Chapter 57 Buried together?

Lin Feng was so angry with her that he subconsciously wanted to get up and take revenge on Liu Sisi, but he forgot that his stomach still hurt.Whenever he moved, it hit his stomach, causing him to whimper in pain.

"Ah, it hurts!"

Lin Feng's exaggerated look was really not an act, and the pain shot through his whole body, like needles.

Liu Sisi complained: "You are already sick, and you still want to take revenge on me? Huh! It's your own fault! Just let me slaughter you today, and you can take care of me when you get better."

Liu Sisi teased Lin Feng while wiping his sweat.

Lin Feng was angered by her again, and said angrily: "Sisi, I'm really honored to have a friend like you."

Liu Sisi said proudly: "No, meeting me is the greatest honor in your life."

"Ah, my stomach is..."

Liu Sisi was too stupid to know that Lin Feng was mocking her?
The barrage in the live broadcast room...

"What a happy couple."

"These two bastards made me laugh to death."

"There is a big gap between Liu Sisi's character and her on the screen."

"Being with Sisi, Lin Feng will lose several years of his life."


Liu Sisi didn't mean to make Lin Feng angry. She was usually very informal when talking to Lin Feng. Today, considering the live broadcast, she restrained herself a little.

But Lin Feng had a stomachache, so he had to say something interesting to divert his attention. Moreover, the audience in the live broadcast room was also watching, so it was inappropriate to be sensational.

She knows variety shows, and the audience will naturally not like to watch anything that is not enjoyable.

At this time, Liu Sisi asked again: "Tell the truth, are you honored to be my neighbor?"

"That's right." Lin Feng nodded, "Thank you for taking care of me these past few years."

Lin Feng was not speaking sarcastically, but speaking from his feelings.

Liu Sisi has indeed given him and Yueyue a lot of care in the past few years, especially Yueyue. Because Liu Sisi is a neighbor, she has also received a lot of motherly care.

Liu Sisi joked: "Why don't we continue to be neighbors after we are buried? After all, we are not used to being separated after being neighbors for so many years."

Lin Feng was shocked on the spot, and the sweat on his forehead couldn't stop flowing down.

I'm thinking that Liu Sisi's joke is a bit too big, right?

But she seemed to be joking, but looking at her sincere look, it didn't look like she was joking.

Since Yueyue was born, Lin Feng has become less courageous year by year.

He didn't dare to do anything dangerous anymore. He was very careful in everything he did. He was afraid of accidents.

When it comes to death, he is even more afraid.

He is afraid of death, he is really afraid!
He was afraid that after his death, Yueyue would be left alone, and that she would not be able to take care of herself, that she would not be able to have enough food and clothing, and that she would be bullied by bad people.

When Lin Feng was clearing his mind, Liu Sisi said again: "Isn't it possible? I mainly want you to have a daughter."

"What's wrong with having a daughter? Does this have anything to do with whether they are buried together?" Lin Feng was puzzled.

"Of course it does matter. After you die, Yueyue will definitely send you some tributes during the New Year and festivals. If I stay close to you, won't I be able to get some good food and drinks?"

Lin Feng rolled his eyes at her: "You just want to touch me, don't you? I hate myself so much that I have to have one. It's not like you can't have one!"

Liu Sisi said angrily: "Look at how stingy you are, you won't let me use the tribute!"

Lin Feng chuckled: "It's not that I'm stingy, I just want to forget it. You will definitely beat me up after saying this. You can do it if you want. It's just a tribute. It's okay to give it all to you."

Lin Feng found more than once that Liu Sisi had the same personality as Yueyue and was so unreasonable.

There was a burst of joy in the live broadcast room.

"It seems quite pitiful to have no children. When you die, you won't even have anyone to burn paper money."

"I also want to live with Lin Feng and Liu Sisi. Since it's not possible now, then let's bury them together after our death." "Sisi wants to be buried with Lin Feng, so let's just get married!"

"I agree, let's start brushing together!"


Liu Sisi glanced at Lin Feng unhappily. Why did she feel like this guy was perfunctory? What she said was true. Did Lin Feng think she was playing?
Lin Feng asked her: "Why are you looking at me like that? Am I not sincere enough?"

Liu Sisi pouted: "That's okay, I don't like carrots and green leafy vegetables, I don't want any of these things."

"Well, my Yueyue shouldn't be so stingy. She should not be like this when she pays tribute to her father and also serves vegetables. When I die, I will leave her a large inheritance and I will eat seafood and beef every meal. She shouldn’t have any objections to it.”

Liu Sisi said: "You have to explain this to Yueyue in advance. You fool her every day and say that eating more vegetables is good for your health. If she thinks you love vegetables, she will serve them when you pay tribute."

Lin Feng nodded in agreement.

"That makes sense. I have to write down my business in a notebook. Okay, I'll leave all the meat and seafood to you, and I'll eat the vegetables. Are you satisfied with this?"

"Then you can't eat it to death. If you eat too much meat, you will gain weight. I still have to maintain my figure."

"Are you still in shape?"

"Yes, even if you die, you still have to be beautiful."

"No, you are already a boneless spirit. Who cares whether you are fat or not?"

"That won't work either. I have a big frame and I still need to maintain my figure."

Lin Feng laughed like a pig, because Liu Sisi's seriousness made him laugh.

Liu Sisi patted him and reminded: "Don't laugh so loudly. Yueyue just fell asleep. What should I do if you wake her up?"

Lin Feng nodded and looked away.

Yueyue's little body was really twisted, but she changed her position and fell asleep again.

Looking back, Lin Feng continued: "If you really want to keep your figure, I will sign up for a course in cosmetic surgery some other time. After that, I will be your personal plastic surgeon and trim your bones every day. Which position do you think If you’re not satisfied, how about I cut a certain position for you?”

"Man, you are really thoughtful. Do I have to set up a table and thank you in advance?"

“That’s fine too”

The audience in the live broadcast room laughed like crazy again.

"You two were singing and drinking while talking about cross talk."

"Huh? Why didn't I find Sisi so funny before?"

"Liu Sisi can only be so unscrupulous in front of Lin Feng, right?"

"The two of them here are so nice. It would be even better if they could be together."


At this moment, a carnival suddenly flew over the live broadcast room, and the barrage read: "Let's bury the three of us together, just in time to fight the landlord."

The nickname for posting barrages is: Tang Yan.

The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned, and the screen was filled with barrage and they could not even see the picture clearly.

"Yanyan showed up in Lin Feng's live broadcast room, oh my god!"

"Welcome Queen Yanyan to Lin Feng's live broadcast room!"

"The Four Beauties of Immortal Sword, we have gathered two of them, squat down for Liu Yifei and Da Mimi."

"What a dream connection!"

"If Liu Yifei can come, I will definitely come. I'm afraid Da Mimi can't. She is now on the front line and has a very high profile."

"Has Tang Yan not been filming recently? How come she has time to watch Lin Feng's live broadcast?"

(End of this chapter)

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