"What's wrong? Did you think of something? Or did I make a mistake somewhere? So, he gave these people an opportunity."

"Actually, you did a good job, and there was no problem in any aspect. This matter has nothing to do with you, but, forget it, don't think about that. Since the news has been leaked, there is no need for us to continue. To find out how it was leaked, now we should think about what our remedial measures should be."

"No, do you already know something? Since, if you know, tell me how it was leaked? I should also pay attention to it in the future. Absolutely, such low-level mistakes cannot happen again. "

Although Reba said she was not sure who the person who leaked the secret was, the problem must be here. If she made such a big mistake when she helped him complete such a thing for the first time, then what would happen? How will we continue to do this work in the future?Therefore, there must be something unacceptable in my heart.

"Reba, let me tell you the truth. The reason why I didn't tell you is because I was worried that you wouldn't be able to accept all this. However, there must be a reason for this, and I will never completely blame it."

"Blame it on him? In other words, you have now thought about who this person is? Who is he? Also, I am not very familiar with those people in this company at all. I am only very familiar with you, nothing else. Such a relationship, I, I thought about it, you wouldn’t say that about my brother Rejie, would you?”

"It should be him. If you think carefully about the causes and consequences of these things, why would he suddenly come to the company to find you during your interview? However, after just saying a few words, he stayed with you. In the office, when I went to the office to look for him, he was indeed sitting behind your computer. Then, I didn’t know what he was doing. I asked him specifically and said he was looking for some information. However, there was no one at the time. What an idea, but let me imagine what kind of information he should have copied on it at that time."

Although Reba had been roughly prepared in her heart, she was still surprised when she heard the definite news.

Moreover, she also knew that this matter was indeed very, very important to her, and it would not be what she imagined at all.

"You mean, it's Rejie. He came here specially. The purpose is not to get close to me. Of course, it's not to explain anything to me at all? The relationship between him and Xiaoyan, all this , are all pretense, are all excuses, his real purpose is to come here to steal information, what I said should be correct, right?"

"Yes, that should be the case. Moreover, the entire behind-the-scenes planner of this matter, including the manipulator, should 100% be Damimi. Otherwise, this matter would not have been done this way."

"Haha, I really didn't expect that one day I would be betrayed by my biological brother. I really don't know what to say. The losses caused this time were indeed due to me, but now Do we have any other remedies? I’m sorry, I’m really sorry.”

"Reba, actually, I was thinking about this just now. I thought that if I tell you this matter, it is very likely that you will not be able to accept it. However, the fact is the fact. In addition, the relationship between you will not be able to accept it." This situation is also because of me, not because of you. All of this is supported by Da Mimi. Therefore, the final person responsible should be him, not Rejie. Rejie is just deceived by Da Mimi. My eyes have been blinded, and she has been taking advantage of her." "It's too late to say all this. Now I suddenly feel that Rejie is really evil and will not work tomorrow night. Moreover, I feel, I'm in a bit of pain right now."

"No, you must not think like this now. Once you have this kind of mentality, it will be very troublesome to do many things later. So, remember, you must not think like this. You should think about it carefully. Thinking about other things, there is another point, that is, Rejie was accused of doing this by others, and he was just a pawn used by others. It is not clear at all what happened."

"Okay, let's not talk about this now. I will ask him carefully about this matter."

"No, you don't have to ask him. Moreover, if you ask him, it will make no sense at all. It will only create a greater gap between you. So, don't ask him about this matter. Just pretend it never happened, and let me think about what our next remedial measures should be."

"How else can we make up for it? Now, basically most of the actors have been recruited by her. Moreover, our TV series and movies are about to start shooting. However, now it has reached the point where no one is available. Originally, We wanted to expand our business, but we didn’t expect that our business would also shrink all of a sudden. I really don’t know how to face this situation.”

"It's nothing. Doing things will not be as simple as we imagine. Moreover, many things are not easily controllable by ourselves. We must proceed step by step. This is what I am saying. I had a lot of plans before, but now is probably not the best time.”

"We should still have some actors on hand. If we want to maintain it, it shouldn't be a big problem. However, if we want to make the movie and the TV series at the same time, I'm afraid our cast will not be able to meet all this. .”

"If he can poach these actors and actresses, then I will find a way to continue poaching from his company. If she wants to do this, then I can only fight with her at all costs."

"What do you mean? Lin Feng, I don't quite understand. Those actors have fixed contracts under their banner. How can you dig these people out at this time? If you dig them out in this way, it is very likely that they will violate the contract. The original intention will also have certain legal effects. Will you bear the huge compensation when the time comes?"

"Yes, I will bear the responsibility. I will give a higher price than them. Even if it is higher than the price of a first-line actor in the market, then I can help them bear all the compensation amount. This is what I must do. Moreover, Maplewood Culture has been here for so many years. To be honest, there should be no problem with this amount of funds. However, I cannot swallow this breath. Of course, if I swallow it, I will only suffer the loss. So, I can't do this." (End of chapter)

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