Chapter 56

Liu Sisi put down her suitcase and raised her hand to touch Yueyue's face. Her temperature was indeed a bit high. She sniffed with a sympathetic look on her face.

"Yueyue, are you feeling uncomfortable? Auntie feels so distressed!"

Yueyue pursed her lips: "Aunt Sisi, dad is sick too, he has a stomachache!"

Liu Sisi looked at Lin Feng with her beautiful eyes and asked nervously: "What's going on? Are you sick too?"

Lin Feng nodded: "Well, I probably ate the wrong thing. After having diarrhea, I vomited again. Now I feel better."

"Sisi, let me accompany Yueyue to the hospital for a checkup first. Let's talk later."

Liu Sisi said quickly: "Wait for me, I will go with you."

Lin Feng declined politely: "You have just returned home, so you should rest. I can go by myself."

"I'm not tired at all. It's inconvenient for you to take care of a child by yourself, so I just happen to drive you."

Just as Liu Sisi finished speaking, Yueyue spoke again.

"Dad, just listen to Aunt Sisi. You are also sick and need someone to take care of you. Auntie is not an outsider, are you embarrassed?"

Liu Sisi felt happy hearing these words.

She raised her lips and said softly: "Yueyue is right. I'm not an outsider. Why are you being polite to me?"

After putting down her words, Liu Sisi turned around, opened the door, threw the suitcase into the room from the outside, and then kicked the door shut.

This series of actions is not sloppy at all.

Lin Feng was shocked when he saw it.

The title of "female man" is indeed worthy of Liu Sisi.

In the live broadcast room, bullet screens were flying all over the sky.

"Is Sisi so brave? This is my first time seeing you."

"I feel that Yueyue's personality is quite similar to Liu Sisi's, and the two families live across the street. I have a bad idea. Isn't Yueyue the daughter of Liu Sisi?"

"Are you stupid upstairs? Liu Sisi has been filming these days. Do you think she has time to have children?"

"Isn't it okay to find someone to be a surrogate mother? Haha, I just made a wild guess..."

"I think Liu Sisi and Lin Feng are a good match. Sisi is not young anymore, and she and Lin Feng are still neighbors, so the two of them can't get along."

"I think so too. Sisi picked up such a lovely daughter for nothing."

"I agree with the one upstairs!"


In the live broadcast room, a group of gossip viewers were discussing in full swing. Lin Feng had already arrived downstairs with Bu Yueyue in his arms. Liu Sisi picked up the two of them in the car and drove directly to the hospital.

At Lin Feng's suggestion, they went directly to the nearest private hospital.

This private hospital is also a relatively well-known tertiary hospital in the country, and its medical level is quite high.

Ten minutes later, Liu Sisi drove to the hospital.

The registration queue was delayed for nearly half an hour, and it took another ten minutes to see Yueyue.

The doctor's answer was that Yueyue's fever was caused by indigestion.

The doctor prescribed some digestive medicine for Yueyue and asked her to go home and rest.

Lin Feng also went to see a doctor. His condition was a bit bad.

The doctor diagnosed him with acute gastroenteritis.

The doctor recommended that he stay in the hospital for a sling. The ward happened to be a double room with two beds.

Lin Feng was waiting in the ward with Yueyue in his arms, while Liu Sisi ran back and forth to go through the hospitalization procedures.

When she finished all this and returned to the ward, Lin Feng had already put on a sling bottle.

Looking at Yueyue again, the little guy fell asleep beside him, probably because of his fever.As soon as the bottle was put on, Lin Feng felt his stomach hurt more and more.

He curled up on the hospital bed, covering his stomach with his hands and groaning, and there was sweat on his forehead.

Seeing this, Liu Sisi asked nervously: "Lin Feng, are you in pain? Do you want to call a doctor?"

Lin Feng endured the torment of the disease and grinned: "No, it's not a bottle. Just bear with it and it will be fine."

Liu Sisi sighed softly: "It hurts like this, I'll hold on, I really admire you."

As she spoke, she took out a tissue from her bag and wiped the sweat from his forehead thoughtfully.

Lin Feng looked at Liu Sisi: "I can't bear to do anything. Am I still crying like you? I can't do it."

Liu Sisi put her hands on her hips and said dissatisfiedly: "You are so big-hearted. You are still joking after being like this. It seems that the pain is not severe, right?"

Despite the teasing, Liu Sisi was still quite worried about Lin Feng. She wiped the sweat from his forehead and poured him a glass of warm water.

The doctor just told him that Lin Feng was a little dehydrated and needed to drink more water to rehydrate.

Liu Sisi fed Lin Feng some water and then walked to Yueyue's bed.

She tried Yueyue's forehead with her hand and felt that her body temperature had dropped a bit.

The little guy was also sweating all over, so Liu Sisi pulled the quilt down for her.

Lin Feng looked at all this and felt a little touched.

I thought to myself, the average female man actually has such a gentle and considerate side.

Fortunately, Liu Sisi came to help. He was already like this and had no energy to take care of Yueyue, a minor patient.

Lin Feng said inexplicably: "Sisi, if you hadn't been here today, I would have been a little bit blind. Thank you!"

Liu Sisi rolled her eyes: "What are you talking about? Do I need you to thank me? You are still polite to me."

She was used to fighting with Lin Feng, but she was really not used to saying thank you.

When she came to Lin Feng's hospital bed and tucked him in, Liu Sisi said softly, "Just squint for a while. You won't feel the pain when you fall asleep."

"We just took a nap when we were at home in the afternoon, and now we can't fall asleep either."

Seeing that Lin Feng was still in pain, Liu Sisi added, "How about I chat with you for a while, which can divert your attention."

"Okay, let's talk about something I'm interested in."

Liu Sisi glanced at the camera and smiled evilly: "I'm afraid the ones you are interested in can't be broadcast, right?"

Lin Feng: "..."

He clutched his stomach tightly, feeling even more uncomfortable at the moment.

What does Liu Sisi mean by this?
Is there anything he's interested in that he can't broadcast?
If these words reach other people's ears, they will definitely have wild imaginations.

He endured the severe pain and struggled to say a sentence: "Sisi, please be more serious. What do you mean I can't broadcast what I'm interested in? You'd better explain this clearly. I don't want to be misunderstood by the audience in the live broadcast room."

Liu Sisi covered her mouth and laughed.

She was just talking casually and joking.I didn't expect Lin Feng to be so serious.

Just when he was about to reply to him, Lin Feng warned again: "Liu Sisi, you have to be responsible for what you said. Don't maliciously slander me, or be careful of getting sued."

"Haha. Why are you so impatient?"

Liu Sisi laughed even louder, her whole body trembled violently, and her chest heaved up and down.

Seeing Lin Feng's serious look, she suppressed her laughter, and instead blamed Lin Feng: "What are you thinking in your head? Are you thinking wrong or am I wrong? I thought you wanted to hear the gossip in the industry. Of course you can’t talk about this kind of thing during live broadcast.”

"Huh? Did I blame you wrongly?"

"No, Teacher Lin, there is something wrong with your thinking!"


(End of this chapter)

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