This boy is very determined, and it can be seen that he is successful in his studies, and he is indeed very good in a major.

"Why don't you come? I know that other companies should have poached you, but what exactly does this company want to do? I don't know, but our Maplewood Culture has already provided you with very good things. Development platform, I don’t know if you give up like this, will you regret it at the end?”

"Sister Reba, in fact, I have always been a fan of yours, and I also like you very much. To be honest, I don't want to tell you too much now. Moreover, before, someone specifically told us that we should not There’s so much we can reveal to you.”

"It doesn't matter, you can tell me now, and I will definitely keep it confidential. In addition, this circle itself is not big. In the end, it will not take more than two days for you to sign the contract with your company. Soon, this news will be It will spread immediately, do you really think that this is a secret and can be kept forever?"

After saying this, Reba heard the other party's silence. In fact, at this time, Reba could already guess that there was something going on in his heart.

If this is really the case, then it can basically correspond to everything.

"It's okay, you can give me some inspiration, and then let me think about the rest by myself. You don't need to say anything. I will respect your intention. Likewise, I will keep it confidential for you. In addition, if you are in this company If you are not happy, don’t worry, I will open the door for you at any time. You only need to cancel the contract. Even all the compensation in the contract will be borne by our company. We only need to open the door to welcome you. That’s it.”

"Sister Reba, to be honest, I don't want to go to their company, but this person's appeal and influence are too great. If we don't do this, it is very likely that we will be banned from this circle by him. Inside, so everyone will think about the future and their own future affairs, so this is the only way to do it as a last resort."

"Okay, tell me what the situation is. Your mood, including your situation, I understand better than anyone now. You don't need to explain too much to me. I just need to know who this person is and who he is. , why does he have such great ability?"

"Actually, you should know this person better than anyone else. Moreover, he used to be your boss. Now, I can only reveal so much to you. Sister Reba, I'm really sorry, so let's leave it like this."

After leaving the last words, he hung up the phone in a hurry.

At this time, Reba was suddenly stunned. Moreover, he was his boss. This was obvious. He had already made it clear who this person was. Yes, this person was indeed Da MiMi.

Just now, either Reba or Lin Feng had actually thought of this in their minds.

Because they feel that no company has the need to compete with them so much now. In addition, these actors are just fledgling, that is, her sister. He definitely needs to cover all this, and he is also willing to suppress them.

"How is it? Is there any news?" Lin Feng suddenly stopped when he saw Reba's movements at this time. Originally, Lin Feng was standing at the window sill, and then he kept thinking hard about who this person was. .

He has already thought that it should be rice rice in all likelihood, but before the matter has a definite answer, he dare not make a conclusion casually yet. After all, these things need real evidence and are in his hands before he can to make a decision.

"It's basically the same as what I think. Moreover, I think the two of us can basically have the same idea now. Who is that person? I think you should know better than me."

"It seems that there is no problem with my guess. I had already thought of this while you were on the phone just now. Who is it? Can you have such great ability and mobilize so many people? Moreover, you can They may not have it, so this person must be Da MiMi, am I right? "

"Yes, that's exactly what Sister Mi did. In fact, I feel very strange. Where did he get the information about us actors and our quotations? How could he have these? Where is the thing? Moreover, in a short period of time, we gave him not much reaction time, so how did he do all this? So, I still don’t know at all. "

"It shouldn't be. Logically speaking, these are confidential information. Also, where did you keep this information before? Are you the only one who keeps it in the company? What about other people? They have not been exposed to it, right? "

Because Lin Feng had specifically warned Reba before, saying that this time, their plan was very strict, and they were absolutely not allowed to leak any information. However, this circle was relatively small, and sometimes they could walk a little bit. Rumors, this is also a common thing.

However, under this situation, even if we get there, people like me don't know at all who they are signing?
After all, there are so many college graduates entering the society every year that it is not clear where these people are hiding.

"I just followed your wishes. I have not disclosed any information. I am the only one who has been in contact with it. Even you, I may not let you see it. The detailed information and all the information are saved to me. On the computer, it is encrypted. I will only print it out when I use it. After printing it, the information has been locked in the safe by me, and no one can access it."

"That's really strange. How could such a big behavioral incident suddenly happen to such a good person? You are the only one who has been in contact with me. No one has been in contact with me. No, this is not right."

Lin Feng just thought about it carefully and felt that something was definitely wrong. He suddenly thought of the Rejie who suddenly came here yesterday.

Originally, there was actually nothing to say, and there was already such a big gap between them. If this problem really could arise at this moment, how should we solve it? (End of chapter)

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