueyue, take a look and see if you like it."

As she spoke, Liu Sisi took out all the large and small bags in her hands. Basically, they contained some toys that girls liked.

"Sisi, thank you so much. You brought too many things for the child. Go over there and stop standing all the time."

Until now, Lin Feng didn't have a chance to speak, but Da Mimi greeted him here very politely.

"What? Do you think I shouldn't come?"

Liu Sisi looked back at Lin Feng and said.

Lin Feng just smiled awkwardly,

"Haha, I thought the news was leaked. It turned out to be Yueyue's mother who told you. I'm surprised. I didn't seem to have told you about Yueyue's hospitalization at all."

"Put it down, do you think I know you? Sister Mi and I are old acquaintances, aren't we Sister Mi?"

"Haha, yes, Sisi and I have known each other a few years ago when we were working on a show. I didn't expect that we would have a second chance to work together so soon. Speaking of which, it's really a bit of a fate. .”

"Cooperation? Is there any cooperation between you?"

Lin Feng asked deliberately. In fact, Lin Feng knew in his heart that he knew that Liu Sisi would cooperate with Da Mimi in the later stage.

"Yes, this time I invested in a film and television drama. It is a costume drama. The director recommended Sisi to me. It seems that this is our first time sharing a house, right?"

"Yes, it's our first cooperation. I'm also looking forward to this cooperation with Sister Mi. Okay, I'm completely relieved to see that Yueyue is fine. I have an announcement behind me. The driver is still waiting below. I won’t disturb you if you’re here,”

"Are you leaving now? That's fine, I'll see you off."

Da Mimi stood up as she spoke, and then prepared to send Liu Sisi out.

"No need, Sister Mi. You are too conspicuous when you go out and may attract onlookers. I can just leave by myself."

"Okay, there's no need to earn anything, I'll take you out."

Lin Feng said something, and Da Mimi turned back to look at him.

"That's fine, let Lin Feng see you off. When I return to the company, I will contact you as soon as possible. Then we will discuss the specific details."

"Okay, Sister Mi, stay here. Yueyue wishes you a speedy recovery. Goodbye."

After saying hello to Yueyue, Liu Sisi turned around and left, staying here for no more than 5 minutes in total.

Lin Feng followed closely and left the ward.

"Take this passage. There is no one on this side. You can go directly to the parking lot below."

Lin Feng was relatively familiar with this place, so he took Liu Sisi through another safe passage.

Not many people know about this place. Under normal circumstances, patients will definitely not pass through this place.

"Wait a moment."

When reaching the stairs, Liu Sisi suddenly called out, and Lin Feng stopped immediately.

"what happened?"

He looked at Liu Sisi curiously and asked.

Liu Sisi didn't say anything, she just approached step by step until she pushed Lin Feng into the corner before stopping.

Liu Sisi is a very sexy and bold girl. In Lin Feng's words, Liu Sisi was born with a charming face, and Liu Sisi usually dresses boldly. (End of chapter)

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